- Updated icons on System Admin page
- Fixed bug where `blocking=true` on Request API returned `IN PROGRESS` status for requests sourced from downstream gardens. Delay added to
allow Beer Garden to process the event.
- Request API utilizes Futures for `blocking=true`, returning back the completed request from the Event, instead of querying the database
- Fixed bug where pruned In-Progress Requests that were scheduled never completed in scheduler, so max concurrency would be reached.
- Expanded counters for Scheduled Jobs to include Requests skipped and canceled.
- The Garden table needs to be dropped from the database to support new model changes
use beer_garden
- Garden records store child Gardens
- Child Gardens are now configured through a config file. Default location is `./children`
- Garden Admin page overhauled
- Scheduled checks to ensure that all child gardens are publishing
- Child Gardens receiving/publishing connections can be started and stopped from the Admin Garden page. This only starts/stops the accepting
or publishing from the Parent, not disable a remote API.
- UI now iterates over local Garden children to determine list of Systems
- If Garden is disabled or not configured, it's and it's child garden Systems will not be visible on the UI
- If a child garden is not reporting a Recieving connection, but can be tasked, upgrade the child. Older 3.X releases do not report sourcing and
this is utilized to determine the Receiving connections.