- General
- Fixed the logic which fetches the additional data fields (`comments` and `lyrics`). It
used to cause unwanted behavior _since it wrote the files when `write: yes`_ was
enabled in the beets config. Now, it's activated through the `import_task_apply` hook
and _adjusts the metadata_ (beets db) without ever touching the files directly.
- Unexpected errors are now printed instead of causing `beets` to quit immediately.
- `track.track_alt`: handle `A1 - Title` and `A1 - Artist - Title` when alt index is not
followed by a full stop.
- `track.title`:
- Handle cases like **Artist -Title** / **Artist- Title** when there is no space between
the dash and the title or artist
- Fixed _digital only_ cleaner which would previously remove the string **Only** when
it's found on its own
- Accept [**¯\\_(ツ)_/¯**]( as valid title
- Clean up **( Remix )** -> **(Remix)**
- `country`: **Washington, D.C.** and **South Korea** have not been parsed correctly and
thus releases have been defaulting to **XW**. This is now fixed.
- `catalognum`:
- Treat **VA[0-9]+**, **vinyl [0-9]+**, **triple [0-9]+**, **ep 12** as invalid (case
- Handle single digits (like **ROAD4**) as valid (until now we required at least two)
- Handle catalognums in parentheses, like **(ISM001)**
- Handle a period or a dash in the non-digit part, like **OBS.CUR 12**, **O-TON 113**
- Allow a single capital letter after the digits, like **IBM001V**
- Allow the catalognum to start with a non-capital letter, like **fa010**
- `album` and `track.title`: little clean up: replace multiple consecutive spaces with a
single one and remove all double quotes
- `album`:
- Only remove label from the album name if `albumtype` is not a compilation
- Remove **(FREE)**, **(FREE DL)**, **VA**, **_(Incl._ some artists _remixes)_** and alike
- Improved the way **Various Artists** are cleaned up when catalognum is available
- `albumartist`:
- If **various** is specified as the albumartist, make it **Various Artists**
- When the label have set their name as the albumartist in every field, and if the
actual albumartist could be inferred from the album name, use the inferred name.
- If _all_ release tracks have the same artist, assume they are the albumartist
- `albumtype`: treat 4-track release as a valid candidate for a compilation / VA albumtype