Features - Add new `python_venv` language which uses the `venv` module instead of `virtualenv` - 631 issue by dongyuzheng. - 739 PR by ojii. - Include `LICENSE` in distribution - 745 issue by nicoddemus. - 746 PR by nicoddemus.
Fixes - Normalize relative paths for `pre-commit try-repo` - 750 PR by asottile.
Fixes - Fix cloning relative paths (regression in 1.7.0) - 728 issue by jdswensen. - 729 PR by asottile.
Fixes - Fix integration with go 1.10 and `pkg` directory - 725 PR by asottile - Restore support for `git<1.8.5` (inadvertently removed in 1.7.0) - 723 issue by JohnLyman. - 724 PR by asottile.
Features - Add a `manual` stage for cli-only interaction - 719 issue by hectorv. - 720 PR by asottile. - Add a `--multiline` option to `pygrep` hooks - 716 PR by tdeo.
Features - pre-commit config validation was split to a separate `cfgv` library - 700 PR by asottile. - Allow `--repo` to be specified multiple times to autoupdate - 658 issue by KevinHock. - 713 PR by asottile. - Enable `rev` as a preferred alternative to `sha` in `.pre-commit-config.yaml` - 106 issue by asottile. - 715 PR by asottile. - Use `--clean-src` option when invoking `nodeenv` to save ~70MB per node env - 717 PR by asottile. - Refuse to install with `core.hooksPath` set - pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks250 issue by revolter. - 663 issue by asottile. - 718 PR by asottile.
Fixes - hooks with `additional_dependencies` now get isolated environments - 590 issue by coldnight. - 711 PR by asottile.
Misc. - test against swift 4.x - 709 by theresama.
- Run `pre-commit migrate-config` to convert `sha` to `rev` in the `.pre-commit-config.yaml` file.
Features - Hooks now may have a `verbose` option to produce output even without failure - 689 issue by bagerard. - 695 PR by bagerard. - Installed hook no longer requires `bash` - 699 PR by asottile.
Fixes - legacy pre-push / commit-msg hooks are now invoked as if `git` called them - 693 issue by samskiter. - 694 PR by asottile. - 699 PR by asottile.