This release contains only one new feature compared to BenchExec 2.7:
- Tables produced by `table-generator` now show the expected verdict of each task,
if it is known and it is not the same for all rows.
However, there are several deprecated features removed
and other backwards-incompatible changes
to make BenchExec more consistent and user-friendly:
- Support for Python 2.7 and 3.4 is removed,
the minimal Python version is now 3.5 for all components of BenchExec.
We plan to remove support for Python 3.5
after Ubuntu 16.04 goes out of support in 2021.
- If a tool-info module returns `UNKNOWN` for a run result,
BenchExec will no longer overwrite that if it thinks the tool terminated
abnormally. It will continue to do so if `ERROR` is returned.
- Result values named `cpuenergy-pkg[0-9]+` are renamed to `cpuenergy-pkg[0-9]+-package`
because these are not a sum of all the other CPU-energy measurements.
- Names of result files produced by `benchexec` now contain timestamps
with seconds in order to avoid problems when starting `benchexec`
in quick succession.
- Support for generating the old-style static HTML tables
(with `table-generator --static-table`) is removed.
Only the modern tables that are available since BenchExec 2.3
and CSV tables can be generated.
- More metadata are stored in result files of `benchexec`,
so `table-generator` no longer needs access to the task-definition files,
and changes to the expected verdict that are made after benchmarking
will not be reflected in tables.
- The Python library Tempita is no longer a dependency of BenchExec.
- We do not create and distribute `.egg` packages for BenchExec releases anymore,
only the more modern `.whl` packages,
as well as Debian/Ubuntu packages and Tar archives.
Furthermore, BenchExec no longer contains hard-coded knowledge about any specific property,
all properties are treated in the same way.
(The only exception is that score computation is enabled for SV-COMP properties.)
This simplification implies several more changes:
- For checking expected verdicts and computing scores it is now required that
task-definition files are used.
Expected verdicts encoded in the task name are no longer supported.
- Tool-info modules need to return results `true` or `false`,
the results `sat` and `unsat` are no longer supported
(these were allowed only for the property `SATISFIABLE`).
- There is no special handling for composite properties like SV-COMP's property
for memory safety anymore. Previously this property would be represented as
a collection of its subproperties, now it is treated as one property.
Task-definition files can still contain a violated subproperty,
and `benchexec` will continue to use this information for checking the tool result,
but this does not depend on which property is used.
- Score computation is fixed for tables where property files have uncommon names.
The name of property files is now no longer relevant (as it should have been).
Because of this, `table-generator` needs to have access to
the property files that were used during benchmarking.