Major changes includes:
+ dependencies to rpy2 and R libraries
+ Rwrappers functions :
+ dsb_normalize
+ deviance for HVG selection
+ maxLikGlobalDimEst for data dimensionnality
+ valOutlier (Estimates and returns the thresholds to use for gene/cell filtering)
+ scTransform
+ auto-annot comparison reports is now generic and include a riverplot
+ R called into the notebooks + installation procedures
Bug / warning fixed:
+ if bbknn batch call contains only one category, waring is set up 112
+ exporting of a unique labelling is possible 105
Additional improvements:
+ default datasets is now Kotliarov for the different notebooks.
+ Small function to convert undirected signatures dictionary to signed one to use combined_signature_score as a routine;
+ Updating URLs for Granja datasets (new Zenodo upload).
+ some code refactoring in particular in export functions.