- New Features
- Operation advice for product, include current inventory level, average profit per week/month etc and advice on next operation to optimize profit.
- Help Icon(tooltip) for fields (via field description)
- Add a link from base object in the list page to it's detail page
- Add current product inventory report
- Add support for the import of CSV generated by existing system.
- Bug Fixes
- Received qty is not correct in UI
- Can not create receiving line automatically from purchase order
- Can not change receiving status to RECEIVING_COMPLETE
- Can not login to the admin panel after upgrading flask-login
- Error when saving shipping document
- Unable to open edit sales order page
- Fix the dynamic query filter is not working on inline model form for purchase order line
- Option list of inventory transaction type is null when creating transaction type
- Enhancements
- Change different date format to a better human readable one
- Purchase order ehancements (https://betterlife.atlassian.net/browse/BE-132)
- Set default purchase order status to draft upon creation
- Add list page edit for all remarks, and other necessary info
- Add link from related object display to edit page of the object link.
- Collapse and expand the inline admin form.
- Default all values in UI to current time when creating models
- Make product code auto generated
- Hide inventory fields in create product form
- Hide hybrid fields in create sales order form for inline order line fields.
- Optimize the code structure
- Being able to set whether to calculate advice for a product