
Latest version: v0.1.0

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Changed bigO.bigO() to bigO()

Added isSorted decorator

bug fixed

Added more sorting algorithms

Added pytest-jest

Added quickSortHoare (Hoare + Insertion + Tail recursive, which is faster than built-in quickSort in this module)

Now, we can set epoch to test and get average result, (runtime() uses 1 as default, compare() uses 3 as default)

Added compare(function1, function2, case, arrSize): It will compare two functions on given case)

Added built-in goSort

Added QuickSort using tail recursive + insertion sort + heap sort + hoare + median of three killer

Added runtime method: runtime(mySort, "random", 5000), it will run random array of len of 5000, with mySort

and it simply shows execution time and sorted array

Added built-in algorithms

Added custom array option in runtime()

Added generate random string+digit array in test and runtime method

(test_all doesn't include string array)


Added test_all(func) method

Added print result(prtResult) parameter true as default in test method
(if you set false, it won't print result by itself)

Cleaning up some codes

Using timeit timer rather than time.time()

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