* Support for secure TLS/SSL communication between MongoDB and {BigchainDB, MongoDB Backup Agent, MongoDB Monitoring Agent}. Pull Requests
[1551]( and
* Text search support (only if using MongoDB). Pull Requests [1469]( and [1471](
* The `database.connection_timeout` configuration setting now works with RethinkDB too. [1512](
* New code and tools for benchmarking CREATE transactions. [Pull Request 1511](
* There's an upgrade guide in `docs/upgrade-guides/v0.10-->`. It only covers changes to the transaction model and HTTP API. If that file hasn't been merged yet, see [Pull Request 1547](
* Cryptographic signatures now sign the whole (serialized) transaction body, including the transaction ID, but with all `"fulfillment"` values changed to `None`. [Pull Request 1225](
* In transactions, the value of `"amount"` must be a string. (Before, it was supposed to be a number.) [Pull Request 1286](
* In ``, the "Development Status" (as reported on PyPI) was changed from Alpha to Beta. [Pull Request 1437](
* If you explicitly specify a config file, e.g. `bigchaindb -c path/to/config start` and that file can't be found, then BigchainDB Server will fail with a helpful error message. [Pull Request 1486](
* Reduced the response time on the HTTP API endpoint to get all the unspent outputs associated with a given public key (a.k.a. "fast unspents"). [Pull Request 1411](
* Internally, the value of an asset's `"data"` is now stored in a separate assets table. This enabled the new text search. Each asset data is stored along with the associated CREATE transaction ID (asset ID). That data gets written when the containing block gets written to the bigchain table. [Pull Request 1460](
* Schema validation was sped up by switching to `rapidjson-schema`. [Pull Request 1494](
* If a node comes back from being down for a while, it will resume voting on blocks in the order determined by the MongoDB oplog, in the case of MongoDB. (In the case of RethinkDB, blocks missed in the changefeed will not be voted on.) [Pull Request 1389](
* Parallelized transaction schema validation in the vote pipeline. [Pull Request 1492](
* `` or `` are now *required* in a CREATE or TRANSFER transaction, respectively. [Pull Request 1518](
* The HTTP response body, in the response to the `GET /` and the `GET /api/v1` endpoints, was changed substantially. [Pull Request 1529](
* Changed the HTTP `GET /api/v1/transactions/{transaction_id}` endpoint. It now only returns the transaction if it's in a valid block. It also returns a new header with a relative link to a status monitor. [Pull Request 1543](
* All instances of `txid` and `tx_id` were replaced with `transaction_id`, in the transaction model and the HTTP API. [Pull Request 1532](
* The hostname and port were removed from all URLs in all HTTP API responses. [Pull Request 1538](
* Relative links were replaced with JSON objects in HTTP API responses. [Pull Request 1541](
* In the outputs endpoint of the HTTP API, the query parameter `unspent` was changed to `spent` (so no more double negatives). If that query parameter isn't included, then all outputs matching the specificed public key will be returned. If `spent=true`, then only the spent outputs will be returned. If `spent=false`, then only the unspent outputs will be returned. [Pull Request 1545](
* The supported crypto-conditions changed from version 01 of the crypto-conditions spec to version 02. [Pull Request 1562](
* The value of "version" inside a transaction must now be "1.0". (Before, it could be "0.anything".) [Pull Request 1574](
* The `server.threads` configuration setting (for the Gunicorn HTTP server) was removed from the default set of BigchainDB configuration settings. [Pull Request 1488](
* The `GET /api/v1/outputs` endpoint was failing for some transactions with threshold conditions. Fixed in [Pull Request 1450](
External Contributors
* elopio - Pull Requests [1415]( and [1491](
* CsterKuroi - [Pull Request 1447](
* tdsgit - [Pull Request 1512](
* lavinasachdev3 - [Pull Request 1357](
* We dropped support for Python 3.4. [Pull Request 1564](
* There were many improvements to our Kubernetes-based production deployment template (and the associated documentaiton).
* There is now a [BigchainDB Ruby driver](, created by addywaddy at [](
* The [BigchainDB JavaScript driver]( was moved to a different GitHub repo and is now officially maintained by the BigchainDB team.
* We continue to recommend using MongoDB.