
Latest version: v1.9.0

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**23 April 2012**
* large refactor of{browse,www} into billy.web.{admin,public}
* require new scrapelib >= 0.7
* overhaul of event support, greatly improved schema
* scrape: improved vote validation
* API: expose internal id on all objects, including bills
* API: new method for direct lookup of bills by id
* API: added created_at sort to bills
* add support for text extraction from bills


**2 April 2012**
* lots of improvements to billy admin
* general style overhaul
* duplicate_versions view
* API:
* removal of XML
* removal of RSS emitter and broken stats endpoint
* billy-update command line radically changed
* defaults to actually doing work
* -vvv dropped
* --strict dropped, --nostrict now exists
* simplification of how --session/--term work
* drop billy-util districtcsv in favor of an admin view
* previously internal bill ids are now 8 digits
* addition of billy-update --oyster argument, adds tracking of versions
* duplicate_versions is now just that, not versions+documents
* bugfix: stop silently swallowing errors in subject csvs


**27 February 2012**
* add alternate_bill_ids and related functionality (needed for TN)
* updated oysterize command to work with oyster >= 0.3
* added initial work on class-based models
* added new beginning of web frontend
* added run logging work
* bugfix: billy-util broken by jenkins command
* bugfix: random_bill restricted session


**21 February 2012**
* added doc_ids on versions and documents
* API: add boundary_id to legislator responses (experimental)
* browse: MOM legislator merge tool
* browse: improved browse templates & random_bill
* scrapers: --cache_dir argument added
* scrapers: _partial_vote_bill_id flag added for Rhode Island
* bugfix: boundary API method returning first polygon
* bugfix: dotted keys in reports
* bugfix: billy-util retire
* bugfix: unicode error in loadlegislators


**20 January 2012**
* lots of fixes and improvements to browse
* new /bills/ view
* row highlighting
* unmatched_leg_ids page
* other_actions page
* json views
* random_bill/?bad_vote_counts
* new and fixed utils
* districtcsv for generating district CSV stubs
* prunecommittees for removing old committees
* load_legislators fixed
* improve session handling
* session_list in metadata file
* missing sessions trigger an error
* new capitol_maps feature in metadata
* latest_only can be a flag on scrapers that only work for latest term
* addition of optional mimetype on documents & versions
* promote legislator's url to a non + field
* replace all csv usage with unicodecsv
* API: block requests for over 5000 bills at once


**30 November 2011**
* force tests to use a test database
* --mongo_host, --mongo_db, --mongo_port command line options
* sneaky_update_filter option added, can ignore minor updates
* API bugfix when chamber isn't specified on bill lookup
* change importers to use logger instead of unbuffered print statements
* billy-update
* billy-scrape deprecated and replaced with billy-update
* billy-import, billy-bill-scrape, billy-import-districts replaced
* billy-util
* takes place of all utility scripts that didn't get merged into billy-update
* reporting
* removed billy-generate-stats and replaced with robust reporting
* updated browse interface to use reports
* browse interface also got a partial facelift (more to come)

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