- Patch: update-swagger-codegen
- Patch:: test
- Patch: add semantic-release
All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
[**accept_user_invitation**](CollaborationApi.mdaccept_user_invitation) | **POST** /user/invitations/{id}/accept | Accept an invitation
[**accept_validation**](CollaborationApi.mdaccept_validation) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id}/accept | Accept a validation
[**add_document_tag**](CollaborationApi.mdadd_document_tag) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/tag | Add a tag to a document
[**add_group_member**](CollaborationApi.mdadd_group_member) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{group_pk}/member | Add a user to a group
[**cancel_cloud_user_invitation**](CollaborationApi.mdcancel_cloud_user_invitation) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/invitation/{id} | Cancel a pending invitation
[**cancel_project_user_invitation**](CollaborationApi.mdcancel_project_user_invitation) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/invitation/{id} | Cancel a pending invitation
[**check_access**](CollaborationApi.mdcheck_access) | **GET** /cloud/{id}/check-access | Check app access from cloud
[**check_project_access**](CollaborationApi.mdcheck_project_access) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/check-access | Check if the current token has access to the requested project
[**close_visa**](CollaborationApi.mdclose_visa) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id}/close | Close a visa of a document
[**create_classification**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_classification) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification | Create a classification
[**create_cloud**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_cloud) | **POST** /cloud | Create a cloud
[**create_demo**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_demo) | **POST** /cloud/{id}/create-demo | Create a Demo project in a cloud
[**create_dms_tree**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_dms_tree) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/dms-tree | Create a complete DMS tree
[**create_document**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_document) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document | Create a document
[**create_folder**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_folder) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder | Create a folder
[**create_manage_group**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_manage_group) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group | Create a group
[**create_project**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_project) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project | Create a project
[**create_project_access_token**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_project_access_token) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/access-token | Create a token for this project
[**create_tag**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_tag) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag | Create a tag
[**create_validation**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_validation) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation | Add a validation to a visa
[**create_visa**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_visa) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa | Create a visa
[**create_visa_comment**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_visa_comment) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment | Add a comment
[**delete_all_document_history**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_all_document_history) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/history/delete | Delete all document history
[**delete_classification**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_classification) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification/{id} | Delete a classification
[**delete_cloud**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_cloud) | **DELETE** /cloud/{id} | Delete a cloud
[**delete_cloud_user**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_cloud_user) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user/{id} | Remove a user from a cloud
[**delete_document**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_document) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id} | Delete the document
[**delete_document_tag**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_document_tag) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/tag/{id} | Delete a tag from a document
[**delete_folder**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_folder) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{id} | Delete a folder
[**delete_group_member**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_group_member) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{group_pk}/member/{id} | Delete a user from a group
[**delete_manage_group**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_manage_group) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{id} | Delete a group
[**delete_project**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_project) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Delete a project
[**delete_project_access_token**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_project_access_token) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/access-token/{token} | Delete a token
[**delete_project_user**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_project_user) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/user/{id} | Remove a user from a project
[**delete_tag**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_tag) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag/{id} | Delete the tag
[**delete_validation**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_validation) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id} | Remove a validation
[**delete_visa**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_visa) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id} | Remove a visa
[**delete_visa_comment**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_visa_comment) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment/{id} | Remove a comment
[**deny_user_invitation**](CollaborationApi.mddeny_user_invitation) | **POST** /user/invitations/{id}/deny | Deny an invitation
[**deny_validation**](CollaborationApi.mddeny_validation) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id}/deny | Deny a validation
[**get_classification**](CollaborationApi.mdget_classification) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification/{id} | Retrieve a classification
[**get_classifications**](CollaborationApi.mdget_classifications) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification | Retrieve all classifications
[**get_cloud**](CollaborationApi.mdget_cloud) | **GET** /cloud/{id} | Retrieve one cloud
[**get_cloud_invitations**](CollaborationApi.mdget_cloud_invitations) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/invitation | Retrieve all pending invitations in the cloud
[**get_cloud_size**](CollaborationApi.mdget_cloud_size) | **GET** /cloud/{id}/size | Get size of the cloud
[**get_cloud_user**](CollaborationApi.mdget_cloud_user) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user/{id} | Retrieve a user in a cloud
[**get_cloud_users**](CollaborationApi.mdget_cloud_users) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user | Retrieve all users in a cloud, or a list with a filter by email
[**get_clouds**](CollaborationApi.mdget_clouds) | **GET** /cloud | Retrieve all clouds
[**get_document**](CollaborationApi.mdget_document) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id} | Retrieve a document
[**get_document_histories**](CollaborationApi.mdget_document_histories) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/history | Retrieve all document histories
[**get_documents**](CollaborationApi.mdget_documents) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document | Retrieve all documents
[**get_folder**](CollaborationApi.mdget_folder) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{id} | Retrieve a folder
[**get_folder_documents**](CollaborationApi.mdget_folder_documents) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{folder_pk}/document | Get all documents of a folder
[**get_folder_project_users**](CollaborationApi.mdget_folder_project_users) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{folder_pk}/user | Retrieve all users in a project with the permission on the folder
[**get_folders**](CollaborationApi.mdget_folders) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder | Retrieve all folders
[**get_group**](CollaborationApi.mdget_group) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/me/group/{id} | Retrieve a group
[**get_groups**](CollaborationApi.mdget_groups) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/me/group | Retrieve all groups
[**get_logs**](CollaborationApi.mdget_logs) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/logs | Retrieve all logs of the project
[**get_manage_group**](CollaborationApi.mdget_manage_group) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{id} | Retrieve a group
[**get_manage_groups**](CollaborationApi.mdget_manage_groups) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group | Retrieve all groups
[**get_project**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Retrieve a project
[**get_project_access_token**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_access_token) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/access-token/{token} | Retrieve one token created for this project
[**get_project_access_tokens**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_access_tokens) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/access-token | Retrieve all tokens created for this project
[**get_project_creator_visas**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_creator_visas) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/me/visa/creator | List visas created by user
[**get_project_dms_tree**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_dms_tree) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/dms-tree | Retrieve the complete DMS tree
[**get_project_folder_tree**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_folder_tree) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/folder-tree | Retrieve folder tree of the project
[**get_project_invitations**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_invitations) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/invitation | Retrieve all pending invitations in the project
[**get_project_size**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_size) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/size | Get size of all model files in the project
[**get_project_tree**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_tree) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/tree | Retrieve the complete DMS tree
[**get_project_users**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_users) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/user | Retrieve all users in a project, or a list with a filter by email
[**get_project_validator_visas**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_validator_visas) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/me/visa/validator | List visas where user is a validator
[**get_projects**](CollaborationApi.mdget_projects) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project | Retrieve all projects
[**get_self_projects**](CollaborationApi.mdget_self_projects) | **GET** /user/projects | List current user&39;s projects
[**get_self_user**](CollaborationApi.mdget_self_user) | **GET** /user | Get info about the current user
[**get_tag**](CollaborationApi.mdget_tag) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag/{id} | Retrieve a tag
[**get_tags**](CollaborationApi.mdget_tags) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag | Retrieve all tags
[**get_user_invitation**](CollaborationApi.mdget_user_invitation) | **GET** /user/invitations/{id} | Retrieve an invitation
[**get_user_invitations**](CollaborationApi.mdget_user_invitations) | **GET** /user/invitations | List user&39;s invitations
[**get_validation**](CollaborationApi.mdget_validation) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id} | Retrieve a validation to a visa
[**get_validations**](CollaborationApi.mdget_validations) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation | List all validations to a visa
[**get_visa**](CollaborationApi.mdget_visa) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id} | Retrieve a visa of a document
[**get_visa_comment**](CollaborationApi.mdget_visa_comment) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment/{id} | Retrieve a comment
[**get_visa_comments**](CollaborationApi.mdget_visa_comments) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment | List all comment of a visa
[**get_visas**](CollaborationApi.mdget_visas) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa | List all visas of a document
[**import_from_project**](CollaborationApi.mdimport_from_project) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/import_from | Import data from a project
[**import_manage_group**](CollaborationApi.mdimport_manage_group) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/import | Import a group from another project
[**invite_cloud_user**](CollaborationApi.mdinvite_cloud_user) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/invitation | Invite a cloud member
[**invite_project_user**](CollaborationApi.mdinvite_project_user) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/invitation | Invite a project member
[**leave_project**](CollaborationApi.mdleave_project) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/leave | Leave the project
[**leave_version_document_history**](CollaborationApi.mdleave_version_document_history) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/history/{id}/leave | Leave the history version
[**make_head_version_document_history**](CollaborationApi.mdmake_head_version_document_history) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/history/{id}/head-version | Make the head of the version
[**pause_visa**](CollaborationApi.mdpause_visa) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id}/pause | Pause a visa of a document
[**reset_validation**](CollaborationApi.mdreset_validation) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id}/reset | Reset a validation
[**resume_visa**](CollaborationApi.mdresume_visa) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id}/resume | Resume a visa of a document
[**update_classification**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_classification) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification/{id} | Update some fields of a classification
[**update_cloud**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_cloud) | **PATCH** /cloud/{id} | Update some fields of a cloud
[**update_cloud_user**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_cloud_user) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user/{id} | Change the user role in the cloud
[**update_document**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_document) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id} | Update some fields of the document
[**update_folder**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_folder) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{id} | Update some fields of a folder
[**update_group_folder**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_group_folder) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{folder_pk}/group/{id} | Update the permission of a group on a folder. When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated.
[**update_manage_group**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_manage_group) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{id} | Update some fields of a group
[**update_preview_file**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_preview_file) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id}/preview-file | Update preview of the document
[**update_project**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_project) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Update some fields of a project
[**update_project_user**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_project_user) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/user/{id} | Change the user role in the cloud
[**update_tag**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_tag) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag/{id} | Update some fields of the tag
[**update_validation**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_validation) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id} | Update the validator of validation
[**update_visa**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_visa) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id} | Update some fields of a visa
[**update_visa_comment**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_visa_comment) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment/{id} | Update some fields of a comment
> accept_user_invitation(id)
Accept an invitation
The user is added to the cloud and projet. Required scopes: user:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this invitation.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Accept an invitation
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->accept_user_invitation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this invitation. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaAttachment accept_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Accept a validation
Accept a validation Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_attachment import VisaAttachment
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa validation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
attachment = open('/path/to/file', 'rb') file_type, none_type | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Accept a validation
api_response = api_instance.accept_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->accept_validation: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Accept a validation
api_response = api_instance.accept_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk, attachment=attachment)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->accept_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa validation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**attachment** | **file_type, none_type**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Document add_document_tag(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, tag_id_request)
Add a tag to a document
Add a tag to a document Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.tag_id_request import TagIdRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int |
tag_id_request = TagIdRequest(
) TagIdRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Add a tag to a document
api_response = api_instance.add_document_tag(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, tag_id_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->add_document_tag: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
**tag_id_request** | [**TagIdRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> UserProject add_group_member(cloud_pk, group_pk, project_pk, user_project_id_request)
Add a user to a group
Add a userproject to a group. Must be an admin of the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user_project import UserProject
from bimdata_api_client.model.user_project_id_request import UserProjectIdRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
group_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
project_pk = 1 int |
user_project_id_request = UserProjectIdRequest(
) UserProjectIdRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Add a user to a group
api_response = api_instance.add_group_member(cloud_pk, group_pk, project_pk, user_project_id_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->add_group_member: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**group_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
**user_project_id_request** | [**UserProjectIdRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> cancel_cloud_user_invitation(cloud_pk, id)
Cancel a pending invitation
Cancel a pending invitation Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this invitation.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Cancel a pending invitation
api_instance.cancel_cloud_user_invitation(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->cancel_cloud_user_invitation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this invitation. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> cancel_project_user_invitation(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Cancel a pending invitation
Cancel a pending invitation Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this invitation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Cancel a pending invitation
api_instance.cancel_project_user_invitation(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->cancel_project_user_invitation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this invitation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> check_access(id)
Check app access from cloud
Return code 200 if the cloud has access to the marketplace app
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Check app access from cloud
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->check_access: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | No response body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> CheckProjectAccess check_project_access(cloud_pk, id)
Check if the current token has access to the requested project
The response gives you details about the right of the user or app, the scopes of the token and the usable scopes (scopes filtered by the right of the user). It works with user tokens, app tokens and ProjectAccessToken
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.check_project_access import CheckProjectAccess
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Check if the current token has access to the requested project
api_response = api_instance.check_project_access(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->check_project_access: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> close_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Close a visa of a document
Close a visa of a document Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Close a visa of a document
api_instance.close_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->close_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Classification] create_classification(cloud_pk, project_pk, classification_request)
Create a classification
Bulk create available. You can either post an object or a list of objects. Is you post a list, the response will be a list (in the same order) of created objects or of errors if any If at least one create succeeded, the status code will be 201. If every create failed, the status code we'll be 400 with the list of errors If created classification already exists, it will not be duplicated and the previous one will be returned. You also can add a 'classification' filter on this endpoint. By ex: /classification?name='untec'. The name is case sensitive Required scopes: ifc:write, model:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.classification import Classification
from bimdata_api_client.model.classification_request import ClassificationRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
classification_request = [
] [ClassificationRequest] |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a classification
api_response = api_instance.create_classification(cloud_pk, project_pk, classification_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_classification: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**classification_request** | [**[ClassificationRequest]**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | All creates failed: list of errors | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Cloud create_cloud(cloud_request)
Create a cloud
Create a cloud Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.cloud_request import CloudRequest
from import Cloud
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_request = CloudRequest(
image=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) CloudRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a cloud
api_response = api_instance.create_cloud(cloud_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_cloud: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_request** | [**CloudRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**402** | You can&39;t create more than 1 free cloud | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Project create_demo(id)
Create a Demo project in a cloud
Create a project name 'Demo' with an already processed model in it Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a Demo project in a cloud
api_response = api_instance.create_demo(id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_demo: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Folder create_dms_tree(cloud_pk, id, write_folder_request)
Create a complete DMS tree
Create a DMS structure of folder Format request : [{ \"name\": :name: \"parent_id\": :parent_id: optionnal \"default_permission\": :default_permission: optionnal \"children\": [{ optionnal \"name\": :name:, \"children\": [] }] }], Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder import Folder
from bimdata_api_client.model.write_folder_request import WriteFolderRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
write_folder_request = [
] [WriteFolderRequest] |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a complete DMS tree
api_response = api_instance.create_dms_tree(cloud_pk, id, write_folder_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_dms_tree: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**write_folder_request** | [**[WriteFolderRequest]**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Document create_document(cloud_pk, project_pk, name, file)
Create a document
Create a document. If the document is one of {'DXF', 'GLTF', 'POINT_CLOUD', 'OBJ', 'DWG', 'IFC'}, a model will be created and attached to this document Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
name = "name_example" str | Shown name of the file
file = open('/path/to/file', 'rb') file_type |
parent_id = 1 int, none_type | (optional)
file_name = "file_name_example" str | Full name of the file (optional)
description = "description_example" str, none_type | Description of the file (optional)
model_source = "UPLOAD" str | Define the model.source field if the upload is a Model (IFC, PDF, DWG...) * `UPLOAD` - UPLOAD * `SPLIT` - SPLIT * `MERGE` - MERGE * `EXPORT` - EXPORT * `OPTIMIZED` - OPTIMIZED (optional)
ifc_source = "UPLOAD" str | DEPRECATED: Use 'model_source' instead. Define the model.source field if the upload is a Model (IFC, PDF, DWG...) * `UPLOAD` - UPLOAD * `SPLIT` - SPLIT * `MERGE` - MERGE * `EXPORT` - EXPORT * `OPTIMIZED` - OPTIMIZED (optional)
successor_of = 1 int | Old document version to replace. Only for create (optional)
process_hint = "PHOTOSPHERE" str | Provide a info about the document in order to customize the way it is processed. * `PHOTOSPHERE` - PHOTOSPHERE (optional) if omitted the server will use the default value of "PHOTOSPHERE"
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a document
api_response = api_instance.create_document(cloud_pk, project_pk, name, file)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_document: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Create a document
api_response = api_instance.create_document(cloud_pk, project_pk, name, file, parent_id=parent_id, file_name=file_name, description=description, model_source=model_source, ifc_source=ifc_source, successor_of=successor_of, process_hint=process_hint)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_document: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**name** | **str**| Shown name of the file |
**file** | **file_type**| |
**parent_id** | **int, none_type**| | [optional]
**file_name** | **str**| Full name of the file | [optional]
**description** | **str, none_type**| Description of the file | [optional]
**model_source** | **str**| Define the model.source field if the upload is a Model (IFC, PDF, DWG...) * &x60;UPLOAD&x60; - UPLOAD * &x60;SPLIT&x60; - SPLIT * &x60;MERGE&x60; - MERGE * &x60;EXPORT&x60; - EXPORT * &x60;OPTIMIZED&x60; - OPTIMIZED | [optional]
**ifc_source** | **str**| DEPRECATED: Use &39;model_source&39; instead. Define the model.source field if the upload is a Model (IFC, PDF, DWG...) * &x60;UPLOAD&x60; - UPLOAD * &x60;SPLIT&x60; - SPLIT * &x60;MERGE&x60; - MERGE * &x60;EXPORT&x60; - EXPORT * &x60;OPTIMIZED&x60; - OPTIMIZED | [optional]
**successor_of** | **int**| Old document version to replace. Only for create | [optional]
**process_hint** | **str**| Provide a info about the document in order to customize the way it is processed. * &x60;PHOTOSPHERE&x60; - PHOTOSPHERE | [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of "PHOTOSPHERE"
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**402** | You have reached your upload limit. You must pay more storage | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> FolderWithoutChildren create_folder(cloud_pk, project_pk, folder_without_children_request)
Create a folder
If the created folder have no parent, it will be put as a child of the default root folder of the project Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_without_children import FolderWithoutChildren
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_without_children_request import FolderWithoutChildrenRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
folder_without_children_request = FolderWithoutChildrenRequest(
) FolderWithoutChildrenRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a folder
api_response = api_instance.create_folder(cloud_pk, project_pk, folder_without_children_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_folder: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**folder_without_children_request** | [**FolderWithoutChildrenRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Group create_manage_group(cloud_pk, project_pk, group_request)
Create a group
Create a group. Must be an admin of the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.group_request import GroupRequest
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
group_request = GroupRequest(
) GroupRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a group
api_response = api_instance.create_manage_group(cloud_pk, project_pk, group_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_manage_group: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**group_request** | [**GroupRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Project create_project(cloud_pk, project_request)
Create a project
Create a project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_request import ProjectRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
project_request = ProjectRequest(
logo=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) ProjectRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a project
api_response = api_instance.create_project(cloud_pk, project_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_project: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**project_request** | [**ProjectRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> ProjectAccessToken create_project_access_token(cloud_pk, project_pk, project_access_token_request)
Create a token for this project
Tokens are valid 1 day by default Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_access_token import ProjectAccessToken
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_access_token_request import ProjectAccessTokenRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
project_access_token_request = ProjectAccessTokenRequest(
) ProjectAccessTokenRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a token for this project
api_response = api_instance.create_project_access_token(cloud_pk, project_pk, project_access_token_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_project_access_token: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**project_access_token_request** | [**ProjectAccessTokenRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Tag create_tag(cloud_pk, project_pk, tag_request)
Create a tag
Create a tag Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.tag_request import TagRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.tag import Tag
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
tag_request = TagRequest(
) TagRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a tag
api_response = api_instance.create_tag(cloud_pk, project_pk, tag_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_tag: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**tag_request** | [**TagRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaValidation create_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk, visa_validation_request)
Add a validation to a visa
Add a validation to a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_validation_request import VisaValidationRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_validation import VisaValidation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
visa_validation_request = VisaValidationRequest(
attachment=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) VisaValidationRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Add a validation to a visa
api_response = api_instance.create_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk, visa_validation_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**visa_validation_request** | [**VisaValidationRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Visa create_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
Create a visa
Create a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Visa
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_request import VisaRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_request = VisaRequest(
) VisaRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a visa
api_response = api_instance.create_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_visa: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Create a visa
api_response = api_instance.create_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_request=visa_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_request** | [**VisaRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaComment create_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk)
Add a comment
Add a comment Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_comment import VisaComment
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_comment_request import VisaCommentRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
visa_comment_request = VisaCommentRequest(
) VisaCommentRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Add a comment
api_response = api_instance.create_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_visa_comment: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Add a comment
api_response = api_instance.create_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk, visa_comment_request=visa_comment_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_visa_comment: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**visa_comment_request** | [**VisaCommentRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_all_document_history(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
Delete all document history
Delete the document from the head version and all its history Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete all document history
api_instance.delete_all_document_history(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_all_document_history: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete a classification
All elements having this classification will lose it Required scopes: ifc:write, model:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this classification.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a classification
api_instance.delete_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_classification: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this classification. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_cloud(id)
Delete a cloud
Delete a cloud Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a cloud
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_cloud: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id)
Remove a user from a cloud
The user will also be removed from all the projects of the cloud Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this fos user.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Remove a user from a cloud
api_instance.delete_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_cloud_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this fos user. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete the document
Delete the document Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete the document
api_instance.delete_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_document: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_document_tag(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete a tag from a document
Delete a tag from a document Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a tag from a document
api_instance.delete_document_tag(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_document_tag: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete a folder
All files and subfolders will be deleted too. If folder is a project's root folder, only children are deleted Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this folder.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a folder
api_instance.delete_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_folder: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this folder. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_group_member(cloud_pk, group_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete a user from a group
Delete a userproject from a group. Id is the userproject_id. Must be an admin of the project. Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
group_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
project_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a user from a group
api_instance.delete_group_member(cloud_pk, group_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_group_member: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**group_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete a group
Delete a group. Must be an admin of the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a group
api_instance.delete_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_manage_group: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_project(cloud_pk, id)
Delete a project
It can take a long time to respond because we may need to delete all properties of all elements of all models in the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a project
api_instance.delete_project(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_project: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_project_access_token(cloud_pk, project_pk, token)
Delete a token
Deleting a token will revoke it Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
token = "token_example" str |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a token
api_instance.delete_project_access_token(cloud_pk, project_pk, token)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_project_access_token: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**token** | **str**| |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_project_user(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Remove a user from a project
Remove a user from a project Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this user project.
project_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Remove a user from a project
api_instance.delete_project_user(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_project_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this user project. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete the tag
Delete the tag Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this tag.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete the tag
api_instance.delete_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_tag: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this tag. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Remove a validation
Remove a validation Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa validation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Remove a validation
api_instance.delete_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa validation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Remove a visa
Remove a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Remove a visa
api_instance.delete_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Remove a comment
Remove a comment Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa comment.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Remove a comment
api_instance.delete_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_visa_comment: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa comment. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> deny_user_invitation(id)
Deny an invitation
The invitation status change to DENIED and the user is not added to the cloud. You can accept an invitation previously denied Required scopes: user:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this invitation.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Deny an invitation
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->deny_user_invitation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this invitation. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaAttachment deny_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Deny a validation
Deny a validation Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_attachment import VisaAttachment
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa validation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
attachment = open('/path/to/file', 'rb') file_type, none_type | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Deny a validation
api_response = api_instance.deny_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->deny_validation: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Deny a validation
api_response = api_instance.deny_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk, attachment=attachment)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->deny_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa validation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**attachment** | **file_type, none_type**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Classification get_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a classification
Retrieve a classification Required scopes: ifc:read, model:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.classification import Classification
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this classification.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a classification
api_response = api_instance.get_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_classification: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this classification. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Classification] get_classifications(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all classifications
Retrieve all classifications of all models in the project Required scopes: ifc:read, model:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.classification import Classification
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all classifications
api_response = api_instance.get_classifications(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_classifications: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Cloud get_cloud(id)
Retrieve one cloud
Retrieve one cloud
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Cloud
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve one cloud
api_response = api_instance.get_cloud(id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_cloud: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [CloudInvitation] get_cloud_invitations(cloud_pk)
Retrieve all pending invitations in the cloud
Returns app's invitations only Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.cloud_invitation import CloudInvitation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all pending invitations in the cloud
api_response = api_instance.get_cloud_invitations(cloud_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_cloud_invitations: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Size get_cloud_size(id)
Get size of the cloud
Returns the sizes of the cloud in Bytes. The response fields depends on the role of the user. If the user is an admin, all field will be returned. If the user is a standard user, only `remaining_total_size` and `remaining_smart_data_size` will be set. If the call is made from an API access, role admin (100) will be returned and all fields will be set. The fields `managed by` indicate if the subscription for this cloud is an API subscription or a BIMData Platform subscription. If the cloud is managed by an API plan, the remaining sizes will take others organizations's clouds size into account
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.size import Size
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Get size of the cloud
api_response = api_instance.get_cloud_size(id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_cloud_size: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> User get_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id)
Retrieve a user in a cloud
Only administrators can see a cloud member Required scopes: cloud:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user import User
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this fos user.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a user in a cloud
api_response = api_instance.get_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_cloud_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this fos user. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [User] get_cloud_users(cloud_pk)
Retrieve all users in a cloud, or a list with a filter by email
Only administrators can see cloud members. Required scopes: cloud:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user import User
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
email = "email_example" str | (optional)
email__contains = "email__contains_example" str | (optional)
email__endswith = "email__endswith_example" str | (optional)
email__startswith = "email__startswith_example" str | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all users in a cloud, or a list with a filter by email
api_response = api_instance.get_cloud_users(cloud_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_cloud_users: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Retrieve all users in a cloud, or a list with a filter by email
api_response = api_instance.get_cloud_users(cloud_pk, email=email, email__contains=email__contains, email__endswith=email__endswith, email__startswith=email__startswith)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_cloud_users: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**email** | **str**| | [optional]
**email__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**email__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**email__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Cloud] get_clouds()
Retrieve all clouds
Returns user's (or app's) clouds only
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Cloud
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
example, this endpoint has no required or optional parameters
Retrieve all clouds
api_response = api_instance.get_clouds()
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_clouds: %s\n" % e)
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Document get_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a document
Retrieve a document in the project Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a document
api_response = api_instance.get_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_document: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Document] get_document_histories(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all document histories
Retrieve all documents from the header document history Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all document histories
api_response = api_instance.get_document_histories(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_document_histories: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Document] get_documents(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all documents
Retrieve all documents in the project. Filters are case insentive Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
created_after = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01T00:00:00.00Z') datetime | (optional)
created_before = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01T00:00:00.00Z') datetime | (optional)
creator_email = "creator_email_example" str | (optional)
description = "description_example" str | (optional)
description__contains = "description__contains_example" str | (optional)
description__endswith = "description__endswith_example" str | (optional)
description__startswith = "description__startswith_example" str | (optional)
file_name = "file_name_example" str | (optional)
file_name__contains = "file_name__contains_example" str | (optional)
file_name__endswith = "file_name__endswith_example" str | (optional)
file_name__startswith = "file_name__startswith_example" str | (optional)
has__visa = True bool | (optional)
name = "name_example" str | (optional)
name__contains = "name__contains_example" str | (optional)
name__endswith = "name__endswith_example" str | (optional)
name__startswith = "name__startswith_example" str | (optional)
size_max = 0 int, none_type | Size of the file. (optional)
size_min = 0 int, none_type | Size of the file. (optional)
tags = [
] [str] | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
visa__creator_email = "visa__creator_email_example" str | (optional)
visa__deadline_after = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
visa__deadline_before = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
visa__past__deadline = True bool | if True, Get documents that have at least one visa opened with a deadline in past (optional)
visa__past__deadline__strict = True bool | if True, Get documents that *only* have visa opened with a deadline in past (optional)
visa__status = "C" str | Get documents that have at least one visa in the requested status * `O` - opened * `P` - paused * `C` - closed (optional)
visa__status__strict = "C" str | Get documents that *exclusively* have visa in the requested status * `O` - opened * `P` - paused * `C` - closed (optional)
visa__validation_status = "visa__validation_status_example" str | (optional)
visa__validator_email = "visa__validator_email_example" str | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all documents
api_response = api_instance.get_documents(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_documents: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Retrieve all documents
api_response = api_instance.get_documents(cloud_pk, project_pk, created_after=created_after, created_before=created_before, creator_email=creator_email, description=description, description__contains=description__contains, description__endswith=description__endswith, description__startswith=description__startswith, file_name=file_name, file_name__contains=file_name__contains, file_name__endswith=file_name__endswith, file_name__startswith=file_name__startswith, has__visa=has__visa, name=name, name__contains=name__contains, name__endswith=name__endswith, name__startswith=name__startswith, size_max=size_max, size_min=size_min, tags=tags, visa__creator_email=visa__creator_email, visa__deadline_after=visa__deadline_after, visa__deadline_before=visa__deadline_before, visa__past__deadline=visa__past__deadline, visa__past__deadline__strict=visa__past__deadline__strict, visa__status=visa__status, visa__status__strict=visa__status__strict, visa__validation_status=visa__validation_status, visa__validator_email=visa__validator_email)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_documents: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**created_after** | **datetime**| | [optional]
**created_before** | **datetime**| | [optional]
**creator_email** | **str**| | [optional]
**description** | **str**| | [optional]
**description__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**description__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**description__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**has__visa** | **bool**| | [optional]
**name** | **str**| | [optional]
**name__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**name__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**name__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**size_max** | **int, none_type**| Size of the file. | [optional]
**size_min** | **int, none_type**| Size of the file. | [optional]
**tags** | **[str]**| Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional]
**visa__creator_email** | **str**| | [optional]
**visa__deadline_after** | **date**| | [optional]
**visa__deadline_before** | **date**| | [optional]
**visa__past__deadline** | **bool**| if True, Get documents that have at least one visa opened with a deadline in past | [optional]
**visa__past__deadline__strict** | **bool**| if True, Get documents that *only* have visa opened with a deadline in past | [optional]
**visa__status** | **str**| Get documents that have at least one visa in the requested status * &x60;O&x60; - opened * &x60;P&x60; - paused * &x60;C&x60; - closed | [optional]
**visa__status__strict** | **str**| Get documents that *exclusively* have visa in the requested status * &x60;O&x60; - opened * &x60;P&x60; - paused * &x60;C&x60; - closed | [optional]
**visa__validation_status** | **str**| | [optional]
**visa__validator_email** | **str**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> FolderWithoutChildren get_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a folder
Retrieve a folder Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_without_children import FolderWithoutChildren
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this folder.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a folder
api_response = api_instance.get_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_folder: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this folder. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Document] get_folder_documents(cloud_pk, folder_pk, project_pk)
Get all documents of a folder
Get all documents of a folder Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
folder_pk = 1 int |
project_pk = 1 int |
created_after = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01T00:00:00.00Z') datetime | (optional)
created_before = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01T00:00:00.00Z') datetime | (optional)
creator_email = "creator_email_example" str | (optional)
description = "description_example" str | (optional)
description__contains = "description__contains_example" str | (optional)
description__endswith = "description__endswith_example" str | (optional)
description__startswith = "description__startswith_example" str | (optional)
file_name = "file_name_example" str | (optional)
file_name__contains = "file_name__contains_example" str | (optional)
file_name__endswith = "file_name__endswith_example" str | (optional)
file_name__startswith = "file_name__startswith_example" str | (optional)
has__visa = True bool | (optional)
name = "name_example" str | (optional)
name__contains = "name__contains_example" str | (optional)
name__endswith = "name__endswith_example" str | (optional)
name__startswith = "name__startswith_example" str | (optional)
size_max = 0 int, none_type | Size of the file. (optional)
size_min = 0 int, none_type | Size of the file. (optional)
tags = [
] [str] | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
visa__creator_email = "visa__creator_email_example" str | (optional)
visa__deadline_after = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
visa__deadline_before = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
visa__past__deadline = True bool | if True, Get documents that have at least one visa opened with a deadline in past (optional)
visa__past__deadline__strict = True bool | if True, Get documents that *only* have visa opened with a deadline in past (optional)
visa__status = "C" str | Get documents that have at least one visa in the requested status * `O` - opened * `P` - paused * `C` - closed (optional)
visa__status__strict = "C" str | Get documents that *exclusively* have visa in the requested status * `O` - opened * `P` - paused * `C` - closed (optional)
visa__validation_status = "visa__validation_status_example" str | (optional)
visa__validator_email = "visa__validator_email_example" str | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Get all documents of a folder
api_response = api_instance.get_folder_documents(cloud_pk, folder_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_folder_documents: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Get all documents of a folder
api_response = api_instance.get_folder_documents(cloud_pk, folder_pk, project_pk, created_after=created_after, created_before=created_before, creator_email=creator_email, description=description, description__contains=description__contains, description__endswith=description__endswith, description__startswith=description__startswith, file_name=file_name, file_name__contains=file_name__contains, file_name__endswith=file_name__endswith, file_name__startswith=file_name__startswith, has__visa=has__visa, name=name, name__contains=name__contains, name__endswith=name__endswith, name__startswith=name__startswith, size_max=size_max, size_min=size_min, tags=tags, visa__creator_email=visa__creator_email, visa__deadline_after=visa__deadline_after, visa__deadline_before=visa__deadline_before, visa__past__deadline=visa__past__deadline, visa__past__deadline__strict=visa__past__deadline__strict, visa__status=visa__status, visa__status__strict=visa__status__strict, visa__validation_status=visa__validation_status, visa__validator_email=visa__validator_email)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_folder_documents: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**folder_pk** | **int**| |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
**created_after** | **datetime**| | [optional]
**created_before** | **datetime**| | [optional]
**creator_email** | **str**| | [optional]
**description** | **str**| | [optional]
**description__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**description__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**description__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**has__visa** | **bool**| | [optional]
**name** | **str**| | [optional]
**name__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**name__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**name__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**size_max** | **int, none_type**| Size of the file. | [optional]
**size_min** | **int, none_type**| Size of the file. | [optional]
**tags** | **[str]**| Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional]
**visa__creator_email** | **str**| | [optional]
**visa__deadline_after** | **date**| | [optional]
**visa__deadline_before** | **date**| | [optional]
**visa__past__deadline** | **bool**| if True, Get documents that have at least one visa opened with a deadline in past | [optional]
**visa__past__deadline__strict** | **bool**| if True, Get documents that *only* have visa opened with a deadline in past | [optional]
**visa__status** | **str**| Get documents that have at least one visa in the requested status * &x60;O&x60; - opened * &x60;P&x60; - paused * &x60;C&x60; - closed | [optional]
**visa__status__strict** | **str**| Get documents that *exclusively* have visa in the requested status * &x60;O&x60; - opened * &x60;P&x60; - paused * &x60;C&x60; - closed | [optional]
**visa__validation_status** | **str**| | [optional]
**visa__validator_email** | **str**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [FolderUserProject] get_folder_project_users(cloud_pk, folder_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all users in a project with the permission on the folder
Retrieve all users in a project with the permission on the folder Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_user_project import FolderUserProject
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
folder_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this folder.
project_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all users in a project with the permission on the folder
api_response = api_instance.get_folder_project_users(cloud_pk, folder_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_folder_project_users: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**folder_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this folder. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [FolderWithoutChildren] get_folders(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all folders
Retrieve all folders in the project. This is an array of folder. If you want to get the tree of all folders, see getProjectTree Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_without_children import FolderWithoutChildren
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all folders
api_response = api_instance.get_folders(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_folders: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Group get_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a group
Retrieve a group to which the user belongs Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a group
api_response = api_instance.get_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_group: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Group] get_groups(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all groups
Retrieves all groups to which the user belongs Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all groups
api_response = api_instance.get_groups(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_groups: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [LogEntry] get_logs(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all logs of the project
Retrieve all logs of the project Required scopes: logs:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.log_entry import LogEntry
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
project_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all logs of the project
api_response = api_instance.get_logs(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_logs: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Group get_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a group
Retrieve a group. Must be an admin of the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a group
api_response = api_instance.get_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_manage_group: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Group] get_manage_groups(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all groups
Retrieve all groups in the project. Must be an admin of the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all groups
api_response = api_instance.get_manage_groups(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_manage_groups: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Project get_project(cloud_pk, id)
Retrieve a project
Retrieve a project
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a project
api_response = api_instance.get_project(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> ProjectAccessToken get_project_access_token(cloud_pk, project_pk, token)
Retrieve one token created for this project
Retrieve one token created for this project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_access_token import ProjectAccessToken
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
token = "token_example" str |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve one token created for this project
api_response = api_instance.get_project_access_token(cloud_pk, project_pk, token)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_access_token: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**token** | **str**| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [ProjectAccessToken] get_project_access_tokens(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all tokens created for this project
Retrieve all tokens created for this project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_access_token import ProjectAccessToken
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all tokens created for this project
api_response = api_instance.get_project_access_tokens(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_access_tokens: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [VisaWithDocument] get_project_creator_visas(cloud_pk, project_pk)
List visas created by user
List visas created by user in a project Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_with_document import VisaWithDocument
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
deadline_after = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
deadline_before = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
has__past_deadline = True bool | (optional)
status = "C" str | * `O` - opened * `P` - paused * `C` - closed (optional)
validation_status = "validation_status_example" str | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
List visas created by user
api_response = api_instance.get_project_creator_visas(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_creator_visas: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
List visas created by user
api_response = api_instance.get_project_creator_visas(cloud_pk, project_pk, deadline_after=deadline_after, deadline_before=deadline_before, has__past_deadline=has__past_deadline, status=status, validation_status=validation_status)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_creator_visas: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**deadline_after** | **date**| | [optional]
**deadline_before** | **date**| | [optional]
**has__past_deadline** | **bool**| | [optional]
**status** | **str**| * &x60;O&x60; - opened * &x60;P&x60; - paused * &x60;C&x60; - closed | [optional]
**validation_status** | **str**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Folder get_project_dms_tree(cloud_pk, id)
Retrieve the complete DMS tree
Retrieve the complete DMS tree (all folders and all documents in the project)
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder import Folder
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve the complete DMS tree
api_response = api_instance.get_project_dms_tree(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_dms_tree: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [FolderTree] get_project_folder_tree(cloud_pk, id)
Retrieve folder tree of the project
Retrieve folder tree of the project
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_tree import FolderTree
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve folder tree of the project
api_response = api_instance.get_project_folder_tree(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_folder_tree: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [ProjectInvitation] get_project_invitations(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all pending invitations in the project
Returns app's invitations only Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_invitation import ProjectInvitation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all pending invitations in the project
api_response = api_instance.get_project_invitations(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_invitations: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> ProjectSize get_project_size(cloud_pk, id)
Get size of all model files in the project
Returns the size of the project in Bytes
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_size import ProjectSize
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Get size of all model files in the project
api_response = api_instance.get_project_size(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_size: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Folder get_project_tree(cloud_pk, id)
Retrieve the complete DMS tree
Retrieve the complete DMS tree (all folders and all documents in the project). DEPRECATED: renamed to getProjectDMSTree
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder import Folder
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve the complete DMS tree
api_response = api_instance.get_project_tree(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_tree: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [UserProject] get_project_users(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all users in a project, or a list with a filter by email
Each member of a project can see other members of the project Required scopes: cloud:read, bcf:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user_project import UserProject
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
project_pk = 1 int |
email = "email_example" str | Filter the returned list by email (optional)
email__contains = "email__contains_example" str | Filter the returned list by email__contains (optional)
email__endswith = "email__endswith_example" str | Filter the returned list by email__endswith (optional)
email__startswith = "email__startswith_example" str | Filter the returned list by email__startswith (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all users in a project, or a list with a filter by email
api_response = api_instance.get_project_users(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_users: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Retrieve all users in a project, or a list with a filter by email
api_response = api_instance.get_project_users(cloud_pk, project_pk, email=email, email__contains=email__contains, email__endswith=email__endswith, email__startswith=email__startswith)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_users: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
**email** | **str**| Filter the returned list by email | [optional]
**email__contains** | **str**| Filter the returned list by email__contains | [optional]
**email__endswith** | **str**| Filter the returned list by email__endswith | [optional]
**email__startswith** | **str**| Filter the returned list by email__startswith | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [VisaWithDocument] get_project_validator_visas(cloud_pk, project_pk)
List visas where user is a validator
List visas where user is a validator in a project Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_with_document import VisaWithDocument
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
deadline_after = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
deadline_before = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
has__past_deadline = True bool | (optional)
status = "C" str | * `O` - opened * `P` - paused * `C` - closed (optional)
validation_status = "validation_status_example" str | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
List visas where user is a validator
api_response = api_instance.get_project_validator_visas(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_validator_visas: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
List visas where user is a validator
api_response = api_instance.get_project_validator_visas(cloud_pk, project_pk, deadline_after=deadline_after, deadline_before=deadline_before, has__past_deadline=has__past_deadline, status=status, validation_status=validation_status)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_validator_visas: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**deadline_after** | **date**| | [optional]
**deadline_before** | **date**| | [optional]
**has__past_deadline** | **bool**| | [optional]
**status** | **str**| * &x60;O&x60; - opened * &x60;P&x60; - paused * &x60;C&x60; - closed | [optional]
**validation_status** | **str**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Project] get_projects(cloud_pk)
Retrieve all projects
Retrieve all projects of the cloud. All project are shown at the same level. see getProjectSubTree
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all projects
api_response = api_instance.get_projects(cloud_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_projects: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Project] get_self_projects()
List current user's projects
List user's projects of all clouds Required scopes: user:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
example, this endpoint has no required or optional parameters
List current user's projects
api_response = api_instance.get_self_projects()
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_self_projects: %s\n" % e)
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> SelfUser get_self_user()
Get info about the current user
Get info about the current user Required scopes: user:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.self_user import SelfUser
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
example, this endpoint has no required or optional parameters
Get info about the current user
api_response = api_instance.get_self_user()
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_self_user: %s\n" % e)
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Tag get_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a tag
Retrieve a tag in the project Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.tag import Tag
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this tag.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a tag
api_response = api_instance.get_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_tag: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this tag. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Tag] get_tags(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all tags
Retrieve all tags in the project Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.tag import Tag
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all tags
api_response = api_instance.get_tags(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_tags: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> UserInvitation get_user_invitation(id)
Retrieve an invitation
Retrieve the invitation Required scopes: user:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user_invitation import UserInvitation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this invitation.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve an invitation
api_response = api_instance.get_user_invitation(id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_user_invitation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this invitation. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [UserInvitation] get_user_invitations()
List user's invitations
List all user's invitations Required scopes: user:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user_invitation import UserInvitation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
example, this endpoint has no required or optional parameters
List user's invitations
api_response = api_instance.get_user_invitations()
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_user_invitations: %s\n" % e)
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaValidation get_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Retrieve a validation to a visa
Retrieve a validation to a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_validation import VisaValidation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa validation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a validation to a visa
api_response = api_instance.get_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa validation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [VisaValidation] get_validations(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk)
List all validations to a visa
List all validations to a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_validation import VisaValidation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
List all validations to a visa
api_response = api_instance.get_validations(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_validations: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Visa get_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a visa of a document
Retrieve a unique visa of a document Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Visa
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a visa of a document
api_response = api_instance.get_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaComment get_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Retrieve a comment
Retrieve a comment Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_comment import VisaComment
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa comment.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a comment
api_response = api_instance.get_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_visa_comment: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa comment. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [VisaComment] get_visa_comments(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk)
List all comment of a visa
List all comment of a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_comment import VisaComment
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
List all comment of a visa
api_response = api_instance.get_visa_comments(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_visa_comments: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Visa] get_visas(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
List all visas of a document
List all visas of a document Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Visa
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
List all visas of a document
api_response = api_instance.get_visas(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_visas: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Project import_from_project(cloud_pk, id, project_import_request)
Import data from a project
Import dms tree and/or the groups from a project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_import_request import ProjectImportRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
project_import_request = ProjectImportRequest(
) ProjectImportRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Import data from a project
api_response = api_instance.import_from_project(cloud_pk, id, project_import_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->import_from_project: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**project_import_request** | [**ProjectImportRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Group] import_manage_group(cloud_pk, project_pk, import_group_request)
Import a group from another project
DEPECRATED: Use ImportFromProject instead Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.import_group_request import ImportGroupRequest
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
import_group_request = ImportGroupRequest(
) ImportGroupRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Import a group from another project
api_response = api_instance.import_manage_group(cloud_pk, project_pk, import_group_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->import_manage_group: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**import_group_request** | [**ImportGroupRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> CloudInvitation invite_cloud_user(cloud_pk, cloud_invitation_request)
Invite a cloud member
Invite a cloud member. To invite in a project, see inviteProjectUser. You can't invite a user already in the cloud. Create multiple invitations of the same email in the same cloud will generate multiple invitation emails but not multiple invitation object Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.cloud_invitation_request import CloudInvitationRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.cloud_invitation import CloudInvitation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
cloud_invitation_request = CloudInvitationRequest(
) CloudInvitationRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Invite a cloud member
api_response = api_instance.invite_cloud_user(cloud_pk, cloud_invitation_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->invite_cloud_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**cloud_invitation_request** | [**CloudInvitationRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> ProjectInvitation invite_project_user(cloud_pk, project_pk, project_invitation_request)
Invite a project member
Invite a project member. If the user is not already a cloud member, they will also be invited in the cloud with USER role. Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_invitation_request import ProjectInvitationRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_invitation import ProjectInvitation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
project_invitation_request = ProjectInvitationRequest(
) ProjectInvitationRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Invite a project member
api_response = api_instance.invite_project_user(cloud_pk, project_pk, project_invitation_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->invite_project_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**project_invitation_request** | [**ProjectInvitationRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> leave_project(cloud_pk, id)
Leave the project
Leave the project. Only authenticated users (no app) can call this route. Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Leave the project
api_instance.leave_project(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->leave_project: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You can&39;t leave the project if you&39;re the last admin | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Document leave_version_document_history(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Leave the history version
This will create a new independent document in the same folder Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Leave the history version
api_response = api_instance.leave_version_document_history(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->leave_version_document_history: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Document make_head_version_document_history(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Make the head of the version
The actual head version will be defined as the previous version Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Make the head of the version
api_response = api_instance.make_head_version_document_history(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->make_head_version_document_history: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> pause_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Pause a visa of a document
Pause a visa of a document Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Pause a visa of a document
api_instance.pause_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->pause_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> reset_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Reset a validation
Reset a validation if the validation has been accepted or rejected. The attachment will be removed Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa validation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Reset a validation
api_instance.reset_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->reset_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa validation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> resume_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Resume a visa of a document
Resume a visa of a document after a pause Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Resume a visa of a document
api_instance.resume_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->resume_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Classification update_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Update some fields of a classification
Update some fields of a classification Required scopes: ifc:write, model:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_classification_request import PatchedClassificationRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.classification import Classification
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this classification.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_classification_request = PatchedClassificationRequest(
) PatchedClassificationRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a classification
api_response = api_instance.update_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_classification: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a classification
api_response = api_instance.update_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, patched_classification_request=patched_classification_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_classification: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this classification. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_classification_request** | [**PatchedClassificationRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Cloud update_cloud(id)
Update some fields of a cloud
Update some fields of a cloud Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_cloud_request import PatchedCloudRequest
from import Cloud
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
patched_cloud_request = PatchedCloudRequest(
image=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) PatchedCloudRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a cloud
api_response = api_instance.update_cloud(id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_cloud: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a cloud
api_response = api_instance.update_cloud(id, patched_cloud_request=patched_cloud_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_cloud: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**patched_cloud_request** | [**PatchedCloudRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> User update_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id)
Change the user role in the cloud
Change the user role in the cloud Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user import User
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_user_cloud_update_request import PatchedUserCloudUpdateRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this fos user.
patched_user_cloud_update_request = PatchedUserCloudUpdateRequest(
) PatchedUserCloudUpdateRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Change the user role in the cloud
api_response = api_instance.update_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_cloud_user: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Change the user role in the cloud
api_response = api_instance.update_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id, patched_user_cloud_update_request=patched_user_cloud_update_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_cloud_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this fos user. |
**patched_user_cloud_update_request** | [**PatchedUserCloudUpdateRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Document update_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Update some fields of the document
Update some fields of the document Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_document_request import PatchedDocumentRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_document_request = PatchedDocumentRequest(
file=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) PatchedDocumentRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of the document
api_response = api_instance.update_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_document: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of the document
api_response = api_instance.update_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, patched_document_request=patched_document_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_document: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_document_request** | [**PatchedDocumentRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> FolderWithoutChildren update_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Update some fields of a folder
Update some fields of a folder. Only project admins can update the `default_permission` field. `default_permission` choices are : 1: ACCESS_DENIED, 50: READ_ONLY, 100: READ_WRTIE When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated. Caution: The 'default_permission' field is not applied to users belonging to one or more groups. Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_folder_without_children_request import PatchedFolderWithoutChildrenRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_without_children import FolderWithoutChildren
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this folder.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_folder_without_children_request = PatchedFolderWithoutChildrenRequest(
) PatchedFolderWithoutChildrenRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a folder
api_response = api_instance.update_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_folder: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a folder
api_response = api_instance.update_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, patched_folder_without_children_request=patched_folder_without_children_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_folder: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this folder. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_folder_without_children_request** | [**PatchedFolderWithoutChildrenRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> GroupFolder update_group_folder(cloud_pk, folder_pk, id, project_pk)
Update the permission of a group on a folder. When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated.
Update the permission of a group on a folder. Permissions choices are : 1: ACCESS_DENIED, 50: READ_ONLY, 100: READ_WRITE, None: Default value (See the default_permission field of the folder) When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated. Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.group_folder import GroupFolder
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_group_folder_request import PatchedGroupFolderRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
folder_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group folder.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_group_folder_request = PatchedGroupFolderRequest(
) PatchedGroupFolderRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update the permission of a group on a folder. When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated.
api_response = api_instance.update_group_folder(cloud_pk, folder_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_group_folder: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update the permission of a group on a folder. When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated.
api_response = api_instance.update_group_folder(cloud_pk, folder_pk, id, project_pk, patched_group_folder_request=patched_group_folder_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_group_folder: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**folder_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group folder. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_group_folder_request** | [**PatchedGroupFolderRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Group update_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Update some fields of a group
Update some fields of a group. Must be an admin of the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_group_request import PatchedGroupRequest
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_group_request = PatchedGroupRequest(
) PatchedGroupRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a group
api_response = api_instance.update_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_manage_group: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a group
api_response = api_instance.update_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, patched_group_request=patched_group_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_manage_group: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_group_request** | [**PatchedGroupRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> DocumentPreviewFile update_preview_file(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Update preview of the document
Update preview of the document Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document_preview_file import DocumentPreviewFile
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
office_preview = open('/path/to/file', 'rb') file_type | Office files will be converted as pdf to provide a web preview. Supported extensions are .ppt, .pptx, .odp, .xls, .xlsx, .ods, .doc, .docx, .odt (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update preview of the document
api_response = api_instance.update_preview_file(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_preview_file: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update preview of the document
api_response = api_instance.update_preview_file(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, office_preview=office_preview)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_preview_file: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**office_preview** | **file_type**| Office files will be converted as pdf to provide a web preview. Supported extensions are .ppt, .pptx, .odp, .xls, .xlsx, .ods, .doc, .docx, .odt | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Project update_project(cloud_pk, id)
Update some fields of a project
Update some fields of a project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_project_request import PatchedProjectRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_project_request = PatchedProjectRequest(
logo=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) PatchedProjectRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a project
api_response = api_instance.update_project(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_project: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a project
api_response = api_instance.update_project(cloud_pk, id, patched_project_request=patched_project_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_project: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_project_request** | [**PatchedProjectRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> UserProject update_project_user(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Change the user role in the cloud
Change the user role in the cloud Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user_project import UserProject
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_user_project_update_request import PatchedUserProjectUpdateRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this user project.
project_pk = 1 int |
patched_user_project_update_request = PatchedUserProjectUpdateRequest(
) PatchedUserProjectUpdateRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Change the user role in the cloud
api_response = api_instance.update_project_user(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_project_user: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Change the user role in the cloud
api_response = api_instance.update_project_user(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, patched_user_project_update_request=patched_user_project_update_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_project_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this user project. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
**patched_user_project_update_request** | [**PatchedUserProjectUpdateRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Tag update_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Update some fields of the tag
Update some fields of the tag Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.tag import Tag
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_tag_request import PatchedTagRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this tag.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_tag_request = PatchedTagRequest(
) PatchedTagRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of the tag
api_response = api_instance.update_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_tag: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of the tag
api_response = api_instance.update_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, patched_tag_request=patched_tag_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_tag: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this tag. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_tag_request** | [**PatchedTagRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaValidation update_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Update the validator of validation
Update the validator of validation. This route is only useful for an App Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_validation import VisaValidation
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_visa_validation_request import PatchedVisaValidationRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa validation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
patched_visa_validation_request = PatchedVisaValidationRequest(
attachment=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) PatchedVisaValidationRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update the validator of validation
api_response = api_instance.update_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_validation: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update the validator of validation
api_response = api_instance.update_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk, patched_visa_validation_request=patched_visa_validation_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa validation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**patched_visa_validation_request** | [**PatchedVisaValidationRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Visa update_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Update some fields of a visa
Update some fields of a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Visa
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_visa_request import PatchedVisaRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_visa_request = PatchedVisaRequest(
) PatchedVisaRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a visa
api_response = api_instance.update_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_visa: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a visa
api_response = api_instance.update_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, patched_visa_request=patched_visa_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_visa_request** | [**PatchedVisaRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaComment update_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Update some fields of a comment
Update some fields of a comment Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_comment import VisaComment
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_visa_comment_request import PatchedVisaCommentRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa comment.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
patched_visa_comment_request = PatchedVisaCommentRequest(
) PatchedVisaCommentRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a comment
api_response = api_instance.update_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_visa_comment: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a comment
api_response = api_instance.update_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk, patched_visa_comment_request=patched_visa_comment_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_visa_comment: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa comment. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**patched_visa_comment_request** | [**PatchedVisaCommentRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
[**accept_user_invitation**](CollaborationApi.mdaccept_user_invitation) | **POST** /user/invitations/{id}/accept | Accept an invitation
[**accept_validation**](CollaborationApi.mdaccept_validation) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id}/accept | Accept a validation
[**add_document_tag**](CollaborationApi.mdadd_document_tag) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/tag | Add a tag to a document
[**add_group_member**](CollaborationApi.mdadd_group_member) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{group_pk}/member | Add a user to a group
[**cancel_cloud_user_invitation**](CollaborationApi.mdcancel_cloud_user_invitation) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/invitation/{id} | Cancel a pending invitation
[**cancel_project_user_invitation**](CollaborationApi.mdcancel_project_user_invitation) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/invitation/{id} | Cancel a pending invitation
[**check_access**](CollaborationApi.mdcheck_access) | **GET** /cloud/{id}/check-access | Check app access from cloud
[**check_project_access**](CollaborationApi.mdcheck_project_access) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/check-access | Check if the current token has access to the requested project
[**close_visa**](CollaborationApi.mdclose_visa) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id}/close | Close a visa of a document
[**create_classification**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_classification) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification | Create a classification
[**create_cloud**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_cloud) | **POST** /cloud | Create a cloud
[**create_demo**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_demo) | **POST** /cloud/{id}/create-demo | Create a Demo project in a cloud
[**create_dms_tree**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_dms_tree) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/dms-tree | Create a complete DMS tree
[**create_document**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_document) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document | Create a document
[**create_folder**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_folder) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder | Create a folder
[**create_manage_group**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_manage_group) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group | Create a group
[**create_project**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_project) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project | Create a project
[**create_project_access_token**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_project_access_token) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/access-token | Create a token for this project
[**create_tag**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_tag) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag | Create a tag
[**create_validation**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_validation) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation | Add a validation to a visa
[**create_visa**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_visa) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa | Create a visa
[**create_visa_comment**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_visa_comment) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment | Add a comment
[**delete_all_document_history**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_all_document_history) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/history/delete | Delete all document history
[**delete_classification**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_classification) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification/{id} | Delete a classification
[**delete_cloud**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_cloud) | **DELETE** /cloud/{id} | Delete a cloud
[**delete_cloud_user**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_cloud_user) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user/{id} | Remove a user from a cloud
[**delete_document**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_document) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id} | Delete the document
[**delete_document_tag**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_document_tag) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/tag/{id} | Delete a tag from a document
[**delete_folder**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_folder) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{id} | Delete a folder
[**delete_group_member**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_group_member) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{group_pk}/member/{id} | Delete a user from a group
[**delete_manage_group**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_manage_group) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{id} | Delete a group
[**delete_project**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_project) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Delete a project
[**delete_project_access_token**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_project_access_token) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/access-token/{token} | Delete a token
[**delete_project_user**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_project_user) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/user/{id} | Remove a user from a project
[**delete_tag**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_tag) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag/{id} | Delete the tag
[**delete_validation**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_validation) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id} | Remove a validation
[**delete_visa**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_visa) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id} | Remove a visa
[**delete_visa_comment**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_visa_comment) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment/{id} | Remove a comment
[**deny_user_invitation**](CollaborationApi.mddeny_user_invitation) | **POST** /user/invitations/{id}/deny | Deny an invitation
[**deny_validation**](CollaborationApi.mddeny_validation) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id}/deny | Deny a validation
[**get_classification**](CollaborationApi.mdget_classification) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification/{id} | Retrieve a classification
[**get_classifications**](CollaborationApi.mdget_classifications) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification | Retrieve all classifications
[**get_cloud**](CollaborationApi.mdget_cloud) | **GET** /cloud/{id} | Retrieve one cloud
[**get_cloud_invitations**](CollaborationApi.mdget_cloud_invitations) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/invitation | Retrieve all pending invitations in the cloud
[**get_cloud_size**](CollaborationApi.mdget_cloud_size) | **GET** /cloud/{id}/size | Get size of the cloud
[**get_cloud_user**](CollaborationApi.mdget_cloud_user) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user/{id} | Retrieve a user in a cloud
[**get_cloud_users**](CollaborationApi.mdget_cloud_users) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user | Retrieve all users in a cloud, or a list with a filter by email
[**get_clouds**](CollaborationApi.mdget_clouds) | **GET** /cloud | Retrieve all clouds
[**get_document**](CollaborationApi.mdget_document) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id} | Retrieve a document
[**get_document_histories**](CollaborationApi.mdget_document_histories) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/history | Retrieve all document histories
[**get_documents**](CollaborationApi.mdget_documents) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document | Retrieve all documents
[**get_folder**](CollaborationApi.mdget_folder) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{id} | Retrieve a folder
[**get_folder_documents**](CollaborationApi.mdget_folder_documents) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{folder_pk}/document | Get all documents of a folder
[**get_folder_project_users**](CollaborationApi.mdget_folder_project_users) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{folder_pk}/user | Retrieve all users in a project with the permission on the folder
[**get_folders**](CollaborationApi.mdget_folders) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder | Retrieve all folders
[**get_group**](CollaborationApi.mdget_group) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/me/group/{id} | Retrieve a group
[**get_groups**](CollaborationApi.mdget_groups) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/me/group | Retrieve all groups
[**get_logs**](CollaborationApi.mdget_logs) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/logs | Retrieve all logs of the project
[**get_manage_group**](CollaborationApi.mdget_manage_group) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{id} | Retrieve a group
[**get_manage_groups**](CollaborationApi.mdget_manage_groups) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group | Retrieve all groups
[**get_project**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Retrieve a project
[**get_project_access_token**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_access_token) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/access-token/{token} | Retrieve one token created for this project
[**get_project_access_tokens**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_access_tokens) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/access-token | Retrieve all tokens created for this project
[**get_project_creator_visas**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_creator_visas) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/me/visa/creator | List visas created by user
[**get_project_dms_tree**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_dms_tree) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/dms-tree | Retrieve the complete DMS tree
[**get_project_folder_tree**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_folder_tree) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/folder-tree | Retrieve folder tree of the project
[**get_project_invitations**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_invitations) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/invitation | Retrieve all pending invitations in the project
[**get_project_size**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_size) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/size | Get size of all model files in the project
[**get_project_tree**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_tree) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/tree | Retrieve the complete DMS tree
[**get_project_users**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_users) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/user | Retrieve all users in a project, or a list with a filter by email
[**get_project_validator_visas**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_validator_visas) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/me/visa/validator | List visas where user is a validator
[**get_projects**](CollaborationApi.mdget_projects) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project | Retrieve all projects
[**get_self_projects**](CollaborationApi.mdget_self_projects) | **GET** /user/projects | List current user&39;s projects
[**get_self_user**](CollaborationApi.mdget_self_user) | **GET** /user | Get info about the current user
[**get_tag**](CollaborationApi.mdget_tag) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag/{id} | Retrieve a tag
[**get_tags**](CollaborationApi.mdget_tags) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag | Retrieve all tags
[**get_user_invitation**](CollaborationApi.mdget_user_invitation) | **GET** /user/invitations/{id} | Retrieve an invitation
[**get_user_invitations**](CollaborationApi.mdget_user_invitations) | **GET** /user/invitations | List user&39;s invitations
[**get_validation**](CollaborationApi.mdget_validation) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id} | Retrieve a validation to a visa
[**get_validations**](CollaborationApi.mdget_validations) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation | List all validations to a visa
[**get_visa**](CollaborationApi.mdget_visa) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id} | Retrieve a visa of a document
[**get_visa_comment**](CollaborationApi.mdget_visa_comment) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment/{id} | Retrieve a comment
[**get_visa_comments**](CollaborationApi.mdget_visa_comments) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment | List all comment of a visa
[**get_visas**](CollaborationApi.mdget_visas) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa | List all visas of a document
[**import_from_project**](CollaborationApi.mdimport_from_project) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/import_from | Import data from a project
[**import_manage_group**](CollaborationApi.mdimport_manage_group) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/import | Import a group from another project
[**invite_cloud_user**](CollaborationApi.mdinvite_cloud_user) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/invitation | Invite a cloud member
[**invite_project_user**](CollaborationApi.mdinvite_project_user) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/invitation | Invite a project member
[**leave_project**](CollaborationApi.mdleave_project) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/leave | Leave the project
[**leave_version_document_history**](CollaborationApi.mdleave_version_document_history) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/history/{id}/leave | Leave the history version
[**make_head_version_document_history**](CollaborationApi.mdmake_head_version_document_history) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/history/{id}/head-version | Make the head of the version
[**pause_visa**](CollaborationApi.mdpause_visa) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id}/pause | Pause a visa of a document
[**reset_validation**](CollaborationApi.mdreset_validation) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id}/reset | Reset a validation
[**resume_visa**](CollaborationApi.mdresume_visa) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id}/resume | Resume a visa of a document
[**update_classification**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_classification) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification/{id} | Update some fields of a classification
[**update_cloud**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_cloud) | **PATCH** /cloud/{id} | Update some fields of a cloud
[**update_cloud_user**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_cloud_user) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user/{id} | Change the user role in the cloud
[**update_document**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_document) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id} | Update some fields of the document
[**update_folder**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_folder) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{id} | Update some fields of a folder
[**update_group_folder**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_group_folder) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{folder_pk}/group/{id} | Update the permission of a group on a folder. When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated.
[**update_manage_group**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_manage_group) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{id} | Update some fields of a group
[**update_preview_file**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_preview_file) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id}/preview-file | Update preview of the document
[**update_project**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_project) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Update some fields of a project
[**update_project_user**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_project_user) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/user/{id} | Change the user role in the cloud
[**update_tag**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_tag) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag/{id} | Update some fields of the tag
[**update_validation**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_validation) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id} | Update the validator of validation
[**update_visa**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_visa) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id} | Update some fields of a visa
[**update_visa_comment**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_visa_comment) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment/{id} | Update some fields of a comment
> accept_user_invitation(id)
Accept an invitation
The user is added to the cloud and projet. Required scopes: user:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this invitation.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Accept an invitation
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->accept_user_invitation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this invitation. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaAttachment accept_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Accept a validation
Accept a validation Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_attachment import VisaAttachment
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa validation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
attachment = open('/path/to/file', 'rb') file_type, none_type | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Accept a validation
api_response = api_instance.accept_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->accept_validation: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Accept a validation
api_response = api_instance.accept_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk, attachment=attachment)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->accept_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa validation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**attachment** | **file_type, none_type**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Document add_document_tag(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, tag_id_request)
Add a tag to a document
Add a tag to a document Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.tag_id_request import TagIdRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int |
tag_id_request = TagIdRequest(
) TagIdRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Add a tag to a document
api_response = api_instance.add_document_tag(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, tag_id_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->add_document_tag: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
**tag_id_request** | [**TagIdRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> UserProject add_group_member(cloud_pk, group_pk, project_pk, user_project_id_request)
Add a user to a group
Add a userproject to a group. Must be an admin of the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user_project import UserProject
from bimdata_api_client.model.user_project_id_request import UserProjectIdRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
group_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
project_pk = 1 int |
user_project_id_request = UserProjectIdRequest(
) UserProjectIdRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Add a user to a group
api_response = api_instance.add_group_member(cloud_pk, group_pk, project_pk, user_project_id_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->add_group_member: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**group_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
**user_project_id_request** | [**UserProjectIdRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> cancel_cloud_user_invitation(cloud_pk, id)
Cancel a pending invitation
Cancel a pending invitation Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this invitation.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Cancel a pending invitation
api_instance.cancel_cloud_user_invitation(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->cancel_cloud_user_invitation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this invitation. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> cancel_project_user_invitation(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Cancel a pending invitation
Cancel a pending invitation Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this invitation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Cancel a pending invitation
api_instance.cancel_project_user_invitation(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->cancel_project_user_invitation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this invitation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> check_access(id)
Check app access from cloud
Return code 200 if the cloud has access to the marketplace app
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Check app access from cloud
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->check_access: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | No response body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> CheckProjectAccess check_project_access(cloud_pk, id)
Check if the current token has access to the requested project
The response gives you details about the right of the user or app, the scopes of the token and the usable scopes (scopes filtered by the right of the user). It works with user tokens, app tokens and ProjectAccessToken
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.check_project_access import CheckProjectAccess
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Check if the current token has access to the requested project
api_response = api_instance.check_project_access(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->check_project_access: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> close_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Close a visa of a document
Close a visa of a document Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Close a visa of a document
api_instance.close_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->close_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Classification] create_classification(cloud_pk, project_pk, classification_request)
Create a classification
Bulk create available. You can either post an object or a list of objects. Is you post a list, the response will be a list (in the same order) of created objects or of errors if any If at least one create succeeded, the status code will be 201. If every create failed, the status code we'll be 400 with the list of errors If created classification already exists, it will not be duplicated and the previous one will be returned. You also can add a 'classification' filter on this endpoint. By ex: /classification?name='untec'. The name is case sensitive Required scopes: ifc:write, model:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.classification import Classification
from bimdata_api_client.model.classification_request import ClassificationRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
classification_request = [
] [ClassificationRequest] |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a classification
api_response = api_instance.create_classification(cloud_pk, project_pk, classification_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_classification: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**classification_request** | [**[ClassificationRequest]**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | All creates failed: list of errors | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Cloud create_cloud(cloud_request)
Create a cloud
Create a cloud Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.cloud_request import CloudRequest
from import Cloud
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_request = CloudRequest(
image=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) CloudRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a cloud
api_response = api_instance.create_cloud(cloud_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_cloud: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_request** | [**CloudRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**402** | You can&39;t create more than 1 free cloud | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Project create_demo(id)
Create a Demo project in a cloud
Create a project name 'Demo' with an already processed model in it Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a Demo project in a cloud
api_response = api_instance.create_demo(id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_demo: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Folder create_dms_tree(cloud_pk, id, write_folder_request)
Create a complete DMS tree
Create a DMS structure of folder Format request : [{ \"name\": :name: \"parent_id\": :parent_id: optionnal \"default_permission\": :default_permission: optionnal \"children\": [{ optionnal \"name\": :name:, \"children\": [] }] }], Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder import Folder
from bimdata_api_client.model.write_folder_request import WriteFolderRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
write_folder_request = [
] [WriteFolderRequest] |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a complete DMS tree
api_response = api_instance.create_dms_tree(cloud_pk, id, write_folder_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_dms_tree: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**write_folder_request** | [**[WriteFolderRequest]**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Document create_document(cloud_pk, project_pk, name, file)
Create a document
Create a document. If the document is one of {'DXF', 'GLTF', 'POINT_CLOUD', 'OBJ', 'DWG', 'IFC'}, a model will be created and attached to this document Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
name = "name_example" str | Shown name of the file
file = open('/path/to/file', 'rb') file_type |
parent_id = 1 int, none_type | (optional)
file_name = "file_name_example" str | Full name of the file (optional)
description = "description_example" str, none_type | Description of the file (optional)
model_source = "UPLOAD" str | Define the model.source field if the upload is a Model (IFC, PDF, DWG...) * `UPLOAD` - UPLOAD * `SPLIT` - SPLIT * `MERGE` - MERGE * `EXPORT` - EXPORT * `OPTIMIZED` - OPTIMIZED (optional)
ifc_source = "UPLOAD" str | DEPRECATED: Use 'model_source' instead. Define the model.source field if the upload is a Model (IFC, PDF, DWG...) * `UPLOAD` - UPLOAD * `SPLIT` - SPLIT * `MERGE` - MERGE * `EXPORT` - EXPORT * `OPTIMIZED` - OPTIMIZED (optional)
successor_of = 1 int | Old document version to replace. Only for create (optional)
process_hint = "PHOTOSPHERE" str | Provide a info about the document in order to customize the way it is processed. * `PHOTOSPHERE` - PHOTOSPHERE (optional) if omitted the server will use the default value of "PHOTOSPHERE"
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a document
api_response = api_instance.create_document(cloud_pk, project_pk, name, file)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_document: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Create a document
api_response = api_instance.create_document(cloud_pk, project_pk, name, file, parent_id=parent_id, file_name=file_name, description=description, model_source=model_source, ifc_source=ifc_source, successor_of=successor_of, process_hint=process_hint)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_document: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**name** | **str**| Shown name of the file |
**file** | **file_type**| |
**parent_id** | **int, none_type**| | [optional]
**file_name** | **str**| Full name of the file | [optional]
**description** | **str, none_type**| Description of the file | [optional]
**model_source** | **str**| Define the model.source field if the upload is a Model (IFC, PDF, DWG...) * &x60;UPLOAD&x60; - UPLOAD * &x60;SPLIT&x60; - SPLIT * &x60;MERGE&x60; - MERGE * &x60;EXPORT&x60; - EXPORT * &x60;OPTIMIZED&x60; - OPTIMIZED | [optional]
**ifc_source** | **str**| DEPRECATED: Use &39;model_source&39; instead. Define the model.source field if the upload is a Model (IFC, PDF, DWG...) * &x60;UPLOAD&x60; - UPLOAD * &x60;SPLIT&x60; - SPLIT * &x60;MERGE&x60; - MERGE * &x60;EXPORT&x60; - EXPORT * &x60;OPTIMIZED&x60; - OPTIMIZED | [optional]
**successor_of** | **int**| Old document version to replace. Only for create | [optional]
**process_hint** | **str**| Provide a info about the document in order to customize the way it is processed. * &x60;PHOTOSPHERE&x60; - PHOTOSPHERE | [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of "PHOTOSPHERE"
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**402** | You have reached your upload limit. You must pay more storage | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> FolderWithoutChildren create_folder(cloud_pk, project_pk, folder_without_children_request)
Create a folder
If the created folder have no parent, it will be put as a child of the default root folder of the project Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_without_children import FolderWithoutChildren
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_without_children_request import FolderWithoutChildrenRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
folder_without_children_request = FolderWithoutChildrenRequest(
) FolderWithoutChildrenRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a folder
api_response = api_instance.create_folder(cloud_pk, project_pk, folder_without_children_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_folder: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**folder_without_children_request** | [**FolderWithoutChildrenRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Group create_manage_group(cloud_pk, project_pk, group_request)
Create a group
Create a group. Must be an admin of the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.group_request import GroupRequest
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
group_request = GroupRequest(
) GroupRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a group
api_response = api_instance.create_manage_group(cloud_pk, project_pk, group_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_manage_group: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**group_request** | [**GroupRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Project create_project(cloud_pk, project_request)
Create a project
Create a project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_request import ProjectRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
project_request = ProjectRequest(
logo=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) ProjectRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a project
api_response = api_instance.create_project(cloud_pk, project_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_project: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**project_request** | [**ProjectRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> ProjectAccessToken create_project_access_token(cloud_pk, project_pk, project_access_token_request)
Create a token for this project
Tokens are valid 1 day by default Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_access_token import ProjectAccessToken
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_access_token_request import ProjectAccessTokenRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
project_access_token_request = ProjectAccessTokenRequest(
) ProjectAccessTokenRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a token for this project
api_response = api_instance.create_project_access_token(cloud_pk, project_pk, project_access_token_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_project_access_token: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**project_access_token_request** | [**ProjectAccessTokenRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Tag create_tag(cloud_pk, project_pk, tag_request)
Create a tag
Create a tag Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.tag_request import TagRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.tag import Tag
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
tag_request = TagRequest(
) TagRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a tag
api_response = api_instance.create_tag(cloud_pk, project_pk, tag_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_tag: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**tag_request** | [**TagRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaValidation create_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk, visa_validation_request)
Add a validation to a visa
Add a validation to a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_validation_request import VisaValidationRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_validation import VisaValidation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
visa_validation_request = VisaValidationRequest(
attachment=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) VisaValidationRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Add a validation to a visa
api_response = api_instance.create_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk, visa_validation_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**visa_validation_request** | [**VisaValidationRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Visa create_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
Create a visa
Create a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Visa
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_request import VisaRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_request = VisaRequest(
) VisaRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a visa
api_response = api_instance.create_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_visa: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Create a visa
api_response = api_instance.create_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_request=visa_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_request** | [**VisaRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaComment create_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk)
Add a comment
Add a comment Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_comment import VisaComment
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_comment_request import VisaCommentRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
visa_comment_request = VisaCommentRequest(
) VisaCommentRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Add a comment
api_response = api_instance.create_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_visa_comment: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Add a comment
api_response = api_instance.create_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk, visa_comment_request=visa_comment_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_visa_comment: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**visa_comment_request** | [**VisaCommentRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_all_document_history(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
Delete all document history
Delete the document from the head version and all its history Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete all document history
api_instance.delete_all_document_history(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_all_document_history: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete a classification
All elements having this classification will lose it Required scopes: ifc:write, model:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this classification.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a classification
api_instance.delete_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_classification: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this classification. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_cloud(id)
Delete a cloud
Delete a cloud Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a cloud
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_cloud: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id)
Remove a user from a cloud
The user will also be removed from all the projects of the cloud Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this fos user.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Remove a user from a cloud
api_instance.delete_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_cloud_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this fos user. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete the document
Delete the document Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete the document
api_instance.delete_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_document: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_document_tag(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete a tag from a document
Delete a tag from a document Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a tag from a document
api_instance.delete_document_tag(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_document_tag: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete a folder
All files and subfolders will be deleted too. If folder is a project's root folder, only children are deleted Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this folder.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a folder
api_instance.delete_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_folder: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this folder. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_group_member(cloud_pk, group_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete a user from a group
Delete a userproject from a group. Id is the userproject_id. Must be an admin of the project. Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
group_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
project_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a user from a group
api_instance.delete_group_member(cloud_pk, group_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_group_member: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**group_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete a group
Delete a group. Must be an admin of the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a group
api_instance.delete_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_manage_group: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_project(cloud_pk, id)
Delete a project
It can take a long time to respond because we may need to delete all properties of all elements of all models in the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a project
api_instance.delete_project(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_project: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_project_access_token(cloud_pk, project_pk, token)
Delete a token
Deleting a token will revoke it Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
token = "token_example" str |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a token
api_instance.delete_project_access_token(cloud_pk, project_pk, token)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_project_access_token: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**token** | **str**| |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_project_user(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Remove a user from a project
Remove a user from a project Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this user project.
project_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Remove a user from a project
api_instance.delete_project_user(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_project_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this user project. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete the tag
Delete the tag Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this tag.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete the tag
api_instance.delete_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_tag: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this tag. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Remove a validation
Remove a validation Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa validation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Remove a validation
api_instance.delete_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa validation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Remove a visa
Remove a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Remove a visa
api_instance.delete_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Remove a comment
Remove a comment Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa comment.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Remove a comment
api_instance.delete_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_visa_comment: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa comment. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> deny_user_invitation(id)
Deny an invitation
The invitation status change to DENIED and the user is not added to the cloud. You can accept an invitation previously denied Required scopes: user:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this invitation.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Deny an invitation
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->deny_user_invitation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this invitation. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaAttachment deny_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Deny a validation
Deny a validation Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_attachment import VisaAttachment
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa validation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
attachment = open('/path/to/file', 'rb') file_type, none_type | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Deny a validation
api_response = api_instance.deny_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->deny_validation: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Deny a validation
api_response = api_instance.deny_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk, attachment=attachment)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->deny_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa validation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**attachment** | **file_type, none_type**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Classification get_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a classification
Retrieve a classification Required scopes: ifc:read, model:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.classification import Classification
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this classification.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a classification
api_response = api_instance.get_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_classification: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this classification. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Classification] get_classifications(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all classifications
Retrieve all classifications of all models in the project Required scopes: ifc:read, model:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.classification import Classification
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all classifications
api_response = api_instance.get_classifications(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_classifications: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Cloud get_cloud(id)
Retrieve one cloud
Retrieve one cloud
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Cloud
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve one cloud
api_response = api_instance.get_cloud(id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_cloud: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [CloudInvitation] get_cloud_invitations(cloud_pk)
Retrieve all pending invitations in the cloud
Returns app's invitations only Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.cloud_invitation import CloudInvitation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all pending invitations in the cloud
api_response = api_instance.get_cloud_invitations(cloud_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_cloud_invitations: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Size get_cloud_size(id)
Get size of the cloud
Returns the sizes of the cloud in Bytes. The response fields depends on the role of the user. If the user is an admin, all field will be returned. If the user is a standard user, only `remaining_total_size` and `remaining_smart_data_size` will be set. If the call is made from an API access, role admin (100) will be returned and all fields will be set. The fields `managed by` indicate if the subscription for this cloud is an API subscription or a BIMData Platform subscription. If the cloud is managed by an API plan, the remaining sizes will take others organizations's clouds size into account
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.size import Size
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Get size of the cloud
api_response = api_instance.get_cloud_size(id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_cloud_size: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> User get_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id)
Retrieve a user in a cloud
Only administrators can see a cloud member Required scopes: cloud:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user import User
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this fos user.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a user in a cloud
api_response = api_instance.get_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_cloud_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this fos user. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [User] get_cloud_users(cloud_pk)
Retrieve all users in a cloud, or a list with a filter by email
Only administrators can see cloud members. Required scopes: cloud:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user import User
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
email = "email_example" str | (optional)
email__contains = "email__contains_example" str | (optional)
email__endswith = "email__endswith_example" str | (optional)
email__startswith = "email__startswith_example" str | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all users in a cloud, or a list with a filter by email
api_response = api_instance.get_cloud_users(cloud_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_cloud_users: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Retrieve all users in a cloud, or a list with a filter by email
api_response = api_instance.get_cloud_users(cloud_pk, email=email, email__contains=email__contains, email__endswith=email__endswith, email__startswith=email__startswith)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_cloud_users: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**email** | **str**| | [optional]
**email__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**email__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**email__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Cloud] get_clouds()
Retrieve all clouds
Returns user's (or app's) clouds only
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Cloud
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
example, this endpoint has no required or optional parameters
Retrieve all clouds
api_response = api_instance.get_clouds()
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_clouds: %s\n" % e)
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Document get_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a document
Retrieve a document in the project Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a document
api_response = api_instance.get_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_document: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Document] get_document_histories(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all document histories
Retrieve all documents from the header document history Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all document histories
api_response = api_instance.get_document_histories(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_document_histories: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Document] get_documents(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all documents
Retrieve all documents in the project. Filters are case insentive Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
created_after = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01T00:00:00.00Z') datetime | (optional)
created_before = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01T00:00:00.00Z') datetime | (optional)
creator_email = "creator_email_example" str | (optional)
description = "description_example" str | (optional)
description__contains = "description__contains_example" str | (optional)
description__endswith = "description__endswith_example" str | (optional)
description__startswith = "description__startswith_example" str | (optional)
file_name = "file_name_example" str | (optional)
file_name__contains = "file_name__contains_example" str | (optional)
file_name__endswith = "file_name__endswith_example" str | (optional)
file_name__startswith = "file_name__startswith_example" str | (optional)
has__visa = True bool | (optional)
name = "name_example" str | (optional)
name__contains = "name__contains_example" str | (optional)
name__endswith = "name__endswith_example" str | (optional)
name__startswith = "name__startswith_example" str | (optional)
size_max = 0 int, none_type | Size of the file. (optional)
size_min = 0 int, none_type | Size of the file. (optional)
tags = [
] [str] | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
visa__creator_email = "visa__creator_email_example" str | (optional)
visa__deadline_after = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
visa__deadline_before = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
visa__past__deadline = True bool | if True, Get documents that have at least one visa opened with a deadline in past (optional)
visa__past__deadline__strict = True bool | if True, Get documents that *only* have visa opened with a deadline in past (optional)
visa__status = "C" str | Get documents that have at least one visa in the requested status * `O` - opened * `P` - paused * `C` - closed (optional)
visa__status__strict = "C" str | Get documents that *exclusively* have visa in the requested status * `O` - opened * `P` - paused * `C` - closed (optional)
visa__validation_status = "visa__validation_status_example" str | (optional)
visa__validator_email = "visa__validator_email_example" str | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all documents
api_response = api_instance.get_documents(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_documents: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Retrieve all documents
api_response = api_instance.get_documents(cloud_pk, project_pk, created_after=created_after, created_before=created_before, creator_email=creator_email, description=description, description__contains=description__contains, description__endswith=description__endswith, description__startswith=description__startswith, file_name=file_name, file_name__contains=file_name__contains, file_name__endswith=file_name__endswith, file_name__startswith=file_name__startswith, has__visa=has__visa, name=name, name__contains=name__contains, name__endswith=name__endswith, name__startswith=name__startswith, size_max=size_max, size_min=size_min, tags=tags, visa__creator_email=visa__creator_email, visa__deadline_after=visa__deadline_after, visa__deadline_before=visa__deadline_before, visa__past__deadline=visa__past__deadline, visa__past__deadline__strict=visa__past__deadline__strict, visa__status=visa__status, visa__status__strict=visa__status__strict, visa__validation_status=visa__validation_status, visa__validator_email=visa__validator_email)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_documents: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**created_after** | **datetime**| | [optional]
**created_before** | **datetime**| | [optional]
**creator_email** | **str**| | [optional]
**description** | **str**| | [optional]
**description__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**description__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**description__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**has__visa** | **bool**| | [optional]
**name** | **str**| | [optional]
**name__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**name__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**name__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**size_max** | **int, none_type**| Size of the file. | [optional]
**size_min** | **int, none_type**| Size of the file. | [optional]
**tags** | **[str]**| Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional]
**visa__creator_email** | **str**| | [optional]
**visa__deadline_after** | **date**| | [optional]
**visa__deadline_before** | **date**| | [optional]
**visa__past__deadline** | **bool**| if True, Get documents that have at least one visa opened with a deadline in past | [optional]
**visa__past__deadline__strict** | **bool**| if True, Get documents that *only* have visa opened with a deadline in past | [optional]
**visa__status** | **str**| Get documents that have at least one visa in the requested status * &x60;O&x60; - opened * &x60;P&x60; - paused * &x60;C&x60; - closed | [optional]
**visa__status__strict** | **str**| Get documents that *exclusively* have visa in the requested status * &x60;O&x60; - opened * &x60;P&x60; - paused * &x60;C&x60; - closed | [optional]
**visa__validation_status** | **str**| | [optional]
**visa__validator_email** | **str**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> FolderWithoutChildren get_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a folder
Retrieve a folder Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_without_children import FolderWithoutChildren
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this folder.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a folder
api_response = api_instance.get_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_folder: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this folder. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Document] get_folder_documents(cloud_pk, folder_pk, project_pk)
Get all documents of a folder
Get all documents of a folder Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
folder_pk = 1 int |
project_pk = 1 int |
created_after = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01T00:00:00.00Z') datetime | (optional)
created_before = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01T00:00:00.00Z') datetime | (optional)
creator_email = "creator_email_example" str | (optional)
description = "description_example" str | (optional)
description__contains = "description__contains_example" str | (optional)
description__endswith = "description__endswith_example" str | (optional)
description__startswith = "description__startswith_example" str | (optional)
file_name = "file_name_example" str | (optional)
file_name__contains = "file_name__contains_example" str | (optional)
file_name__endswith = "file_name__endswith_example" str | (optional)
file_name__startswith = "file_name__startswith_example" str | (optional)
has__visa = True bool | (optional)
name = "name_example" str | (optional)
name__contains = "name__contains_example" str | (optional)
name__endswith = "name__endswith_example" str | (optional)
name__startswith = "name__startswith_example" str | (optional)
size_max = 0 int, none_type | Size of the file. (optional)
size_min = 0 int, none_type | Size of the file. (optional)
tags = [
] [str] | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
visa__creator_email = "visa__creator_email_example" str | (optional)
visa__deadline_after = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
visa__deadline_before = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
visa__past__deadline = True bool | if True, Get documents that have at least one visa opened with a deadline in past (optional)
visa__past__deadline__strict = True bool | if True, Get documents that *only* have visa opened with a deadline in past (optional)
visa__status = "C" str | Get documents that have at least one visa in the requested status * `O` - opened * `P` - paused * `C` - closed (optional)
visa__status__strict = "C" str | Get documents that *exclusively* have visa in the requested status * `O` - opened * `P` - paused * `C` - closed (optional)
visa__validation_status = "visa__validation_status_example" str | (optional)
visa__validator_email = "visa__validator_email_example" str | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Get all documents of a folder
api_response = api_instance.get_folder_documents(cloud_pk, folder_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_folder_documents: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Get all documents of a folder
api_response = api_instance.get_folder_documents(cloud_pk, folder_pk, project_pk, created_after=created_after, created_before=created_before, creator_email=creator_email, description=description, description__contains=description__contains, description__endswith=description__endswith, description__startswith=description__startswith, file_name=file_name, file_name__contains=file_name__contains, file_name__endswith=file_name__endswith, file_name__startswith=file_name__startswith, has__visa=has__visa, name=name, name__contains=name__contains, name__endswith=name__endswith, name__startswith=name__startswith, size_max=size_max, size_min=size_min, tags=tags, visa__creator_email=visa__creator_email, visa__deadline_after=visa__deadline_after, visa__deadline_before=visa__deadline_before, visa__past__deadline=visa__past__deadline, visa__past__deadline__strict=visa__past__deadline__strict, visa__status=visa__status, visa__status__strict=visa__status__strict, visa__validation_status=visa__validation_status, visa__validator_email=visa__validator_email)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_folder_documents: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**folder_pk** | **int**| |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
**created_after** | **datetime**| | [optional]
**created_before** | **datetime**| | [optional]
**creator_email** | **str**| | [optional]
**description** | **str**| | [optional]
**description__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**description__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**description__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**has__visa** | **bool**| | [optional]
**name** | **str**| | [optional]
**name__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**name__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**name__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**size_max** | **int, none_type**| Size of the file. | [optional]
**size_min** | **int, none_type**| Size of the file. | [optional]
**tags** | **[str]**| Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional]
**visa__creator_email** | **str**| | [optional]
**visa__deadline_after** | **date**| | [optional]
**visa__deadline_before** | **date**| | [optional]
**visa__past__deadline** | **bool**| if True, Get documents that have at least one visa opened with a deadline in past | [optional]
**visa__past__deadline__strict** | **bool**| if True, Get documents that *only* have visa opened with a deadline in past | [optional]
**visa__status** | **str**| Get documents that have at least one visa in the requested status * &x60;O&x60; - opened * &x60;P&x60; - paused * &x60;C&x60; - closed | [optional]
**visa__status__strict** | **str**| Get documents that *exclusively* have visa in the requested status * &x60;O&x60; - opened * &x60;P&x60; - paused * &x60;C&x60; - closed | [optional]
**visa__validation_status** | **str**| | [optional]
**visa__validator_email** | **str**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [FolderUserProject] get_folder_project_users(cloud_pk, folder_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all users in a project with the permission on the folder
Retrieve all users in a project with the permission on the folder Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_user_project import FolderUserProject
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
folder_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this folder.
project_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all users in a project with the permission on the folder
api_response = api_instance.get_folder_project_users(cloud_pk, folder_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_folder_project_users: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**folder_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this folder. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [FolderWithoutChildren] get_folders(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all folders
Retrieve all folders in the project. This is an array of folder. If you want to get the tree of all folders, see getProjectTree Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_without_children import FolderWithoutChildren
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all folders
api_response = api_instance.get_folders(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_folders: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Group get_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a group
Retrieve a group to which the user belongs Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a group
api_response = api_instance.get_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_group: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Group] get_groups(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all groups
Retrieves all groups to which the user belongs Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all groups
api_response = api_instance.get_groups(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_groups: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [LogEntry] get_logs(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all logs of the project
Retrieve all logs of the project Required scopes: logs:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.log_entry import LogEntry
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
project_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all logs of the project
api_response = api_instance.get_logs(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_logs: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Group get_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a group
Retrieve a group. Must be an admin of the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a group
api_response = api_instance.get_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_manage_group: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Group] get_manage_groups(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all groups
Retrieve all groups in the project. Must be an admin of the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all groups
api_response = api_instance.get_manage_groups(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_manage_groups: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Project get_project(cloud_pk, id)
Retrieve a project
Retrieve a project
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a project
api_response = api_instance.get_project(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> ProjectAccessToken get_project_access_token(cloud_pk, project_pk, token)
Retrieve one token created for this project
Retrieve one token created for this project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_access_token import ProjectAccessToken
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
token = "token_example" str |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve one token created for this project
api_response = api_instance.get_project_access_token(cloud_pk, project_pk, token)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_access_token: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**token** | **str**| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [ProjectAccessToken] get_project_access_tokens(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all tokens created for this project
Retrieve all tokens created for this project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_access_token import ProjectAccessToken
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all tokens created for this project
api_response = api_instance.get_project_access_tokens(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_access_tokens: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [VisaWithDocument] get_project_creator_visas(cloud_pk, project_pk)
List visas created by user
List visas created by user in a project Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_with_document import VisaWithDocument
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
deadline_after = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
deadline_before = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
has__past_deadline = True bool | (optional)
status = "C" str | * `O` - opened * `P` - paused * `C` - closed (optional)
validation_status = "validation_status_example" str | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
List visas created by user
api_response = api_instance.get_project_creator_visas(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_creator_visas: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
List visas created by user
api_response = api_instance.get_project_creator_visas(cloud_pk, project_pk, deadline_after=deadline_after, deadline_before=deadline_before, has__past_deadline=has__past_deadline, status=status, validation_status=validation_status)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_creator_visas: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**deadline_after** | **date**| | [optional]
**deadline_before** | **date**| | [optional]
**has__past_deadline** | **bool**| | [optional]
**status** | **str**| * &x60;O&x60; - opened * &x60;P&x60; - paused * &x60;C&x60; - closed | [optional]
**validation_status** | **str**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Folder get_project_dms_tree(cloud_pk, id)
Retrieve the complete DMS tree
Retrieve the complete DMS tree (all folders and all documents in the project)
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder import Folder
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve the complete DMS tree
api_response = api_instance.get_project_dms_tree(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_dms_tree: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [FolderTree] get_project_folder_tree(cloud_pk, id)
Retrieve folder tree of the project
Retrieve folder tree of the project
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_tree import FolderTree
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve folder tree of the project
api_response = api_instance.get_project_folder_tree(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_folder_tree: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [ProjectInvitation] get_project_invitations(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all pending invitations in the project
Returns app's invitations only Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_invitation import ProjectInvitation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all pending invitations in the project
api_response = api_instance.get_project_invitations(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_invitations: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> ProjectSize get_project_size(cloud_pk, id)
Get size of all model files in the project
Returns the size of the project in Bytes
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_size import ProjectSize
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Get size of all model files in the project
api_response = api_instance.get_project_size(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_size: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Folder get_project_tree(cloud_pk, id)
Retrieve the complete DMS tree
Retrieve the complete DMS tree (all folders and all documents in the project). DEPRECATED: renamed to getProjectDMSTree
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder import Folder
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve the complete DMS tree
api_response = api_instance.get_project_tree(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_tree: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [UserProject] get_project_users(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all users in a project, or a list with a filter by email
Each member of a project can see other members of the project Required scopes: cloud:read, bcf:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user_project import UserProject
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
project_pk = 1 int |
email = "email_example" str | Filter the returned list by email (optional)
email__contains = "email__contains_example" str | Filter the returned list by email__contains (optional)
email__endswith = "email__endswith_example" str | Filter the returned list by email__endswith (optional)
email__startswith = "email__startswith_example" str | Filter the returned list by email__startswith (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all users in a project, or a list with a filter by email
api_response = api_instance.get_project_users(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_users: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Retrieve all users in a project, or a list with a filter by email
api_response = api_instance.get_project_users(cloud_pk, project_pk, email=email, email__contains=email__contains, email__endswith=email__endswith, email__startswith=email__startswith)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_users: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
**email** | **str**| Filter the returned list by email | [optional]
**email__contains** | **str**| Filter the returned list by email__contains | [optional]
**email__endswith** | **str**| Filter the returned list by email__endswith | [optional]
**email__startswith** | **str**| Filter the returned list by email__startswith | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [VisaWithDocument] get_project_validator_visas(cloud_pk, project_pk)
List visas where user is a validator
List visas where user is a validator in a project Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_with_document import VisaWithDocument
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
deadline_after = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
deadline_before = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
has__past_deadline = True bool | (optional)
status = "C" str | * `O` - opened * `P` - paused * `C` - closed (optional)
validation_status = "validation_status_example" str | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
List visas where user is a validator
api_response = api_instance.get_project_validator_visas(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_validator_visas: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
List visas where user is a validator
api_response = api_instance.get_project_validator_visas(cloud_pk, project_pk, deadline_after=deadline_after, deadline_before=deadline_before, has__past_deadline=has__past_deadline, status=status, validation_status=validation_status)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_validator_visas: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**deadline_after** | **date**| | [optional]
**deadline_before** | **date**| | [optional]
**has__past_deadline** | **bool**| | [optional]
**status** | **str**| * &x60;O&x60; - opened * &x60;P&x60; - paused * &x60;C&x60; - closed | [optional]
**validation_status** | **str**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Project] get_projects(cloud_pk)
Retrieve all projects
Retrieve all projects of the cloud. All project are shown at the same level. see getProjectSubTree
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all projects
api_response = api_instance.get_projects(cloud_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_projects: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Project] get_self_projects()
List current user's projects
List user's projects of all clouds Required scopes: user:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
example, this endpoint has no required or optional parameters
List current user's projects
api_response = api_instance.get_self_projects()
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_self_projects: %s\n" % e)
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> SelfUser get_self_user()
Get info about the current user
Get info about the current user Required scopes: user:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.self_user import SelfUser
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
example, this endpoint has no required or optional parameters
Get info about the current user
api_response = api_instance.get_self_user()
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_self_user: %s\n" % e)
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Tag get_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a tag
Retrieve a tag in the project Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.tag import Tag
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this tag.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a tag
api_response = api_instance.get_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_tag: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this tag. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Tag] get_tags(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all tags
Retrieve all tags in the project Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.tag import Tag
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all tags
api_response = api_instance.get_tags(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_tags: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> UserInvitation get_user_invitation(id)
Retrieve an invitation
Retrieve the invitation Required scopes: user:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user_invitation import UserInvitation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this invitation.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve an invitation
api_response = api_instance.get_user_invitation(id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_user_invitation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this invitation. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [UserInvitation] get_user_invitations()
List user's invitations
List all user's invitations Required scopes: user:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user_invitation import UserInvitation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
example, this endpoint has no required or optional parameters
List user's invitations
api_response = api_instance.get_user_invitations()
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_user_invitations: %s\n" % e)
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaValidation get_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Retrieve a validation to a visa
Retrieve a validation to a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_validation import VisaValidation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa validation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a validation to a visa
api_response = api_instance.get_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa validation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [VisaValidation] get_validations(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk)
List all validations to a visa
List all validations to a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_validation import VisaValidation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
List all validations to a visa
api_response = api_instance.get_validations(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_validations: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Visa get_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a visa of a document
Retrieve a unique visa of a document Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Visa
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a visa of a document
api_response = api_instance.get_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaComment get_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Retrieve a comment
Retrieve a comment Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_comment import VisaComment
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa comment.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a comment
api_response = api_instance.get_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_visa_comment: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa comment. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [VisaComment] get_visa_comments(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk)
List all comment of a visa
List all comment of a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_comment import VisaComment
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
List all comment of a visa
api_response = api_instance.get_visa_comments(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_visa_comments: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Visa] get_visas(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
List all visas of a document
List all visas of a document Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Visa
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
List all visas of a document
api_response = api_instance.get_visas(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_visas: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Project import_from_project(cloud_pk, id, project_import_request)
Import data from a project
Import dms tree and/or the groups from a project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_import_request import ProjectImportRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
project_import_request = ProjectImportRequest(
) ProjectImportRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Import data from a project
api_response = api_instance.import_from_project(cloud_pk, id, project_import_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->import_from_project: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**project_import_request** | [**ProjectImportRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Group] import_manage_group(cloud_pk, project_pk, import_group_request)
Import a group from another project
DEPECRATED: Use ImportFromProject instead Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.import_group_request import ImportGroupRequest
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
import_group_request = ImportGroupRequest(
) ImportGroupRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Import a group from another project
api_response = api_instance.import_manage_group(cloud_pk, project_pk, import_group_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->import_manage_group: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**import_group_request** | [**ImportGroupRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> CloudInvitation invite_cloud_user(cloud_pk, cloud_invitation_request)
Invite a cloud member
Invite a cloud member. To invite in a project, see inviteProjectUser. You can't invite a user already in the cloud. Create multiple invitations of the same email in the same cloud will generate multiple invitation emails but not multiple invitation object Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.cloud_invitation_request import CloudInvitationRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.cloud_invitation import CloudInvitation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
cloud_invitation_request = CloudInvitationRequest(
) CloudInvitationRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Invite a cloud member
api_response = api_instance.invite_cloud_user(cloud_pk, cloud_invitation_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->invite_cloud_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**cloud_invitation_request** | [**CloudInvitationRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> ProjectInvitation invite_project_user(cloud_pk, project_pk, project_invitation_request)
Invite a project member
Invite a project member. If the user is not already a cloud member, they will also be invited in the cloud with USER role. Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_invitation_request import ProjectInvitationRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_invitation import ProjectInvitation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
project_invitation_request = ProjectInvitationRequest(
) ProjectInvitationRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Invite a project member
api_response = api_instance.invite_project_user(cloud_pk, project_pk, project_invitation_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->invite_project_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**project_invitation_request** | [**ProjectInvitationRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> leave_project(cloud_pk, id)
Leave the project
Leave the project. Only authenticated users (no app) can call this route. Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Leave the project
api_instance.leave_project(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->leave_project: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You can&39;t leave the project if you&39;re the last admin | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Document leave_version_document_history(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Leave the history version
This will create a new independent document in the same folder Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Leave the history version
api_response = api_instance.leave_version_document_history(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->leave_version_document_history: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Document make_head_version_document_history(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Make the head of the version
The actual head version will be defined as the previous version Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Make the head of the version
api_response = api_instance.make_head_version_document_history(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->make_head_version_document_history: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> pause_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Pause a visa of a document
Pause a visa of a document Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Pause a visa of a document
api_instance.pause_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->pause_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> reset_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Reset a validation
Reset a validation if the validation has been accepted or rejected. The attachment will be removed Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa validation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Reset a validation
api_instance.reset_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->reset_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa validation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> resume_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Resume a visa of a document
Resume a visa of a document after a pause Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Resume a visa of a document
api_instance.resume_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->resume_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Classification update_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Update some fields of a classification
Update some fields of a classification Required scopes: ifc:write, model:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_classification_request import PatchedClassificationRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.classification import Classification
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this classification.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_classification_request = PatchedClassificationRequest(
) PatchedClassificationRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a classification
api_response = api_instance.update_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_classification: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a classification
api_response = api_instance.update_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, patched_classification_request=patched_classification_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_classification: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this classification. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_classification_request** | [**PatchedClassificationRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Cloud update_cloud(id)
Update some fields of a cloud
Update some fields of a cloud Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_cloud_request import PatchedCloudRequest
from import Cloud
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
patched_cloud_request = PatchedCloudRequest(
image=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) PatchedCloudRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a cloud
api_response = api_instance.update_cloud(id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_cloud: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a cloud
api_response = api_instance.update_cloud(id, patched_cloud_request=patched_cloud_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_cloud: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**patched_cloud_request** | [**PatchedCloudRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> User update_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id)
Change the user role in the cloud
Change the user role in the cloud Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user import User
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_user_cloud_update_request import PatchedUserCloudUpdateRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this fos user.
patched_user_cloud_update_request = PatchedUserCloudUpdateRequest(
) PatchedUserCloudUpdateRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Change the user role in the cloud
api_response = api_instance.update_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_cloud_user: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Change the user role in the cloud
api_response = api_instance.update_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id, patched_user_cloud_update_request=patched_user_cloud_update_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_cloud_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this fos user. |
**patched_user_cloud_update_request** | [**PatchedUserCloudUpdateRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Document update_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Update some fields of the document
Update some fields of the document Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_document_request import PatchedDocumentRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_document_request = PatchedDocumentRequest(
file=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) PatchedDocumentRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of the document
api_response = api_instance.update_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_document: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of the document
api_response = api_instance.update_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, patched_document_request=patched_document_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_document: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_document_request** | [**PatchedDocumentRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> FolderWithoutChildren update_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Update some fields of a folder
Update some fields of a folder. Only project admins can update the `default_permission` field. `default_permission` choices are : 1: ACCESS_DENIED, 50: READ_ONLY, 100: READ_WRTIE When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated. Caution: The 'default_permission' field is not applied to users belonging to one or more groups. Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_folder_without_children_request import PatchedFolderWithoutChildrenRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_without_children import FolderWithoutChildren
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this folder.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_folder_without_children_request = PatchedFolderWithoutChildrenRequest(
) PatchedFolderWithoutChildrenRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a folder
api_response = api_instance.update_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_folder: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a folder
api_response = api_instance.update_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, patched_folder_without_children_request=patched_folder_without_children_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_folder: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this folder. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_folder_without_children_request** | [**PatchedFolderWithoutChildrenRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> GroupFolder update_group_folder(cloud_pk, folder_pk, id, project_pk)
Update the permission of a group on a folder. When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated.
Update the permission of a group on a folder. Permissions choices are : 1: ACCESS_DENIED, 50: READ_ONLY, 100: READ_WRITE, None: Default value (See the default_permission field of the folder) When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated. Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.group_folder import GroupFolder
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_group_folder_request import PatchedGroupFolderRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
folder_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group folder.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_group_folder_request = PatchedGroupFolderRequest(
) PatchedGroupFolderRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update the permission of a group on a folder. When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated.
api_response = api_instance.update_group_folder(cloud_pk, folder_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_group_folder: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update the permission of a group on a folder. When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated.
api_response = api_instance.update_group_folder(cloud_pk, folder_pk, id, project_pk, patched_group_folder_request=patched_group_folder_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_group_folder: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**folder_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group folder. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_group_folder_request** | [**PatchedGroupFolderRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Group update_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Update some fields of a group
Update some fields of a group. Must be an admin of the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_group_request import PatchedGroupRequest
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_group_request = PatchedGroupRequest(
) PatchedGroupRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a group
api_response = api_instance.update_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_manage_group: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a group
api_response = api_instance.update_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, patched_group_request=patched_group_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_manage_group: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_group_request** | [**PatchedGroupRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> DocumentPreviewFile update_preview_file(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Update preview of the document
Update preview of the document Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document_preview_file import DocumentPreviewFile
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
office_preview = open('/path/to/file', 'rb') file_type | Office files will be converted as pdf to provide a web preview. Supported extensions are .ppt, .pptx, .odp, .xls, .xlsx, .ods, .doc, .docx, .odt (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update preview of the document
api_response = api_instance.update_preview_file(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_preview_file: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update preview of the document
api_response = api_instance.update_preview_file(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, office_preview=office_preview)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_preview_file: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**office_preview** | **file_type**| Office files will be converted as pdf to provide a web preview. Supported extensions are .ppt, .pptx, .odp, .xls, .xlsx, .ods, .doc, .docx, .odt | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Project update_project(cloud_pk, id)
Update some fields of a project
Update some fields of a project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_project_request import PatchedProjectRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_project_request = PatchedProjectRequest(
logo=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) PatchedProjectRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a project
api_response = api_instance.update_project(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_project: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a project
api_response = api_instance.update_project(cloud_pk, id, patched_project_request=patched_project_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_project: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_project_request** | [**PatchedProjectRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> UserProject update_project_user(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Change the user role in the cloud
Change the user role in the cloud Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user_project import UserProject
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_user_project_update_request import PatchedUserProjectUpdateRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this user project.
project_pk = 1 int |
patched_user_project_update_request = PatchedUserProjectUpdateRequest(
) PatchedUserProjectUpdateRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Change the user role in the cloud
api_response = api_instance.update_project_user(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_project_user: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Change the user role in the cloud
api_response = api_instance.update_project_user(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, patched_user_project_update_request=patched_user_project_update_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_project_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this user project. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
**patched_user_project_update_request** | [**PatchedUserProjectUpdateRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Tag update_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Update some fields of the tag
Update some fields of the tag Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.tag import Tag
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_tag_request import PatchedTagRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this tag.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_tag_request = PatchedTagRequest(
) PatchedTagRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of the tag
api_response = api_instance.update_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_tag: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of the tag
api_response = api_instance.update_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, patched_tag_request=patched_tag_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_tag: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this tag. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_tag_request** | [**PatchedTagRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaValidation update_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Update the validator of validation
Update the validator of validation. This route is only useful for an App Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_validation import VisaValidation
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_visa_validation_request import PatchedVisaValidationRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa validation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
patched_visa_validation_request = PatchedVisaValidationRequest(
attachment=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) PatchedVisaValidationRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update the validator of validation
api_response = api_instance.update_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_validation: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update the validator of validation
api_response = api_instance.update_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk, patched_visa_validation_request=patched_visa_validation_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa validation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**patched_visa_validation_request** | [**PatchedVisaValidationRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Visa update_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Update some fields of a visa
Update some fields of a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Visa
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_visa_request import PatchedVisaRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_visa_request = PatchedVisaRequest(
) PatchedVisaRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a visa
api_response = api_instance.update_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_visa: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a visa
api_response = api_instance.update_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, patched_visa_request=patched_visa_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_visa_request** | [**PatchedVisaRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaComment update_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Update some fields of a comment
Update some fields of a comment Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_comment import VisaComment
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_visa_comment_request import PatchedVisaCommentRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa comment.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
patched_visa_comment_request = PatchedVisaCommentRequest(
) PatchedVisaCommentRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a comment
api_response = api_instance.update_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_visa_comment: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a comment
api_response = api_instance.update_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk, patched_visa_comment_request=patched_visa_comment_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_visa_comment: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa comment. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**patched_visa_comment_request** | [**PatchedVisaCommentRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
All URIs are relative to *http://localhost*
Method | HTTP request | Description
------------- | ------------- | -------------
[**accept_user_invitation**](CollaborationApi.mdaccept_user_invitation) | **POST** /user/invitations/{id}/accept | Accept an invitation
[**accept_validation**](CollaborationApi.mdaccept_validation) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id}/accept | Accept a validation
[**add_document_tag**](CollaborationApi.mdadd_document_tag) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/tag | Add a tag to a document
[**add_group_member**](CollaborationApi.mdadd_group_member) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{group_pk}/member | Add a user to a group
[**cancel_cloud_user_invitation**](CollaborationApi.mdcancel_cloud_user_invitation) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/invitation/{id} | Cancel a pending invitation
[**cancel_project_user_invitation**](CollaborationApi.mdcancel_project_user_invitation) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/invitation/{id} | Cancel a pending invitation
[**check_access**](CollaborationApi.mdcheck_access) | **GET** /cloud/{id}/check-access | Check app access from cloud
[**check_project_access**](CollaborationApi.mdcheck_project_access) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/check-access | Check if the current token has access to the requested project
[**close_visa**](CollaborationApi.mdclose_visa) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id}/close | Close a visa of a document
[**create_classification**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_classification) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification | Create a classification
[**create_cloud**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_cloud) | **POST** /cloud | Create a cloud
[**create_demo**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_demo) | **POST** /cloud/{id}/create-demo | Create a Demo project in a cloud
[**create_dms_tree**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_dms_tree) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/dms-tree | Create a complete DMS tree
[**create_document**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_document) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document | Create a document
[**create_folder**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_folder) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder | Create a folder
[**create_manage_group**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_manage_group) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group | Create a group
[**create_project**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_project) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project | Create a project
[**create_project_access_token**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_project_access_token) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/access-token | Create a token for this project
[**create_tag**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_tag) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag | Create a tag
[**create_validation**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_validation) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation | Add a validation to a visa
[**create_visa**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_visa) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa | Create a visa
[**create_visa_comment**](CollaborationApi.mdcreate_visa_comment) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment | Add a comment
[**delete_all_document_history**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_all_document_history) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/history/delete | Delete all document history
[**delete_classification**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_classification) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification/{id} | Delete a classification
[**delete_cloud**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_cloud) | **DELETE** /cloud/{id} | Delete a cloud
[**delete_cloud_user**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_cloud_user) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user/{id} | Remove a user from a cloud
[**delete_document**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_document) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id} | Delete the document
[**delete_document_tag**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_document_tag) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/tag/{id} | Delete a tag from a document
[**delete_folder**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_folder) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{id} | Delete a folder
[**delete_group_member**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_group_member) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{group_pk}/member/{id} | Delete a user from a group
[**delete_manage_group**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_manage_group) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{id} | Delete a group
[**delete_project**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_project) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Delete a project
[**delete_project_access_token**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_project_access_token) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/access-token/{token} | Delete a token
[**delete_project_user**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_project_user) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/user/{id} | Remove a user from a project
[**delete_tag**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_tag) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag/{id} | Delete the tag
[**delete_validation**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_validation) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id} | Remove a validation
[**delete_visa**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_visa) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id} | Remove a visa
[**delete_visa_comment**](CollaborationApi.mddelete_visa_comment) | **DELETE** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment/{id} | Remove a comment
[**deny_user_invitation**](CollaborationApi.mddeny_user_invitation) | **POST** /user/invitations/{id}/deny | Deny an invitation
[**deny_validation**](CollaborationApi.mddeny_validation) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id}/deny | Deny a validation
[**get_classification**](CollaborationApi.mdget_classification) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification/{id} | Retrieve a classification
[**get_classifications**](CollaborationApi.mdget_classifications) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification | Retrieve all classifications
[**get_cloud**](CollaborationApi.mdget_cloud) | **GET** /cloud/{id} | Retrieve one cloud
[**get_cloud_invitations**](CollaborationApi.mdget_cloud_invitations) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/invitation | Retrieve all pending invitations in the cloud
[**get_cloud_size**](CollaborationApi.mdget_cloud_size) | **GET** /cloud/{id}/size | Get size of the cloud
[**get_cloud_user**](CollaborationApi.mdget_cloud_user) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user/{id} | Retrieve a user in a cloud
[**get_cloud_users**](CollaborationApi.mdget_cloud_users) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user | Retrieve all users in a cloud, or a list with a filter by email
[**get_clouds**](CollaborationApi.mdget_clouds) | **GET** /cloud | Retrieve all clouds
[**get_document**](CollaborationApi.mdget_document) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id} | Retrieve a document
[**get_document_histories**](CollaborationApi.mdget_document_histories) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/history | Retrieve all document histories
[**get_documents**](CollaborationApi.mdget_documents) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document | Retrieve all documents
[**get_folder**](CollaborationApi.mdget_folder) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{id} | Retrieve a folder
[**get_folder_documents**](CollaborationApi.mdget_folder_documents) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{folder_pk}/document | Get all documents of a folder
[**get_folder_project_users**](CollaborationApi.mdget_folder_project_users) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{folder_pk}/user | Retrieve all users in a project with the permission on the folder
[**get_folders**](CollaborationApi.mdget_folders) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder | Retrieve all folders
[**get_group**](CollaborationApi.mdget_group) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/me/group/{id} | Retrieve a group
[**get_groups**](CollaborationApi.mdget_groups) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/me/group | Retrieve all groups
[**get_logs**](CollaborationApi.mdget_logs) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/logs | Retrieve all logs of the project
[**get_manage_group**](CollaborationApi.mdget_manage_group) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{id} | Retrieve a group
[**get_manage_groups**](CollaborationApi.mdget_manage_groups) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group | Retrieve all groups
[**get_project**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Retrieve a project
[**get_project_access_token**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_access_token) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/access-token/{token} | Retrieve one token created for this project
[**get_project_access_tokens**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_access_tokens) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/access-token | Retrieve all tokens created for this project
[**get_project_creator_visas**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_creator_visas) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/me/visa/creator | List visas created by user
[**get_project_dms_tree**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_dms_tree) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/dms-tree | Retrieve the complete DMS tree
[**get_project_folder_tree**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_folder_tree) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/folder-tree | Retrieve folder tree of the project
[**get_project_invitations**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_invitations) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/invitation | Retrieve all pending invitations in the project
[**get_project_size**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_size) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/size | Get size of all model files in the project
[**get_project_tree**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_tree) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/tree | Retrieve the complete DMS tree
[**get_project_users**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_users) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/user | Retrieve all users in a project, or a list with a filter by email
[**get_project_validator_visas**](CollaborationApi.mdget_project_validator_visas) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/me/visa/validator | List visas where user is a validator
[**get_projects**](CollaborationApi.mdget_projects) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project | Retrieve all projects
[**get_self_projects**](CollaborationApi.mdget_self_projects) | **GET** /user/projects | List current user&39;s projects
[**get_self_user**](CollaborationApi.mdget_self_user) | **GET** /user | Get info about the current user
[**get_tag**](CollaborationApi.mdget_tag) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag/{id} | Retrieve a tag
[**get_tags**](CollaborationApi.mdget_tags) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag | Retrieve all tags
[**get_user_invitation**](CollaborationApi.mdget_user_invitation) | **GET** /user/invitations/{id} | Retrieve an invitation
[**get_user_invitations**](CollaborationApi.mdget_user_invitations) | **GET** /user/invitations | List user&39;s invitations
[**get_validation**](CollaborationApi.mdget_validation) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id} | Retrieve a validation to a visa
[**get_validations**](CollaborationApi.mdget_validations) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation | List all validations to a visa
[**get_visa**](CollaborationApi.mdget_visa) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id} | Retrieve a visa of a document
[**get_visa_comment**](CollaborationApi.mdget_visa_comment) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment/{id} | Retrieve a comment
[**get_visa_comments**](CollaborationApi.mdget_visa_comments) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment | List all comment of a visa
[**get_visas**](CollaborationApi.mdget_visas) | **GET** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa | List all visas of a document
[**import_from_project**](CollaborationApi.mdimport_from_project) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/import_from | Import data from a project
[**import_manage_group**](CollaborationApi.mdimport_manage_group) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/import | Import a group from another project
[**invite_cloud_user**](CollaborationApi.mdinvite_cloud_user) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/invitation | Invite a cloud member
[**invite_project_user**](CollaborationApi.mdinvite_project_user) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/invitation | Invite a project member
[**leave_project**](CollaborationApi.mdleave_project) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id}/leave | Leave the project
[**leave_version_document_history**](CollaborationApi.mdleave_version_document_history) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/history/{id}/leave | Leave the history version
[**make_head_version_document_history**](CollaborationApi.mdmake_head_version_document_history) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/history/{id}/head-version | Make the head of the version
[**pause_visa**](CollaborationApi.mdpause_visa) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id}/pause | Pause a visa of a document
[**reset_validation**](CollaborationApi.mdreset_validation) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id}/reset | Reset a validation
[**resume_visa**](CollaborationApi.mdresume_visa) | **POST** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id}/resume | Resume a visa of a document
[**update_classification**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_classification) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/classification/{id} | Update some fields of a classification
[**update_cloud**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_cloud) | **PATCH** /cloud/{id} | Update some fields of a cloud
[**update_cloud_user**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_cloud_user) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/user/{id} | Change the user role in the cloud
[**update_document**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_document) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id} | Update some fields of the document
[**update_folder**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_folder) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{id} | Update some fields of a folder
[**update_group_folder**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_group_folder) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/folder/{folder_pk}/group/{id} | Update the permission of a group on a folder. When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated.
[**update_manage_group**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_manage_group) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/group/{id} | Update some fields of a group
[**update_preview_file**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_preview_file) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{id}/preview-file | Update preview of the document
[**update_project**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_project) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{id} | Update some fields of a project
[**update_project_user**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_project_user) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/user/{id} | Change the user role in the cloud
[**update_tag**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_tag) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/tag/{id} | Update some fields of the tag
[**update_validation**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_validation) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/validation/{id} | Update the validator of validation
[**update_visa**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_visa) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{id} | Update some fields of a visa
[**update_visa_comment**](CollaborationApi.mdupdate_visa_comment) | **PATCH** /cloud/{cloud_pk}/project/{project_pk}/document/{document_pk}/visa/{visa_pk}/comment/{id} | Update some fields of a comment
> accept_user_invitation(id)
Accept an invitation
The user is added to the cloud and projet. Required scopes: user:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this invitation.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Accept an invitation
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->accept_user_invitation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this invitation. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaAttachment accept_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Accept a validation
Accept a validation Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_attachment import VisaAttachment
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa validation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
attachment = open('/path/to/file', 'rb') file_type, none_type | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Accept a validation
api_response = api_instance.accept_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->accept_validation: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Accept a validation
api_response = api_instance.accept_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk, attachment=attachment)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->accept_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa validation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**attachment** | **file_type, none_type**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Document add_document_tag(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, tag_id_request)
Add a tag to a document
Add a tag to a document Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.tag_id_request import TagIdRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int |
tag_id_request = TagIdRequest(
) TagIdRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Add a tag to a document
api_response = api_instance.add_document_tag(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, tag_id_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->add_document_tag: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
**tag_id_request** | [**TagIdRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> UserProject add_group_member(cloud_pk, group_pk, project_pk, user_project_id_request)
Add a user to a group
Add a userproject to a group. Must be an admin of the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user_project import UserProject
from bimdata_api_client.model.user_project_id_request import UserProjectIdRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
group_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
project_pk = 1 int |
user_project_id_request = UserProjectIdRequest(
) UserProjectIdRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Add a user to a group
api_response = api_instance.add_group_member(cloud_pk, group_pk, project_pk, user_project_id_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->add_group_member: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**group_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
**user_project_id_request** | [**UserProjectIdRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> cancel_cloud_user_invitation(cloud_pk, id)
Cancel a pending invitation
Cancel a pending invitation Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this invitation.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Cancel a pending invitation
api_instance.cancel_cloud_user_invitation(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->cancel_cloud_user_invitation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this invitation. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> cancel_project_user_invitation(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Cancel a pending invitation
Cancel a pending invitation Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this invitation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Cancel a pending invitation
api_instance.cancel_project_user_invitation(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->cancel_project_user_invitation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this invitation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> check_access(id)
Check app access from cloud
Return code 200 if the cloud has access to the marketplace app
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Check app access from cloud
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->check_access: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | No response body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> CheckProjectAccess check_project_access(cloud_pk, id)
Check if the current token has access to the requested project
The response gives you details about the right of the user or app, the scopes of the token and the usable scopes (scopes filtered by the right of the user). It works with user tokens, app tokens and ProjectAccessToken
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.check_project_access import CheckProjectAccess
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Check if the current token has access to the requested project
api_response = api_instance.check_project_access(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->check_project_access: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> close_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Close a visa of a document
Close a visa of a document Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Close a visa of a document
api_instance.close_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->close_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Classification] create_classification(cloud_pk, project_pk, classification_request)
Create a classification
Bulk create available. You can either post an object or a list of objects. Is you post a list, the response will be a list (in the same order) of created objects or of errors if any If at least one create succeeded, the status code will be 201. If every create failed, the status code we'll be 400 with the list of errors If created classification already exists, it will not be duplicated and the previous one will be returned. You also can add a 'classification' filter on this endpoint. By ex: /classification?name='untec'. The name is case sensitive Required scopes: ifc:write, model:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.classification import Classification
from bimdata_api_client.model.classification_request import ClassificationRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
classification_request = [
] [ClassificationRequest] |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a classification
api_response = api_instance.create_classification(cloud_pk, project_pk, classification_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_classification: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**classification_request** | [**[ClassificationRequest]**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | All creates failed: list of errors | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Cloud create_cloud(cloud_request)
Create a cloud
Create a cloud Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.cloud_request import CloudRequest
from import Cloud
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_request = CloudRequest(
image=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) CloudRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a cloud
api_response = api_instance.create_cloud(cloud_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_cloud: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_request** | [**CloudRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**402** | You can&39;t create more than 1 free cloud | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Project create_demo(id)
Create a Demo project in a cloud
Create a project name 'Demo' with an already processed model in it Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a Demo project in a cloud
api_response = api_instance.create_demo(id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_demo: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Folder create_dms_tree(cloud_pk, id, write_folder_request)
Create a complete DMS tree
Create a DMS structure of folder Format request : [{ \"name\": :name: \"parent_id\": :parent_id: optionnal \"default_permission\": :default_permission: optionnal \"children\": [{ optionnal \"name\": :name:, \"children\": [] }] }], Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder import Folder
from bimdata_api_client.model.write_folder_request import WriteFolderRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
write_folder_request = [
] [WriteFolderRequest] |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a complete DMS tree
api_response = api_instance.create_dms_tree(cloud_pk, id, write_folder_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_dms_tree: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**write_folder_request** | [**[WriteFolderRequest]**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Document create_document(cloud_pk, project_pk, name, file)
Create a document
Create a document. If the document is one of {'DXF', 'GLTF', 'POINT_CLOUD', 'OBJ', 'DWG', 'IFC'}, a model will be created and attached to this document Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
name = "name_example" str | Shown name of the file
file = open('/path/to/file', 'rb') file_type |
parent_id = 1 int, none_type | (optional)
file_name = "file_name_example" str | Full name of the file (optional)
description = "description_example" str, none_type | Description of the file (optional)
model_source = "UPLOAD" str | Define the model.source field if the upload is a Model (IFC, PDF, DWG...) * `UPLOAD` - UPLOAD * `SPLIT` - SPLIT * `MERGE` - MERGE * `EXPORT` - EXPORT * `OPTIMIZED` - OPTIMIZED (optional)
ifc_source = "UPLOAD" str | DEPRECATED: Use 'model_source' instead. Define the model.source field if the upload is a Model (IFC, PDF, DWG...) * `UPLOAD` - UPLOAD * `SPLIT` - SPLIT * `MERGE` - MERGE * `EXPORT` - EXPORT * `OPTIMIZED` - OPTIMIZED (optional)
successor_of = 1 int | Old document version to replace. Only for create (optional)
process_hint = "PHOTOSPHERE" str | Provide a info about the document in order to customize the way it is processed. * `PHOTOSPHERE` - PHOTOSPHERE (optional) if omitted the server will use the default value of "PHOTOSPHERE"
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a document
api_response = api_instance.create_document(cloud_pk, project_pk, name, file)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_document: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Create a document
api_response = api_instance.create_document(cloud_pk, project_pk, name, file, parent_id=parent_id, file_name=file_name, description=description, model_source=model_source, ifc_source=ifc_source, successor_of=successor_of, process_hint=process_hint)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_document: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**name** | **str**| Shown name of the file |
**file** | **file_type**| |
**parent_id** | **int, none_type**| | [optional]
**file_name** | **str**| Full name of the file | [optional]
**description** | **str, none_type**| Description of the file | [optional]
**model_source** | **str**| Define the model.source field if the upload is a Model (IFC, PDF, DWG...) * &x60;UPLOAD&x60; - UPLOAD * &x60;SPLIT&x60; - SPLIT * &x60;MERGE&x60; - MERGE * &x60;EXPORT&x60; - EXPORT * &x60;OPTIMIZED&x60; - OPTIMIZED | [optional]
**ifc_source** | **str**| DEPRECATED: Use &39;model_source&39; instead. Define the model.source field if the upload is a Model (IFC, PDF, DWG...) * &x60;UPLOAD&x60; - UPLOAD * &x60;SPLIT&x60; - SPLIT * &x60;MERGE&x60; - MERGE * &x60;EXPORT&x60; - EXPORT * &x60;OPTIMIZED&x60; - OPTIMIZED | [optional]
**successor_of** | **int**| Old document version to replace. Only for create | [optional]
**process_hint** | **str**| Provide a info about the document in order to customize the way it is processed. * &x60;PHOTOSPHERE&x60; - PHOTOSPHERE | [optional] if omitted the server will use the default value of "PHOTOSPHERE"
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**402** | You have reached your upload limit. You must pay more storage | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> FolderWithoutChildren create_folder(cloud_pk, project_pk, folder_without_children_request)
Create a folder
If the created folder have no parent, it will be put as a child of the default root folder of the project Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_without_children import FolderWithoutChildren
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_without_children_request import FolderWithoutChildrenRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
folder_without_children_request = FolderWithoutChildrenRequest(
) FolderWithoutChildrenRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a folder
api_response = api_instance.create_folder(cloud_pk, project_pk, folder_without_children_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_folder: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**folder_without_children_request** | [**FolderWithoutChildrenRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Group create_manage_group(cloud_pk, project_pk, group_request)
Create a group
Create a group. Must be an admin of the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.group_request import GroupRequest
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
group_request = GroupRequest(
) GroupRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a group
api_response = api_instance.create_manage_group(cloud_pk, project_pk, group_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_manage_group: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**group_request** | [**GroupRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Project create_project(cloud_pk, project_request)
Create a project
Create a project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_request import ProjectRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
project_request = ProjectRequest(
logo=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) ProjectRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a project
api_response = api_instance.create_project(cloud_pk, project_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_project: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**project_request** | [**ProjectRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> ProjectAccessToken create_project_access_token(cloud_pk, project_pk, project_access_token_request)
Create a token for this project
Tokens are valid 1 day by default Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_access_token import ProjectAccessToken
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_access_token_request import ProjectAccessTokenRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
project_access_token_request = ProjectAccessTokenRequest(
) ProjectAccessTokenRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a token for this project
api_response = api_instance.create_project_access_token(cloud_pk, project_pk, project_access_token_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_project_access_token: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**project_access_token_request** | [**ProjectAccessTokenRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Tag create_tag(cloud_pk, project_pk, tag_request)
Create a tag
Create a tag Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.tag_request import TagRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.tag import Tag
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
tag_request = TagRequest(
) TagRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a tag
api_response = api_instance.create_tag(cloud_pk, project_pk, tag_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_tag: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**tag_request** | [**TagRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaValidation create_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk, visa_validation_request)
Add a validation to a visa
Add a validation to a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_validation_request import VisaValidationRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_validation import VisaValidation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
visa_validation_request = VisaValidationRequest(
attachment=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) VisaValidationRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Add a validation to a visa
api_response = api_instance.create_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk, visa_validation_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**visa_validation_request** | [**VisaValidationRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Visa create_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
Create a visa
Create a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Visa
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_request import VisaRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_request = VisaRequest(
) VisaRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Create a visa
api_response = api_instance.create_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_visa: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Create a visa
api_response = api_instance.create_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_request=visa_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_request** | [**VisaRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaComment create_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk)
Add a comment
Add a comment Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_comment import VisaComment
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_comment_request import VisaCommentRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
visa_comment_request = VisaCommentRequest(
) VisaCommentRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Add a comment
api_response = api_instance.create_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_visa_comment: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Add a comment
api_response = api_instance.create_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk, visa_comment_request=visa_comment_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->create_visa_comment: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**visa_comment_request** | [**VisaCommentRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_all_document_history(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
Delete all document history
Delete the document from the head version and all its history Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete all document history
api_instance.delete_all_document_history(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_all_document_history: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete a classification
All elements having this classification will lose it Required scopes: ifc:write, model:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this classification.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a classification
api_instance.delete_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_classification: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this classification. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_cloud(id)
Delete a cloud
Delete a cloud Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a cloud
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_cloud: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id)
Remove a user from a cloud
The user will also be removed from all the projects of the cloud Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this fos user.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Remove a user from a cloud
api_instance.delete_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_cloud_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this fos user. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete the document
Delete the document Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete the document
api_instance.delete_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_document: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_document_tag(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete a tag from a document
Delete a tag from a document Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a tag from a document
api_instance.delete_document_tag(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_document_tag: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete a folder
All files and subfolders will be deleted too. If folder is a project's root folder, only children are deleted Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this folder.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a folder
api_instance.delete_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_folder: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this folder. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_group_member(cloud_pk, group_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete a user from a group
Delete a userproject from a group. Id is the userproject_id. Must be an admin of the project. Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
group_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
project_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a user from a group
api_instance.delete_group_member(cloud_pk, group_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_group_member: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**group_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete a group
Delete a group. Must be an admin of the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a group
api_instance.delete_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_manage_group: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_project(cloud_pk, id)
Delete a project
It can take a long time to respond because we may need to delete all properties of all elements of all models in the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a project
api_instance.delete_project(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_project: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_project_access_token(cloud_pk, project_pk, token)
Delete a token
Deleting a token will revoke it Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
token = "token_example" str |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete a token
api_instance.delete_project_access_token(cloud_pk, project_pk, token)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_project_access_token: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**token** | **str**| |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_project_user(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Remove a user from a project
Remove a user from a project Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this user project.
project_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Remove a user from a project
api_instance.delete_project_user(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_project_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this user project. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Delete the tag
Delete the tag Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this tag.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Delete the tag
api_instance.delete_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_tag: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this tag. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Remove a validation
Remove a validation Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa validation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Remove a validation
api_instance.delete_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa validation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Remove a visa
Remove a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Remove a visa
api_instance.delete_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> delete_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Remove a comment
Remove a comment Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa comment.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Remove a comment
api_instance.delete_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->delete_visa_comment: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa comment. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> deny_user_invitation(id)
Deny an invitation
The invitation status change to DENIED and the user is not added to the cloud. You can accept an invitation previously denied Required scopes: user:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this invitation.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Deny an invitation
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->deny_user_invitation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this invitation. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaAttachment deny_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Deny a validation
Deny a validation Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_attachment import VisaAttachment
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa validation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
attachment = open('/path/to/file', 'rb') file_type, none_type | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Deny a validation
api_response = api_instance.deny_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->deny_validation: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Deny a validation
api_response = api_instance.deny_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk, attachment=attachment)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->deny_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa validation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**attachment** | **file_type, none_type**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Classification get_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a classification
Retrieve a classification Required scopes: ifc:read, model:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.classification import Classification
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this classification.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a classification
api_response = api_instance.get_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_classification: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this classification. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Classification] get_classifications(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all classifications
Retrieve all classifications of all models in the project Required scopes: ifc:read, model:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.classification import Classification
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all classifications
api_response = api_instance.get_classifications(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_classifications: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Cloud get_cloud(id)
Retrieve one cloud
Retrieve one cloud
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Cloud
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve one cloud
api_response = api_instance.get_cloud(id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_cloud: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [CloudInvitation] get_cloud_invitations(cloud_pk)
Retrieve all pending invitations in the cloud
Returns app's invitations only Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.cloud_invitation import CloudInvitation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all pending invitations in the cloud
api_response = api_instance.get_cloud_invitations(cloud_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_cloud_invitations: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Size get_cloud_size(id)
Get size of the cloud
Returns the sizes of the cloud in Bytes. The response fields depends on the role of the user. If the user is an admin, all field will be returned. If the user is a standard user, only `remaining_total_size` and `remaining_smart_data_size` will be set. If the call is made from an API access, role admin (100) will be returned and all fields will be set. The fields `managed by` indicate if the subscription for this cloud is an API subscription or a BIMData Platform subscription. If the cloud is managed by an API plan, the remaining sizes will take others organizations's clouds size into account
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.size import Size
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Get size of the cloud
api_response = api_instance.get_cloud_size(id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_cloud_size: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> User get_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id)
Retrieve a user in a cloud
Only administrators can see a cloud member Required scopes: cloud:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user import User
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this fos user.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a user in a cloud
api_response = api_instance.get_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_cloud_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this fos user. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [User] get_cloud_users(cloud_pk)
Retrieve all users in a cloud, or a list with a filter by email
Only administrators can see cloud members. Required scopes: cloud:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user import User
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
email = "email_example" str | (optional)
email__contains = "email__contains_example" str | (optional)
email__endswith = "email__endswith_example" str | (optional)
email__startswith = "email__startswith_example" str | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all users in a cloud, or a list with a filter by email
api_response = api_instance.get_cloud_users(cloud_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_cloud_users: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Retrieve all users in a cloud, or a list with a filter by email
api_response = api_instance.get_cloud_users(cloud_pk, email=email, email__contains=email__contains, email__endswith=email__endswith, email__startswith=email__startswith)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_cloud_users: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**email** | **str**| | [optional]
**email__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**email__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**email__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Cloud] get_clouds()
Retrieve all clouds
Returns user's (or app's) clouds only
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Cloud
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
example, this endpoint has no required or optional parameters
Retrieve all clouds
api_response = api_instance.get_clouds()
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_clouds: %s\n" % e)
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Document get_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a document
Retrieve a document in the project Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a document
api_response = api_instance.get_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_document: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Document] get_document_histories(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all document histories
Retrieve all documents from the header document history Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all document histories
api_response = api_instance.get_document_histories(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_document_histories: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Document] get_documents(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all documents
Retrieve all documents in the project. Filters are case insentive Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
created_after = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01T00:00:00.00Z') datetime | (optional)
created_before = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01T00:00:00.00Z') datetime | (optional)
creator_email = "creator_email_example" str | (optional)
description = "description_example" str | (optional)
description__contains = "description__contains_example" str | (optional)
description__endswith = "description__endswith_example" str | (optional)
description__startswith = "description__startswith_example" str | (optional)
file_name = "file_name_example" str | (optional)
file_name__contains = "file_name__contains_example" str | (optional)
file_name__endswith = "file_name__endswith_example" str | (optional)
file_name__startswith = "file_name__startswith_example" str | (optional)
has__visa = True bool | (optional)
name = "name_example" str | (optional)
name__contains = "name__contains_example" str | (optional)
name__endswith = "name__endswith_example" str | (optional)
name__startswith = "name__startswith_example" str | (optional)
size_max = 0 int, none_type | Size of the file. (optional)
size_min = 0 int, none_type | Size of the file. (optional)
tags = [
] [str] | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
visa__creator_email = "visa__creator_email_example" str | (optional)
visa__deadline_after = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
visa__deadline_before = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
visa__past__deadline = True bool | if True, Get documents that have at least one visa opened with a deadline in past (optional)
visa__past__deadline__strict = True bool | if True, Get documents that *only* have visa opened with a deadline in past (optional)
visa__status = "C" str | Get documents that have at least one visa in the requested status * `O` - opened * `P` - paused * `C` - closed (optional)
visa__status__strict = "C" str | Get documents that *exclusively* have visa in the requested status * `O` - opened * `P` - paused * `C` - closed (optional)
visa__validation_status = "visa__validation_status_example" str | (optional)
visa__validator_email = "visa__validator_email_example" str | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all documents
api_response = api_instance.get_documents(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_documents: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Retrieve all documents
api_response = api_instance.get_documents(cloud_pk, project_pk, created_after=created_after, created_before=created_before, creator_email=creator_email, description=description, description__contains=description__contains, description__endswith=description__endswith, description__startswith=description__startswith, file_name=file_name, file_name__contains=file_name__contains, file_name__endswith=file_name__endswith, file_name__startswith=file_name__startswith, has__visa=has__visa, name=name, name__contains=name__contains, name__endswith=name__endswith, name__startswith=name__startswith, size_max=size_max, size_min=size_min, tags=tags, visa__creator_email=visa__creator_email, visa__deadline_after=visa__deadline_after, visa__deadline_before=visa__deadline_before, visa__past__deadline=visa__past__deadline, visa__past__deadline__strict=visa__past__deadline__strict, visa__status=visa__status, visa__status__strict=visa__status__strict, visa__validation_status=visa__validation_status, visa__validator_email=visa__validator_email)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_documents: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**created_after** | **datetime**| | [optional]
**created_before** | **datetime**| | [optional]
**creator_email** | **str**| | [optional]
**description** | **str**| | [optional]
**description__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**description__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**description__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**has__visa** | **bool**| | [optional]
**name** | **str**| | [optional]
**name__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**name__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**name__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**size_max** | **int, none_type**| Size of the file. | [optional]
**size_min** | **int, none_type**| Size of the file. | [optional]
**tags** | **[str]**| Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional]
**visa__creator_email** | **str**| | [optional]
**visa__deadline_after** | **date**| | [optional]
**visa__deadline_before** | **date**| | [optional]
**visa__past__deadline** | **bool**| if True, Get documents that have at least one visa opened with a deadline in past | [optional]
**visa__past__deadline__strict** | **bool**| if True, Get documents that *only* have visa opened with a deadline in past | [optional]
**visa__status** | **str**| Get documents that have at least one visa in the requested status * &x60;O&x60; - opened * &x60;P&x60; - paused * &x60;C&x60; - closed | [optional]
**visa__status__strict** | **str**| Get documents that *exclusively* have visa in the requested status * &x60;O&x60; - opened * &x60;P&x60; - paused * &x60;C&x60; - closed | [optional]
**visa__validation_status** | **str**| | [optional]
**visa__validator_email** | **str**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> FolderWithoutChildren get_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a folder
Retrieve a folder Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_without_children import FolderWithoutChildren
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this folder.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a folder
api_response = api_instance.get_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_folder: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this folder. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Document] get_folder_documents(cloud_pk, folder_pk, project_pk)
Get all documents of a folder
Get all documents of a folder Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
folder_pk = 1 int |
project_pk = 1 int |
created_after = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01T00:00:00.00Z') datetime | (optional)
created_before = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01T00:00:00.00Z') datetime | (optional)
creator_email = "creator_email_example" str | (optional)
description = "description_example" str | (optional)
description__contains = "description__contains_example" str | (optional)
description__endswith = "description__endswith_example" str | (optional)
description__startswith = "description__startswith_example" str | (optional)
file_name = "file_name_example" str | (optional)
file_name__contains = "file_name__contains_example" str | (optional)
file_name__endswith = "file_name__endswith_example" str | (optional)
file_name__startswith = "file_name__startswith_example" str | (optional)
has__visa = True bool | (optional)
name = "name_example" str | (optional)
name__contains = "name__contains_example" str | (optional)
name__endswith = "name__endswith_example" str | (optional)
name__startswith = "name__startswith_example" str | (optional)
size_max = 0 int, none_type | Size of the file. (optional)
size_min = 0 int, none_type | Size of the file. (optional)
tags = [
] [str] | Multiple values may be separated by commas. (optional)
visa__creator_email = "visa__creator_email_example" str | (optional)
visa__deadline_after = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
visa__deadline_before = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
visa__past__deadline = True bool | if True, Get documents that have at least one visa opened with a deadline in past (optional)
visa__past__deadline__strict = True bool | if True, Get documents that *only* have visa opened with a deadline in past (optional)
visa__status = "C" str | Get documents that have at least one visa in the requested status * `O` - opened * `P` - paused * `C` - closed (optional)
visa__status__strict = "C" str | Get documents that *exclusively* have visa in the requested status * `O` - opened * `P` - paused * `C` - closed (optional)
visa__validation_status = "visa__validation_status_example" str | (optional)
visa__validator_email = "visa__validator_email_example" str | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Get all documents of a folder
api_response = api_instance.get_folder_documents(cloud_pk, folder_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_folder_documents: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Get all documents of a folder
api_response = api_instance.get_folder_documents(cloud_pk, folder_pk, project_pk, created_after=created_after, created_before=created_before, creator_email=creator_email, description=description, description__contains=description__contains, description__endswith=description__endswith, description__startswith=description__startswith, file_name=file_name, file_name__contains=file_name__contains, file_name__endswith=file_name__endswith, file_name__startswith=file_name__startswith, has__visa=has__visa, name=name, name__contains=name__contains, name__endswith=name__endswith, name__startswith=name__startswith, size_max=size_max, size_min=size_min, tags=tags, visa__creator_email=visa__creator_email, visa__deadline_after=visa__deadline_after, visa__deadline_before=visa__deadline_before, visa__past__deadline=visa__past__deadline, visa__past__deadline__strict=visa__past__deadline__strict, visa__status=visa__status, visa__status__strict=visa__status__strict, visa__validation_status=visa__validation_status, visa__validator_email=visa__validator_email)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_folder_documents: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**folder_pk** | **int**| |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
**created_after** | **datetime**| | [optional]
**created_before** | **datetime**| | [optional]
**creator_email** | **str**| | [optional]
**description** | **str**| | [optional]
**description__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**description__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**description__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**file_name__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**has__visa** | **bool**| | [optional]
**name** | **str**| | [optional]
**name__contains** | **str**| | [optional]
**name__endswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**name__startswith** | **str**| | [optional]
**size_max** | **int, none_type**| Size of the file. | [optional]
**size_min** | **int, none_type**| Size of the file. | [optional]
**tags** | **[str]**| Multiple values may be separated by commas. | [optional]
**visa__creator_email** | **str**| | [optional]
**visa__deadline_after** | **date**| | [optional]
**visa__deadline_before** | **date**| | [optional]
**visa__past__deadline** | **bool**| if True, Get documents that have at least one visa opened with a deadline in past | [optional]
**visa__past__deadline__strict** | **bool**| if True, Get documents that *only* have visa opened with a deadline in past | [optional]
**visa__status** | **str**| Get documents that have at least one visa in the requested status * &x60;O&x60; - opened * &x60;P&x60; - paused * &x60;C&x60; - closed | [optional]
**visa__status__strict** | **str**| Get documents that *exclusively* have visa in the requested status * &x60;O&x60; - opened * &x60;P&x60; - paused * &x60;C&x60; - closed | [optional]
**visa__validation_status** | **str**| | [optional]
**visa__validator_email** | **str**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [FolderUserProject] get_folder_project_users(cloud_pk, folder_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all users in a project with the permission on the folder
Retrieve all users in a project with the permission on the folder Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_user_project import FolderUserProject
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
folder_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this folder.
project_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all users in a project with the permission on the folder
api_response = api_instance.get_folder_project_users(cloud_pk, folder_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_folder_project_users: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**folder_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this folder. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [FolderWithoutChildren] get_folders(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all folders
Retrieve all folders in the project. This is an array of folder. If you want to get the tree of all folders, see getProjectTree Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_without_children import FolderWithoutChildren
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all folders
api_response = api_instance.get_folders(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_folders: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Group get_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a group
Retrieve a group to which the user belongs Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a group
api_response = api_instance.get_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_group: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Group] get_groups(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all groups
Retrieves all groups to which the user belongs Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all groups
api_response = api_instance.get_groups(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_groups: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [LogEntry] get_logs(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all logs of the project
Retrieve all logs of the project Required scopes: logs:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.log_entry import LogEntry
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
project_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all logs of the project
api_response = api_instance.get_logs(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_logs: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Group get_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a group
Retrieve a group. Must be an admin of the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a group
api_response = api_instance.get_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_manage_group: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Group] get_manage_groups(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all groups
Retrieve all groups in the project. Must be an admin of the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all groups
api_response = api_instance.get_manage_groups(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_manage_groups: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Project get_project(cloud_pk, id)
Retrieve a project
Retrieve a project
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a project
api_response = api_instance.get_project(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> ProjectAccessToken get_project_access_token(cloud_pk, project_pk, token)
Retrieve one token created for this project
Retrieve one token created for this project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_access_token import ProjectAccessToken
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
token = "token_example" str |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve one token created for this project
api_response = api_instance.get_project_access_token(cloud_pk, project_pk, token)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_access_token: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**token** | **str**| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [ProjectAccessToken] get_project_access_tokens(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all tokens created for this project
Retrieve all tokens created for this project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_access_token import ProjectAccessToken
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all tokens created for this project
api_response = api_instance.get_project_access_tokens(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_access_tokens: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [VisaWithDocument] get_project_creator_visas(cloud_pk, project_pk)
List visas created by user
List visas created by user in a project Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_with_document import VisaWithDocument
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
deadline_after = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
deadline_before = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
has__past_deadline = True bool | (optional)
status = "C" str | * `O` - opened * `P` - paused * `C` - closed (optional)
validation_status = "validation_status_example" str | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
List visas created by user
api_response = api_instance.get_project_creator_visas(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_creator_visas: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
List visas created by user
api_response = api_instance.get_project_creator_visas(cloud_pk, project_pk, deadline_after=deadline_after, deadline_before=deadline_before, has__past_deadline=has__past_deadline, status=status, validation_status=validation_status)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_creator_visas: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**deadline_after** | **date**| | [optional]
**deadline_before** | **date**| | [optional]
**has__past_deadline** | **bool**| | [optional]
**status** | **str**| * &x60;O&x60; - opened * &x60;P&x60; - paused * &x60;C&x60; - closed | [optional]
**validation_status** | **str**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Folder get_project_dms_tree(cloud_pk, id)
Retrieve the complete DMS tree
Retrieve the complete DMS tree (all folders and all documents in the project)
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder import Folder
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve the complete DMS tree
api_response = api_instance.get_project_dms_tree(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_dms_tree: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [FolderTree] get_project_folder_tree(cloud_pk, id)
Retrieve folder tree of the project
Retrieve folder tree of the project
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_tree import FolderTree
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve folder tree of the project
api_response = api_instance.get_project_folder_tree(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_folder_tree: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [ProjectInvitation] get_project_invitations(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all pending invitations in the project
Returns app's invitations only Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_invitation import ProjectInvitation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all pending invitations in the project
api_response = api_instance.get_project_invitations(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_invitations: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> ProjectSize get_project_size(cloud_pk, id)
Get size of all model files in the project
Returns the size of the project in Bytes
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_size import ProjectSize
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Get size of all model files in the project
api_response = api_instance.get_project_size(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_size: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Folder get_project_tree(cloud_pk, id)
Retrieve the complete DMS tree
Retrieve the complete DMS tree (all folders and all documents in the project). DEPRECATED: renamed to getProjectDMSTree
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder import Folder
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve the complete DMS tree
api_response = api_instance.get_project_tree(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_tree: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [UserProject] get_project_users(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all users in a project, or a list with a filter by email
Each member of a project can see other members of the project Required scopes: cloud:read, bcf:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user_project import UserProject
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
project_pk = 1 int |
email = "email_example" str | Filter the returned list by email (optional)
email__contains = "email__contains_example" str | Filter the returned list by email__contains (optional)
email__endswith = "email__endswith_example" str | Filter the returned list by email__endswith (optional)
email__startswith = "email__startswith_example" str | Filter the returned list by email__startswith (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all users in a project, or a list with a filter by email
api_response = api_instance.get_project_users(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_users: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Retrieve all users in a project, or a list with a filter by email
api_response = api_instance.get_project_users(cloud_pk, project_pk, email=email, email__contains=email__contains, email__endswith=email__endswith, email__startswith=email__startswith)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_users: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
**email** | **str**| Filter the returned list by email | [optional]
**email__contains** | **str**| Filter the returned list by email__contains | [optional]
**email__endswith** | **str**| Filter the returned list by email__endswith | [optional]
**email__startswith** | **str**| Filter the returned list by email__startswith | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [VisaWithDocument] get_project_validator_visas(cloud_pk, project_pk)
List visas where user is a validator
List visas where user is a validator in a project Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_with_document import VisaWithDocument
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
deadline_after = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
deadline_before = dateutil_parser('1970-01-01').date() date | (optional)
has__past_deadline = True bool | (optional)
status = "C" str | * `O` - opened * `P` - paused * `C` - closed (optional)
validation_status = "validation_status_example" str | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
List visas where user is a validator
api_response = api_instance.get_project_validator_visas(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_validator_visas: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
List visas where user is a validator
api_response = api_instance.get_project_validator_visas(cloud_pk, project_pk, deadline_after=deadline_after, deadline_before=deadline_before, has__past_deadline=has__past_deadline, status=status, validation_status=validation_status)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_project_validator_visas: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**deadline_after** | **date**| | [optional]
**deadline_before** | **date**| | [optional]
**has__past_deadline** | **bool**| | [optional]
**status** | **str**| * &x60;O&x60; - opened * &x60;P&x60; - paused * &x60;C&x60; - closed | [optional]
**validation_status** | **str**| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Project] get_projects(cloud_pk)
Retrieve all projects
Retrieve all projects of the cloud. All project are shown at the same level. see getProjectSubTree
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all projects
api_response = api_instance.get_projects(cloud_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_projects: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Project] get_self_projects()
List current user's projects
List user's projects of all clouds Required scopes: user:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
example, this endpoint has no required or optional parameters
List current user's projects
api_response = api_instance.get_self_projects()
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_self_projects: %s\n" % e)
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> SelfUser get_self_user()
Get info about the current user
Get info about the current user Required scopes: user:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.self_user import SelfUser
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
example, this endpoint has no required or optional parameters
Get info about the current user
api_response = api_instance.get_self_user()
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_self_user: %s\n" % e)
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Tag get_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a tag
Retrieve a tag in the project Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.tag import Tag
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this tag.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a tag
api_response = api_instance.get_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_tag: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this tag. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Tag] get_tags(cloud_pk, project_pk)
Retrieve all tags
Retrieve all tags in the project Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.tag import Tag
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve all tags
api_response = api_instance.get_tags(cloud_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_tags: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> UserInvitation get_user_invitation(id)
Retrieve an invitation
Retrieve the invitation Required scopes: user:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user_invitation import UserInvitation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this invitation.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve an invitation
api_response = api_instance.get_user_invitation(id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_user_invitation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this invitation. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [UserInvitation] get_user_invitations()
List user's invitations
List all user's invitations Required scopes: user:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user_invitation import UserInvitation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
example, this endpoint has no required or optional parameters
List user's invitations
api_response = api_instance.get_user_invitations()
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_user_invitations: %s\n" % e)
This endpoint does not need any parameter.
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaValidation get_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Retrieve a validation to a visa
Retrieve a validation to a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_validation import VisaValidation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa validation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a validation to a visa
api_response = api_instance.get_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa validation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [VisaValidation] get_validations(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk)
List all validations to a visa
List all validations to a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_validation import VisaValidation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
List all validations to a visa
api_response = api_instance.get_validations(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_validations: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Visa get_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Retrieve a visa of a document
Retrieve a unique visa of a document Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Visa
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a visa of a document
api_response = api_instance.get_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaComment get_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Retrieve a comment
Retrieve a comment Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_comment import VisaComment
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa comment.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Retrieve a comment
api_response = api_instance.get_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_visa_comment: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa comment. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [VisaComment] get_visa_comments(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk)
List all comment of a visa
List all comment of a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_comment import VisaComment
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
List all comment of a visa
api_response = api_instance.get_visa_comments(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_visa_comments: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Visa] get_visas(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
List all visas of a document
List all visas of a document Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Visa
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
List all visas of a document
api_response = api_instance.get_visas(cloud_pk, document_pk, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->get_visas: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Project import_from_project(cloud_pk, id, project_import_request)
Import data from a project
Import dms tree and/or the groups from a project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_import_request import ProjectImportRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
project_import_request = ProjectImportRequest(
) ProjectImportRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Import data from a project
api_response = api_instance.import_from_project(cloud_pk, id, project_import_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->import_from_project: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**project_import_request** | [**ProjectImportRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> [Group] import_manage_group(cloud_pk, project_pk, import_group_request)
Import a group from another project
DEPECRATED: Use ImportFromProject instead Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.import_group_request import ImportGroupRequest
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
import_group_request = ImportGroupRequest(
) ImportGroupRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Import a group from another project
api_response = api_instance.import_manage_group(cloud_pk, project_pk, import_group_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->import_manage_group: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**import_group_request** | [**ImportGroupRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> CloudInvitation invite_cloud_user(cloud_pk, cloud_invitation_request)
Invite a cloud member
Invite a cloud member. To invite in a project, see inviteProjectUser. You can't invite a user already in the cloud. Create multiple invitations of the same email in the same cloud will generate multiple invitation emails but not multiple invitation object Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.cloud_invitation_request import CloudInvitationRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.cloud_invitation import CloudInvitation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
cloud_invitation_request = CloudInvitationRequest(
) CloudInvitationRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Invite a cloud member
api_response = api_instance.invite_cloud_user(cloud_pk, cloud_invitation_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->invite_cloud_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**cloud_invitation_request** | [**CloudInvitationRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> ProjectInvitation invite_project_user(cloud_pk, project_pk, project_invitation_request)
Invite a project member
Invite a project member. If the user is not already a cloud member, they will also be invited in the cloud with USER role. Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_invitation_request import ProjectInvitationRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.project_invitation import ProjectInvitation
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
project_invitation_request = ProjectInvitationRequest(
) ProjectInvitationRequest |
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Invite a project member
api_response = api_instance.invite_project_user(cloud_pk, project_pk, project_invitation_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->invite_project_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**project_invitation_request** | [**ProjectInvitationRequest**](| |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**201** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> leave_project(cloud_pk, id)
Leave the project
Leave the project. Only authenticated users (no app) can call this route. Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Leave the project
api_instance.leave_project(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->leave_project: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You can&39;t leave the project if you&39;re the last admin | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Document leave_version_document_history(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Leave the history version
This will create a new independent document in the same folder Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Leave the history version
api_response = api_instance.leave_version_document_history(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->leave_version_document_history: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Document make_head_version_document_history(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Make the head of the version
The actual head version will be defined as the previous version Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Make the head of the version
api_response = api_instance.make_head_version_document_history(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->make_head_version_document_history: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> pause_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Pause a visa of a document
Pause a visa of a document Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Pause a visa of a document
api_instance.pause_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->pause_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> reset_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Reset a validation
Reset a validation if the validation has been accepted or rejected. The attachment will be removed Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa validation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Reset a validation
api_instance.reset_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->reset_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa validation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> resume_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Resume a visa of a document
Resume a visa of a document after a pause Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Resume a visa of a document
api_instance.resume_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->resume_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
Return type
void (empty response body)
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: Not defined
- **Accept**: Not defined
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**204** | No response body | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Classification update_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Update some fields of a classification
Update some fields of a classification Required scopes: ifc:write, model:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_classification_request import PatchedClassificationRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.classification import Classification
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this classification.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_classification_request = PatchedClassificationRequest(
) PatchedClassificationRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a classification
api_response = api_instance.update_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_classification: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a classification
api_response = api_instance.update_classification(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, patched_classification_request=patched_classification_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_classification: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this classification. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_classification_request** | [**PatchedClassificationRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Cloud update_cloud(id)
Update some fields of a cloud
Update some fields of a cloud Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_cloud_request import PatchedCloudRequest
from import Cloud
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
patched_cloud_request = PatchedCloudRequest(
image=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) PatchedCloudRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a cloud
api_response = api_instance.update_cloud(id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_cloud: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a cloud
api_response = api_instance.update_cloud(id, patched_cloud_request=patched_cloud_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_cloud: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**patched_cloud_request** | [**PatchedCloudRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> User update_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id)
Change the user role in the cloud
Change the user role in the cloud Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user import User
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_user_cloud_update_request import PatchedUserCloudUpdateRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this fos user.
patched_user_cloud_update_request = PatchedUserCloudUpdateRequest(
) PatchedUserCloudUpdateRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Change the user role in the cloud
api_response = api_instance.update_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_cloud_user: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Change the user role in the cloud
api_response = api_instance.update_cloud_user(cloud_pk, id, patched_user_cloud_update_request=patched_user_cloud_update_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_cloud_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this fos user. |
**patched_user_cloud_update_request** | [**PatchedUserCloudUpdateRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Document update_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Update some fields of the document
Update some fields of the document Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document import Document
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_document_request import PatchedDocumentRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_document_request = PatchedDocumentRequest(
file=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) PatchedDocumentRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of the document
api_response = api_instance.update_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_document: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of the document
api_response = api_instance.update_document(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, patched_document_request=patched_document_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_document: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_document_request** | [**PatchedDocumentRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> FolderWithoutChildren update_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Update some fields of a folder
Update some fields of a folder. Only project admins can update the `default_permission` field. `default_permission` choices are : 1: ACCESS_DENIED, 50: READ_ONLY, 100: READ_WRTIE When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated. Caution: The 'default_permission' field is not applied to users belonging to one or more groups. Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_folder_without_children_request import PatchedFolderWithoutChildrenRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.folder_without_children import FolderWithoutChildren
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this folder.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_folder_without_children_request = PatchedFolderWithoutChildrenRequest(
) PatchedFolderWithoutChildrenRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a folder
api_response = api_instance.update_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_folder: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a folder
api_response = api_instance.update_folder(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, patched_folder_without_children_request=patched_folder_without_children_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_folder: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this folder. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_folder_without_children_request** | [**PatchedFolderWithoutChildrenRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> GroupFolder update_group_folder(cloud_pk, folder_pk, id, project_pk)
Update the permission of a group on a folder. When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated.
Update the permission of a group on a folder. Permissions choices are : 1: ACCESS_DENIED, 50: READ_ONLY, 100: READ_WRITE, None: Default value (See the default_permission field of the folder) When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated. Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.group_folder import GroupFolder
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_group_folder_request import PatchedGroupFolderRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
folder_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group folder.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_group_folder_request = PatchedGroupFolderRequest(
) PatchedGroupFolderRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update the permission of a group on a folder. When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated.
api_response = api_instance.update_group_folder(cloud_pk, folder_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_group_folder: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update the permission of a group on a folder. When propagate is set to True, the permission of all children in the folder will be updated.
api_response = api_instance.update_group_folder(cloud_pk, folder_pk, id, project_pk, patched_group_folder_request=patched_group_folder_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_group_folder: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**folder_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group folder. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_group_folder_request** | [**PatchedGroupFolderRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Group update_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Update some fields of a group
Update some fields of a group. Must be an admin of the project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_group_request import PatchedGroupRequest
from import Group
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this group.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_group_request = PatchedGroupRequest(
) PatchedGroupRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a group
api_response = api_instance.update_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_manage_group: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a group
api_response = api_instance.update_manage_group(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, patched_group_request=patched_group_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_manage_group: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this group. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_group_request** | [**PatchedGroupRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> DocumentPreviewFile update_preview_file(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Update preview of the document
Update preview of the document Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.document_preview_file import DocumentPreviewFile
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
office_preview = open('/path/to/file', 'rb') file_type | Office files will be converted as pdf to provide a web preview. Supported extensions are .ppt, .pptx, .odp, .xls, .xlsx, .ods, .doc, .docx, .odt (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update preview of the document
api_response = api_instance.update_preview_file(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_preview_file: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update preview of the document
api_response = api_instance.update_preview_file(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, office_preview=office_preview)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_preview_file: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**office_preview** | **file_type**| Office files will be converted as pdf to provide a web preview. Supported extensions are .ppt, .pptx, .odp, .xls, .xlsx, .ods, .doc, .docx, .odt | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: multipart/form-data, application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Project update_project(cloud_pk, id)
Update some fields of a project
Update some fields of a project Required scopes: org:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_project_request import PatchedProjectRequest
from bimdata_api_client.model.project import Project
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_project_request = PatchedProjectRequest(
logo=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) PatchedProjectRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a project
api_response = api_instance.update_project(cloud_pk, id)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_project: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a project
api_response = api_instance.update_project(cloud_pk, id, patched_project_request=patched_project_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_project: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_project_request** | [**PatchedProjectRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> UserProject update_project_user(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Change the user role in the cloud
Change the user role in the cloud Required scopes: cloud:manage
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.user_project import UserProject
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_user_project_update_request import PatchedUserProjectUpdateRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int |
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this user project.
project_pk = 1 int |
patched_user_project_update_request = PatchedUserProjectUpdateRequest(
) PatchedUserProjectUpdateRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Change the user role in the cloud
api_response = api_instance.update_project_user(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_project_user: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Change the user role in the cloud
api_response = api_instance.update_project_user(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, patched_user_project_update_request=patched_user_project_update_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_project_user: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this user project. |
**project_pk** | **int**| |
**patched_user_project_update_request** | [**PatchedUserProjectUpdateRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> Tag update_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
Update some fields of the tag
Update some fields of the tag Required scopes: document:write
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.tag import Tag
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_tag_request import PatchedTagRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this tag.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_tag_request = PatchedTagRequest(
) PatchedTagRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of the tag
api_response = api_instance.update_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_tag: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of the tag
api_response = api_instance.update_tag(cloud_pk, id, project_pk, patched_tag_request=patched_tag_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_tag: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this tag. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_tag_request** | [**PatchedTagRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
[[Back to top]]() [[Back to API list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-api-endpoints) [[Back to Model list]](../README.mddocumentation-for-models) [[Back to README]](../
> VisaValidation update_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Update the validator of validation
Update the validator of validation. This route is only useful for an App Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_validation import VisaValidation
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_visa_validation_request import PatchedVisaValidationRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa validation.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
patched_visa_validation_request = PatchedVisaValidationRequest(
attachment=open('/path/to/file', 'rb'),
) PatchedVisaValidationRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update the validator of validation
api_response = api_instance.update_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_validation: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update the validator of validation
api_response = api_instance.update_validation(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk, patched_visa_validation_request=patched_visa_validation_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_validation: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa validation. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**patched_visa_validation_request** | [**PatchedVisaValidationRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
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> Visa update_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
Update some fields of a visa
Update some fields of a visa Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from import Visa
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_visa_request import PatchedVisaRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
patched_visa_request = PatchedVisaRequest(
) PatchedVisaRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a visa
api_response = api_instance.update_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_visa: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a visa
api_response = api_instance.update_visa(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, patched_visa_request=patched_visa_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_visa: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**patched_visa_request** | [**PatchedVisaRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
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> VisaComment update_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
Update some fields of a comment
Update some fields of a comment Required scopes: document:read
* Api Key Authentication (ApiKey):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* OAuth Authentication (BIMData_Connect):
* Api Key Authentication (Bearer):
import time
import bimdata_api_client
from bimdata_api_client.api import collaboration_api
from bimdata_api_client.model.visa_comment import VisaComment
from bimdata_api_client.model.patched_visa_comment_request import PatchedVisaCommentRequest
from pprint import pprint
Defining the host is optional and defaults to http://localhost
See for a list of all supported configuration parameters.
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
The client must configure the authentication and authorization parameters
in accordance with the API server security policy.
Examples for each auth method are provided below, use the example that
satisfies your auth use case.
Configure API key authorization: ApiKey
configuration.api_key['ApiKey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['ApiKey'] = 'Bearer'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure OAuth2 access token for authorization: BIMData_Connect
configuration = bimdata_api_client.Configuration(
host = "http://localhost"
configuration.access_token = 'YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN'
Configure API key authorization: Bearer
configuration.api_key['Bearer'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
Uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
configuration.api_key_prefix['Bearer'] = 'Bearer'
Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with bimdata_api_client.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
Create an instance of the API class
api_instance = collaboration_api.CollaborationApi(api_client)
cloud_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this cloud.
document_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this document.
id = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa comment.
project_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this project.
visa_pk = 1 int | A unique integer value identifying this visa.
patched_visa_comment_request = PatchedVisaCommentRequest(
) PatchedVisaCommentRequest | (optional)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
Update some fields of a comment
api_response = api_instance.update_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_visa_comment: %s\n" % e)
example passing only required values which don't have defaults set
and optional values
Update some fields of a comment
api_response = api_instance.update_visa_comment(cloud_pk, document_pk, id, project_pk, visa_pk, patched_visa_comment_request=patched_visa_comment_request)
except bimdata_api_client.ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling CollaborationApi->update_visa_comment: %s\n" % e)
Name | Type | Description | Notes
------------- | ------------- | ------------- | -------------
**cloud_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this cloud. |
**document_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this document. |
**id** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa comment. |
**project_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this project. |
**visa_pk** | **int**| A unique integer value identifying this visa. |
**patched_visa_comment_request** | [**PatchedVisaCommentRequest**](| | [optional]
Return type
[ApiKey](../README.mdApiKey), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [BIMData_Connect](../README.mdBIMData_Connect), [Bearer](../README.mdBearer)
HTTP request headers
- **Content-Type**: application/json, application/x-www-form-urlencoded, multipart/form-data
- **Accept**: application/json
HTTP response details
| Status code | Description | Response headers |
**200** | | - |
**400** | A required field is missing in the body | - |
**401** | The authentication failed. Your token may be expired, missing or malformed | - |
**403** | You don&39;t have the authorization to access this resource. Check if the resource is exclusive to users or app (eg: /user is exclusive to users) or if your user has the right to access this resource. | - |
**404** | The resource does not exist or you don&39;t have the right to see if the resource exists | - |
**500** | Something really bad happened. Check if your route is correct. By example: /cloud/[object Object]/project may raise a 500. An alert is automatically sent to us, we&39;ll look at it shortly. | - |
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