**Changelog:** - The program now streams both audio and video (allows infinitely large files to be opened!) - Fixed bug where you couldn't set to end-of-frame
**Builds:** Windows (.exe)
**Changelog:** - Fixed bug with incorrect padding when the data is off-screen at the beginning of a file (when audio is not aligned to the end of the frame)
**Builds:** Windows (.exe)
**Changelog:** - Added 3 different ways to align the audio and video (start-of-frame, center-of-frame, end-of-frame) - Changed default alignment to centered, not end of frame
**Builds:** Windows (.exe)
**Changelog:** - Added option to change flip settings
**Builds:** Windows (.exe)
**Changelog:** - Added option to invert any color channel with a capital letter - Minor bugfixes
**Builds:** Windows (.exe)
**Changelog:** - Added basic encoder settings to video export - Minor bugfixes