Biobuild is a molecular building suite designed to facilitate the creation of large biomolecules such as glycans.
It allows for an easy molecule creation process in a jupyter-notebook environment. Biobuild offers direct integrations
to [PubChem](, and the [PDBE component library]( as well as the [CHARMM project]( for pre-defined component structures and linkage types.
Biobuild allows users to:
- build any larger molecular structure they like
- improve the conformation of an existing structure
- convert data formats
- visualize the structures as they build them
- quickly obtain molecular structures for chemical compounds
Biobuild cannot:
- generate circular structures (users need to choose suitable templates with rings already present)
- imitate real-life chemical reaction mechanisms
- perform molecular dynamics or quantum chemistry computations
- generate molecules _for_ the user - the user needs to know what they want to build...
Example - building a dendrimer
Let's build a polyphenylene dendrimer
import biobuild as bb
benzene = bb.molecule("benzene")
make the periphery
periphery = benzene.copy()
set up the linkage instructions
always shifting the carbon at which to attach
link = bb.linkage("C1", "C1")
for carbon in range(1, 6):
link.atom1 = f"C{carbon}"
periphery.attach(benzene, link, at_residue=1)
assemble the molecule
mol = benzene.copy()
link2 = bb.linkage("C1", "C4")
and attach the periphery to the core
for carbon in mol.get_atoms("C", by="element"):
link2.atom1 = carbon
mol.attach(periphery, link2, at_residue=1, other_residue=2)
optimize the conformation