* Fixed a problem with GNU parallel sometimes scrambling lines of output on
Ubuntu. (13)
* Fixed errors in 'sra import' when importing Agalma test data sets. (11)
* New '--metadata' option for 'sra import' only downloads metadata from SRA
without downloading the full data set. (11)
* Fixed bug in 'catalog insert' where unspecified fields were overwritten on
updates. (11)
* Improved robustness of the Butterfly stage in the Trinity workflow (10):
o Replaced multijar with GNU parallel for concurrent execution of
Butterfly commands.
o Added prefiltering of Chrysalis components to remove ones that are smaller
than the minimum transcript length.
o Reduced the number of threads used by half, since each Butterfly command
uses around 150-200% CPU.
o Switched from the raw 'butterfly_commands' output of Chrysalis to the
adjusted 'butterfly_commands.adj' which includes additional Butterfly flags.
* Improved the 'diagnostics delete' command so that it can handle incomplete
runs, and added an option '--incomplete' to 'diagnostics list' to list only
incomplete runs. (8)