New Features:
* Table.collapseObservationsByMetadata and Table.collapseSamplesByMetadata now have an additional argument, include_collapsed_metadata, which allows the user to either include or exclude collapsed metadata in the collapsed table.
* Table.collapseObservationsByMetadata and Table.collapseSamplesByMetadata now have an additional argument, one_to_many_mode, which allows the user to specify a collapsing strategy for one-to-many metadata relationships (currently supports adding and dividing counts).
* Table.binObservationsByMetadata, Table.binSamplesByMetadata, Table.collapseObservationsByMetadata, and Table.collapseSamplesByMetadata now have an additional argument, constructor, which allows the user to choose the return type of the binned/collapsed table(s).
* Table.delimitedSelf now has an additional argument, observation_column_name, which allows the user to specify the name of the first column in the output table (e.g. 'OTU ID', 'Taxon', etc.).
* Added new Table.transpose method.
* Table.__init has change from __init__(self, data, sample_ids, observation_ids, sample_metadata=None,
observation_metadata=None, table_id=None, type=None, **kwargs) to __init__(self, data, observation_ids, sample_ids, observation_metadata=None, sample_metadata=None, table_id=None, type=None, **kwargs) This is for clarity, the data is in the same order as the arguments to the constructor.
*table_factory has changed from table_factory(data, sample_ids, observation_ids, sample_metadata=None, observation_metadata=None, table_id=None, input_is_dense=False, transpose=False, **kwargs) to table_factory(data, observation_ids, sample_ids, observation_metadata=None, sample_metadata=None, table_id=None, input_is_dense=False, transpose=False, **kwargs) This is for clarity, the data is in the same order as the arguments to the function.
* [pyqi](http://bipy.github.io/pyqi) 0.2.0 is now a required dependency. This changes the look-and-feel of the biom-format command-line interfaces and introduces a new executable, biom, which can be used to see a list of all available biom-format command-line commands. The biom command is now used to run biom-format commands, instead of having a Python script (i.e., .py file) for each biom-format command. The old scripts (e.g., add_metadata.py, convert_biom.py, etc.) are still included but are deprecated. Users are pointed to the new biom command to run instead. Bash tab completion is now supported for all command and option names (see the biom-format documentation for instructions on how to enable this).
* The following scripts have had their names and options changed:
* add_metadata.py is now biom add-metadata. Changed option names:
* --input_fp is now --input-fp
* --output_fp is now --output-fp
* --sample_mapping_fp is now --sample-metadata-fp
* --observation_mapping_fp is now --observation-metadata-fp
* --sc_separated is now --sc-separated
* --int_fields is now --int-fields
* --float_fields is now --float-fields
* --sample_header is now --sample-header
* --observation_header is now --observation-header
* New option --sc-pipe-separated
* biom_validator.py is now biom validate-table. Changed option names:
* -v/--verbose is now --detailed-report
* --biom_fp is now --input-fp
* convert_biom.py is now biom convert. Changed option names:
* --input_fp is now --input-fp
* --output_fp is now --output-fp
* --biom_type is now --matrix-type
* --biom_to_classic_table is now --biom-to-classic-table
* --sparse_biom_to_dense_biom is now --sparse-biom-to-dense-biom
* --dense_biom_to_sparse_biom is now --dense-biom-to-sparse-biom
* --sample_mapping_fp is now --sample-metadata-fp
* --observation_mapping_fp is now --observation-metadata-fp
* --header_key is now --header-key
* --output_metadata_id is now --output-metadata-id
* --process_obs_metadata is now --process-obs-metadata
* --biom_table_type is now --table-type
* print_biom_python_config.py is now biom show-install-info.
* print_biom_table_summary.py is now biom summarize-table. Changed option names:
* --input_fp is now --input-fp
* --output_fp is now --output-fp. This is now a required option (output is no longer printed to stdout).
* --num_observations is now --qualitative
* --suppress_md5 is now --suppress-md5
* subset_biom.py is now biom subset-table. Changed option names:
* --biom_fp is now --input-fp
* --output_fp is now --output-fp
* --ids_fp is now --ids
* biom.parse.parse_mapping has been replaced by biom.parse.MetadataMap. biom.parse.MetadataMap.from_file can be directly substituted in place of biom.parse.parse_mapping.
Bug Fixes:
* Fixed performance issue with formatting BIOM tables for writing to a file.
* Fixed issue with Table.addSampleMetadata and Table.addObservationMetadata when adding metadata to a subset of the samples/observations in a table that previously was without any sample/observation metadata.
* Fixed issue with Table.addSampleMetadata and Table.addObservationMetadata when updating a table's existing metadata, including the case where there are sample/observation IDs that are in the metadata file but not in the table.