
Latest version: v1.12.0

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* 1.2.6:
* fixing bug report 22 related to KEGG.pathway2sif function that was failing.
* add option in biomart to use different host. This is to fix an issue where biomart hangs forever. This was reported by Daniel D bug report 23 on assembla.

* 1.2.5:
* add try/except for pandas library.

* 1.2.4:
* fixing typo in the init that fails bioservices ito be used if pkg_resources is not available.

* 1.2.3
* updating some apps (fasta,peptides, taxon) in bioservices.apps directory
* Improves UniProt module by adding a dataframe export where performing a search
* added the BioDBnet service.
* added Pathway Common
* fixed UniChem: add new database identifiers and fix interpretation of the output

* 1.2.2:
* NEW Service: :class:`bioservices.biodbnet.BioDBNet`
* uniprot: add multi_mapping method to use mapping method on large queries and
added timeout/trials inside uniprot functions

* 1.2.1:
* same as 1.2.0 but fixed missing mapping and apps directory in the distribution available on pypi

* 1.2.0
* Kegg class has now an alias called KEGG
* NEW Services: :class:`bioservices.muscle.MUSCLE`
* fix bug in get_fasta from uniprot class
* add aliases to quickGO to retrieve annotation
* NEW Service: :class:`bioservices.pathwaycommons.PathwayCommons`
* NEW Service: :class:`bioservices.geneprof.GeneProf` service
* uniprot add function to get uniprot fasta sequence
* add apps.peptides module


* 1.1.0:
* in psicquic when performing the conversion, we now use a try/except since some fields (in rare case) may be missing
* add faqs in the doc + update of the README and metadata.
* fix typo in the list of uniprot mapping
* Use BeautifulSoup4 instead of 3
* add the ChEBI Web Service.
* add the UniChem Web Service.
* logging ERROR in Service when data cannot be converted to XML is now a simple warning
* kegg.conv method now returns a dictionary instead of list of tuples.



* 1.0.4
* add a draft version of PDB just to be able to fetch PDB data and use it
with external tool such as PyMOL as shown in the new pymol.rst
* add a missing docstring in uniprot + check to/fr parameters in UniProt.mapping
* Fix a typo in PSICQUIC module.

* 1.0.3
* method: default value of the parameter format is now "tab"
* fix 1 quickgo test
* a few documentation updates in biomart/uniprot/chembldb and tutorial.

* 1.0.2:
* add SOAPpy in the setup requirements
* finished ArrayExpress +doc + tests
* fixed a bug in KEGGParser.parseGene
* add methods in psicquic to parse all databases and convert to uniprot if
possible. These methods are used to build an application provided in the
* add biomart + doc + test
* add onWeb method in Service class
* add chemspider draft
* complete eutils

* 1.0.1
* Add miriam module
* Add arrayexpress

* 1.0.0:
* First release of bioservices



* 0.9.7:
* add new feature in KEgg module to instrospect kgml data sets
* add biogrid test and documentation.
* chembldb improvments
* uniprot bug fixes (search if working as expected now)
* 0.9.6:
* Finalising the Kegg module
* 0.9.5:
* add parser for all KEGG entries (enzyme, genome, pathway, ...)
* add a show_pathway to highlight element in a pathway
* 0.9.4:
* cleaning up the modules

* 0.9.3:
* documentation cleanup
* fix tests
* fix a few small bugs in biomodels
* adding getattr method for all databases in kegg model
* Service class has new method call pubmed to load pubmed in browser

* 0.9.2:
* uniprot search method improved

* 0.9.1: fix typo in biomodel. add uniprot search method. add keggParser class

* 0.9.0: Stable version of bioservices including the following services:
BioModels, Kegg, Reactome, Chembl, PICR, QuickGO, Rhea, UniProt,
WSDbfetch, NCBIblast, PSICQUIC, Wikipath


* 0.4.9: finalise wikipathway
* 0.4.8: finalise doc of half of the services.
* 0.4.7: add psicquic service and carry on reactome
* 0.4.6: finalise kegg module and test
* 0.4.5: finalise biomodels. keff WSDL is not maintained anymore: started REST version.
* 0.4.4: finalise quickgo,rhea, picr, uniprot. Update servie to use logging module.
* 0.4.3: add quickgo
* 0.4.2: add wsdbfetch/uniprot
* 0.4.1: add wikipathways module +test .
* 0.4.0: add rhea service + test. Updating the documentation.
* 0.3.0: add reactome + uniprot.
* 0.2.0: finalise biomodels and add picr service + test for biomdodel service..
* 0.1.0: add database and kegg modules + its documentation and tests

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