New methods
* Descattering Autoencoder for Mie correction ([paper](, #21)
* All EMSC-like tranformers (including DSAE) can accept now multi-dimensional arrays, what makes it more convenient to work with hyperspectral images, list of spectra and a single spectrum (23)
* All the methods can be imported now from the root package i.e. `from biospectools import EMSC`
API changes
* EMSC has changed its parameter `constituents` into `interferents` and introduced a new parameter `analytes`. The reasoning is that `interferents` will be removed from the spectra, but `analytes` will only participate in estimation of coefficients, but will not be removed from the spectra (19)
* EMSC `transform` method: parameter `internals` renamed into `details`
* `EMSCInternals` renames into `EMSCDetails`
* Fixed calculation of mid-point for EMSC (12)
* Add backwards compatibility with scipy of less than "1.7" version and newer for the copy of PLSR from sklearn (24)
* Added deprecation decorator ([e68a3a5](
* Utils for downloading and caching weights ([fc01efe](
**Special thanks** to JohanneSolheim, valetaf and eirikama for the support in implementing algorithms, testing and fruitful discussions!