initial release
Release instructions
This is the procedure we use for "biothings" package release
1. Install the build package:
pip install build
2. Update version number in [biothings/](biothings/
3. Check and update []( if needed (dependencies, metadata etc.).
4. Build the package locally:
python -m build
5. Test the package built locally (update to the matching version in the file name):
pip install dist/biothings-0.9.0-py3-none-any.whl
And run any local test as needed (e.g. run pytest on a local BioThings API instance).
6. Prepare github repo for the release:
* Create a version branch if not already (no need for every micro versions):
git checkout -b 0.11.x
git push -u origin "0.11.x"
Note: future version-specific bug-fixes (with increased micro versions) will go to this branch (possibly cherry-picked from `master` branch).
* Create a tag for each released version (with "v" prefix):
git tag -a "v0.9.0" -m "tagging v0.9.0 for release"
* If everything looks good, push to the remote:
git push --tags
7. Publish a new release using Github Action
* [Draft a new release]( in Github Releases interface using the latest tag.
* If everything looks good, click "Publish release". [A github action workflow](.github/workflows/pypi-publish.yml) will be triggered automatically to build and publish the new release to PyPI.
Note: this Github action workflow requires a `PYPI_API_TOKEN` secret stored in the repository. You can create a PyPI token following [this instruction](
8. Alternatively, upload manually a new release to PyPI:
twine upload dist/*
Note: make sure `dist` folder contains only the new versions you want to publish.
Note: for now, this step needs to be done by newgene under ["newgene" PyPI account]( Ask for a token generated from "newgene" PyPI account.
9. Make it ready to work on the next development cycle
* Create a new development branch for the next major release, e.g. `0.12.x` after the `0.11.0` release:
git checkout -b 0.11.x
git push -u origin "0.11.x"
* Three active branches for future developemnt:
* `0.12.x` - new features/fixes for next `0.12.x` release
* `master` - basically a staging branch for the current `0.11.x` branch
* `0.11.x` - the branch is corresponding to the current published release till the next new `0.12.x` release
Note: typically, all future new commits should be merged into `0.12.x` branch, and for those bug-fixes commits relevant to published `0.11.x` releases, they can be merged or cherry-picked into `master` and then merged into `0.11.x` branch. When necessary, a bug-fix micro release of `0.11.x` (e.g. `0.11.1` release can be made from the `master` or `0.11.x` branch.