
Latest version: v0.12.5

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Not secure
Support Elasticsearch 6.x as the backend, Elasticsearch 2.x is no longer supported.
Require Python>=3.4.
Removed httplib2 dependencies.
Changed "msgpack=1" query parameter to "format=msgpack".
Support "format=yaml" return format.
Support "format=html" return format (useful for demo purpose).
Support always_list and allow_null query parameters.
Support optional "q=__any__" to return random docs.
Redesigned test helper.
Other accumulated improvements at

Not been released to PyPI.


Not secure
initial release

Release instructions

This is the procedure we use for "biothings" package release

1. Install the build package:

pip install build

2. Update version number in [biothings/](biothings/

3. Check and update []( if needed (dependencies, metadata etc.).

4. Build the package locally:

python -m build

5. Test the package built locally (update to the matching version in the file name):

pip install dist/biothings-0.9.0-py3-none-any.whl

And run any local test as needed (e.g. run pytest on a local BioThings API instance).

6. Prepare github repo for the release:

* Create a version branch if not already (no need for every micro versions):

git checkout -b 0.11.x
git push -u origin "0.11.x"

Note: future version-specific bug-fixes (with increased micro versions) will go to this branch (possibly cherry-picked from `master` branch).

* Create a tag for each released version (with "v" prefix):

git tag -a "v0.9.0" -m "tagging v0.9.0 for release"

* If everything looks good, push to the remote:

git push --tags

7. Publish a new release using Github Action

* [Draft a new release]( in Github Releases interface using the latest tag.
* If everything looks good, click "Publish release". [A github action workflow](.github/workflows/pypi-publish.yml) will be triggered automatically to build and publish the new release to PyPI.

Note: this Github action workflow requires a `PYPI_API_TOKEN` secret stored in the repository. You can create a PyPI token following [this instruction](

8. Alternatively, upload manually a new release to PyPI:

twine upload dist/*

Note: make sure `dist` folder contains only the new versions you want to publish.

Note: for now, this step needs to be done by newgene under ["newgene" PyPI account]( Ask for a token generated from "newgene" PyPI account.

9. Make it ready to work on the next development cycle

* Create a new development branch for the next major release, e.g. `0.12.x` after the `0.11.0` release:

git checkout -b 0.11.x
git push -u origin "0.11.x"

* Three active branches for future developemnt:

* `0.12.x` - new features/fixes for next `0.12.x` release
* `master` - basically a staging branch for the current `0.11.x` branch
* `0.11.x` - the branch is corresponding to the current published release till the next new `0.12.x` release

Note: typically, all future new commits should be merged into `0.12.x` branch, and for those bug-fixes commits relevant to published `0.11.x` releases, they can be merged or cherry-picked into `master` and then merged into `0.11.x` branch. When necessary, a bug-fix micro release of `0.11.x` (e.g. `0.11.1` release can be made from the `master` or `0.11.x` branch.

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