- Support for new RCSB search API (408)
- Added `case_sensitive` parameter in `database.rcsb.FieldQuery`
- `` support deuterium
- `structure.connect_via_distances()` can connect atoms over periodic boundaries
- Added more chain-level utilities consistent with residue-level utilities
- `structure.apply_chain_wise()`
- `structure.spread_chain_wise()`
- `structure.get_chain_masks()`
- `structure.get_chain_starts_for()`
- `structure.get_chain_positions()`
- `structure.superimpose()` supports also pure coordinates
- `structure.hbond()` uses an associated `structure.BondList` to find hydrogen atoms to potential hydrogen bond donors
- Lines depicting bonds in `` and `` use rounded tips
- Fixed `` missing chains in some structures (387)
- Added a more meaningful error, if *Matplotlib* is required, but not installed (302)
- Added more descriptive error, if a `` has erroneous atom IDs (379)
- `` pads lines always to 80 characters
- Allow empty attribute string in ``
- Fixed wrong similarity scores, if a `sequence.align.SubstitutionMatrix` with two different alphabets is read from string or file
- Fixed `application.mafft.MafftApp` runs for more than 10 sequences.