
Latest version: v0.8.0

Safety actively analyzes 706267 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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- Changed elliptic curve backend from OpenSSL to libsecp256k1. This results
in an order of magnitude faster key creation and signing/verifying.
- Improved performance of base58 encoding/decoding.
- **Breaking:** Dropped support for Python 3.3 & 3.4.
- **Breaking:** :func:`~bit.verify_sig` now returns ``False`` for invalid
signatures instead of raising an exception. Also, ``strict`` is no longer
a parameter as BIP-62 compliance is now required.



- **Fixed** :ref:`cold storage <coldstorage>` workflow.
- Improved performance of private key instantiation.



- Implemented a way to use private keys in :ref:`cold storage <coldstorage>`.
- Changed the default timeout of services from 5 to 10 seconds.
- Fixed network service redundancy by failing if response code is not 200.



- Improved stability of network tests.
- Added :func:`~bit.verify_sig`.
- Refactored crypto to yield over an order of magnitude faster hashing.



- Initial release.

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