------------------- * fixed MSVC compile error on Python 3 (thanks to Chris Gohlke) * add missing start and stop optional parameters to index() method * add examples/compress.py
------------------- * update documentation to use tobytes and frombytes, rather than tostring and fromstring (which are now deprecated) * simplified how tests are run
------------------- * added itersearch method * added Bloom filter example * minor fixes in docstrings, added more tests
------------------- * porting to Python 3.x (Roland Puntaier) * introduced `.tobytes()` and `.frombytes()` (`.tostring()` and `.fromstring()` are now deprecated) * updated development status * added sieve prime number example * moved project to github: https://github.com/ilanschnell/bitarray
------------------- * fixed reference counts bugs * added possibility to slice assign to `True` or `False`, e.g. `a[::3] = True` will set every third element to `True`
------------------- * Made C code less ambiguous, such that the package compiles on Visual Studio, with all tests passing.