What's Changed
* fix: Set select1b select2b to be optional by amix in https://github.com/Doist/bitmapist/pull/41
* feat: Add pre commit checks (black and flake8) by amix in https://github.com/Doist/bitmapist/pull/42
* feat: Added mypy and some super simple type hints to the public API by amix in https://github.com/Doist/bitmapist/pull/43
* feat: Added ability to specify start date in cohorts by amix in https://github.com/Doist/bitmapist/pull/44
* feat: Add extra number options (to Number of results/rows) by amix in https://github.com/Doist/bitmapist/pull/45
* chore: update flake8 repo in pre-commit config by deorus in https://github.com/Doist/bitmapist/pull/46
* fix: Correct minor spelling mistakes by tartansandal in https://github.com/Doist/bitmapist/pull/47
* Support python 3.11 by tartansandal in https://github.com/Doist/bitmapist/pull/48
New Contributors
* deorus made their first contribution in https://github.com/Doist/bitmapist/pull/46
* tartansandal made their first contribution in https://github.com/Doist/bitmapist/pull/47
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Doist/bitmapist/compare/3.105...3.107