
Latest version: v0.22.3

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* Added new attribute ``_device_info`` on ``BleakClientBlueZDBus``. Merges 347.
* Added Pull Request Template.


* Updated instructions on how to contribute, file issues and make PRs.
* Updated ``AUTHORS.rst`` file with development team.


* Fix well-known services not converted to UUIDs in ``BLEDevice.metadata`` in
CoreBluetooth backend. Fixes 342.
* Fix advertising data replaced instead of merged in scanner in CoreBluetooth
backend. Merged 343.
* Fix CBCentralManager not properly waited for during initialization in some
* Fix AttributeError in CoreBluetooth when using BLEDeviceCoreBluetooth object.




* Timeout for BlueZ backend connect call to avoid potential infinite hanging. Merged 306.
* Added Interfaces API docs again.
* Troubleshooting documentation.
* noqa flags added to ``BleakBridge`` imports.
* Adding a timeout on OSX so that the connect cannot hang forever. Merge 336.


* ``BleakCharacteristic.description()`` on .NET now returns the same value as
other platforms.
* Changed all adding and removal of .NET event handler from ``+=``/``-=`` syntax to
calling ``add_`` and ``remove_`` methods instead. This allows for proper
removal of event handlers in .NET backend.
* All code dependence on the ``BleakBridge`` is now removed. It is only imported to
allow for access to UWP namespaces.
* Removing internal method ``_start_notify`` in the .NET backend.
* ``GattSession`` object now manages lifetime of .NET ``BleakClient`` connection.
* ``BleakClient`` in .NET backend will reuse previous device information when
reconnecting so that it doesn't have to scan/discover again.


* UUID property bug fixed in BlueZ backend. Merged 307.
* Fix for broken RTD documentation.
* Fix UUID string arguments should not be case sensitive.
* Fix ``BleakGATTService.get_characteristic()`` method overridden with ``NotImplementedError``
in BlueZ backend.
* Fix ``AttributeError`` when trying to connect using CoreBluetooth backend. Merged 323.
* Fix disconnect callback called multiple times in .NET backend. Fixes 312.
* Fix ``BleakClient.disconnect()`` method failing when called multiple times in
.NET backend. Fixes 313.
* Fix ``BleakClient.disconnect()`` method failing when called multiple times in
Core Bluetooth backend. Merge 333.
* Catch RemoteError in ``is_connected`` in BlueZ backend. Fixes 310,
* Prevent overwriting address in constructor of ``BleakClient`` in BlueZ backend. Merge 311.
* Fix nordic uart UUID. Merge 339.




* Implemented ``set_disconnected_callback`` in the .NET backend ``BleakClient`` implementation.
* Added ``find_device_by_address`` method to the ``BleakScanner`` interface, for stopping scanning
when a desired address is found.
* Implemented ``find_device_by_address`` in the .NET backend ``BleakScanner`` implementation and
switched its ``BleakClient`` implementation to use that method in ``connect``.
* Implemented ``find_device_by_address`` in the BlueZ backend ``BleakScanner`` implementation and
switched its ``BleakClient`` implementation to use that method in ``connect``.
* Implemented ``find_device_by_address`` in the Core Bluetooth backend ``BleakScanner`` implementation
and switched its ``BleakClient`` implementation to use that method in ``connect``.
* Added text representations of Protocol Errors that are visible in the .NET backend. Added these texts to errors raised.
* Added pairing method in ``BleakClient`` interface.
* Implemented pairing method in .NET backend.
* Implemented pairing method in the BlueZ backend.
* Added stumps and ``NotImplementedError`` on pairing in macOS backend.
* Added the possibility to connect using ``BLEDevice`` instead of a string address. This
allows for skipping the discovery call when connecting.


* Support for Python 3.5.


* **BREAKING CHANGE** All notifications now have the characteristic's integer **handle** instead of its UUID as a
string as the first argument ``sender`` sent to notification callbacks. This provides the uniqueness of
sender in notifications as well.
* Renamed ``BleakClient`` argument ``address`` to ``address_or_ble_device``.
* Version 0.5.0 of BleakUWPBridge, with some modified methods and implementing ``IDisposable``.
* Merged 224. All storing and passing of event loops in bleak is removed.
* Removed Objective C delegate compliance checks. Merged 253.
* Made context managers for .NET ``DataReader`` and ``DataWriter``.


* .NET backend loop handling bug entered by 224 fixed.
* Removed default ``DEBUG`` level set to bleak logger. Fixes 251.
* More coherency in logger uses over all backends. Fixes 258
* Attempted fix of 255 and 133: cleanups, disposing of objects and creating new ``BleakBridge`` instances each disconnect.
* Fixed some type hints and docstrings.
* Modified the ``connected_peripheral_delegate`` handling in macOS backend to fix 213 and 116.
* Merged 270, fixing a critical bug in ``get_services`` method in Core Bluetooth backend.
* Improved handling of disconnections and ``is_connected`` in BlueZ backend to fix 259.
* Fix for ``set_disconnected_callback`` on Core Bluetooth. Fixes 276.
* Safer `Core Bluetooth` presence check. Merged 280.




* Improved, more explanatory error on BlueZ backend when ``BleakClient`` cannot find the desired device when trying to connect. (238)
* Better-than-nothing documentation about scanning filters added (230).
* Ran black on code which was forgotten in 0.7.0. Large diffs due to that.
* Re-adding Python 3.8 CI "tests" on Windows again.


* Fix when characteristic updates value faster than asyncio schedule (240 & 241)
* Incorrect ```` corrected. (244)




* Better feedback of communication errors to user in .NET backend and implementing error details proposed in 174.
* Two devices example file to use for e.g. debugging.
* Detection/discovery callbacks in Core Bluetooth backend ``Scanner`` implemented.
* Characteristic handle printout in ````.
* Added scanning filters to .NET backend's ``discover`` method.


* Replace ``NSRunLoop`` with dispatch queue in Core Bluetooth backend. This causes callbacks to be dispatched on a
background thread instead of on the main dispatch queue on the main thread. ``call_soon_threadsafe()`` is used to synchronize the events
with the event loop where the central manager was created. Fixes 111.
* The Central Manager is no longer global in the Core Bluetooth backend. A new one is created for each
``BleakClient`` and ``BleakScanner``. Fixes 206 and 105.
* Merged 167 and reworked characteristics handling in Bleak. Implemented in all backends;
bleak now uses the characteristics' handle to identify and keep track of them.
Fixes 139 and 159 and allows connection for devices with multiple instances
of the same characteristic UUIDs.
* In ``requirements.txt`` and ``Pipfile``, the requirement on ``pythonnet``
was bumped to version 2.5.1, which seems to solve issues described in 217 and 225.
* Renamed ``HISTORY.rst`` to ``CHANGELOG.rst`` and adopted
the `Keep a Changelog <>`_ format.
* Python 3.5 support from macOS is officially removed since pyobjc>6 requires 3.6+
* Pin ``pyobjc`` dependencies to use at least version 6.2. (PR 194)
* Pin development requirement on `bump2version` to version 1.0.0
* Added ``.pyup.yml`` for Pyup
* Using CBManagerState constants from pyobj instead of integers.


* Removed documentation note about not using new event loops in Linux. This was fixed by 143.
* ``_central_manager_delegate_ready`` was removed in macOS backend.
* Removed the ``bleak.backends.bluez.utils.get_gatt_service_path`` method. It is not used by
bleak and possibly generates errors.


* Improved handling of the txdbus connection to avoid hanging of disconnection
clients in BlueZ backend. Fixes 216, 219 & 221.
* 150 hints at the device path not being possible to create as is done in the `get_device_object_path` method.
Now, we try to get it from BlueZ first. Otherwise, use the old fallback.
* Minor documentation errors corrected.
* ``CBManagerStatePoweredOn`` is now properly handled in Core Bluetooth.
* Device enumeration in ``discover``and ``Scanner`` corrected. Fixes 211
* Updated documentation about scanning filters.
* Added workaround for ``isScanning`` attribute added in macOS 10.13. Fixes 234.




* Fix for bumpversion usage

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