This release brings bugfixes and a tiny breaking change related to the `bletl.growth.fit_mu_t` function:
+ The model was refactored to describe **µ only for the segments inbetween** the data points. This removes a bias introduced by incorrectly shifting the prediction by 1 timestep. Unfortunately this also means that **X and mu have different lengths**, so the `GrowthRateResult.t` **was removed** in favor of `GrowthRateResult.t_data` and `GrowthRateResult.t_segments`.
+ A `mu_prior` kwarg was added to `fit_mu_t`. This allows the user to predefine where the random walk should start and can greatly improve the result on datasets that don't start with a lag phase.
+ The `σ` kwarg was renamed to `drift_scale` and is no longer optional.
+ The probability threshold used for switchpoint detection can now be user-configured.
+ Two bugs in filtering detected switchpoints were fixed.
+ Initial growh rate guesses are now clipped to the interval [-0.5, 0.5].
See and for more information.