In this release we have added a new compiler for bloqade waveforms to turn them from our bloqade waveform language to python functions. To enable this when running the bloqade python emulator specify the `waveform_runtime=...` with either:
* `"interpret"` which corresponds to the original behavior
* `"python"` which generates python function representing the waveform
* `"numba"` Further compiles the python function with numba.
There is a slight performance gain when using the `"python"` option, and this really will only help for very complicated waveforms.
Note that this is pretty experimental; we have tested a decent number of waveforms, but there still might be some issues. It is easy to check by simply switching the `waveform_runtime` option
Other features
1. Added some changes to the visualization of the lattice in the `Report` object
2. Added visualization for programs with `parallelize`
3. Added support for emulating the full Bloqade IR. This means you can append sequences together and execute them, more to come here.