- Werner revised the intersect_pre_gid for loop. [Ben Torben-Nielsen]
- Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bbpgit.epfl.ch/sim/BGLibPy. [Werner Van
- Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bbpgit.epfl.ch/sim/BGLibPy. [Werner Van
- Added an option intersect_pre_gids to control from which pre_gids
synapses are generated in instantiate_gids of SSim. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added pylint ignore in cell.py. [Werner Van Geit]
- Create_sims_twocell.py now uses a pybinreports installation, instead
of a magic soma2h5.py file somewhere. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added a version of the test circuit nrn.h5 that has track times
disabled. [Werner Van Geit]
- Testing if disabling track times in h5py works. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added a warning when a spontminis statement in a BlueConfig is ignored
because it's preceded by another one. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added an extra unit test to the SynapseID test, to see if the
BlueConfig 'with' SynapseID generates a different result than the one
without it. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added unit test for SynapseID functionality of BGLib Fixed some issues
in the implementation of the SynapseID Replicated a 'feature' of BGLib
where only the first Connection block sets SpontMinis. [Werner Van
- Added functionality that handles the SynapseID field in Connection
blocks. [Werner Van Geit]
- Made runtests.sh fail if one of both tests fail. [Werner Van Geit]
- Checkout for directory of loading in test_load.py instead of
__init__.py. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added a test to see if the module is loaded from the right path.
[Werner Van Geit]
Removed hardcoded path in tests to /home/vangeit
- Add sim_twocell_neuronconfigure. [Werner Van Geit]
- Made all the class inherit from 'object' [Werner Van Geit]
- Added an exception in case the Cell template was not found. [Werner
Van Geit]
- Deprecated addCell in favor of add_cell Removed print statement in
cell.py. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added a BlueConfig template to test the two cell simulation with
NeuronConfigure. [Werner Van Geit]
- Enabled all the tests again, was only running test_ssim. [Werner Van
- Added support for '%g' in NeuronConfigure block. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added the ability to parse NeuronConfigure BlueConfig blocks to ssim.
[Werner Van Geit]
- Removed test_ssim selection from nosetest in runtests.sh.in. [Werner
Van Geit]
- Added ballstick.asc and hoc to ballstick_test directory, otherwise the
bglib simulatino there doesn't run. [Werner Van Geit]
- Changed the default value of 'distance' in synlocation_to_segx to 0.5,
the synchronize with BGLib. Before the Chand-AIS bug was fixed in
BGLib the default value was -1. [Werner Van Geit]
Changed the circuit for the unit tests of SSim to a newer version, that ran with a version of BGLib with the Chand-AIS bug
- Added an extra warning in case cvode was activated outside of
Simulation, to warn that this might prevent templates with stochastic
channels to load. [Werner Van Geit]
- Changes concerning the behavior of cvode=True in Simulation.run(). The
function will now save the old state of cvode, will set the state of
cvode to 'cvode' argument of the function, will then run the
simulation, and will afterwards put the state back This change was
necessary to allow the loading of template with stochastic channels,
after running of simulation with cvode=True. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added a unit test for calculate_SS_voltage. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added functionality to tools.calculate_SS_voltage_subprocess to check
if a template contains a stochastic channel, now it will automatically
disable cvode if that's the case. [Werner Van Geit]
- Changed the way the circuitpath is set for the twocell circuit
example, so that it's not hardcoded to /home/vangeit. [Werner Van
- Less calls to an improved parse_and_store..., part II. [Ben Torben-
- Less calls to an improved parse_and_store... [Ben Torben-Nielsen]
- Created external_tools dir with tools used by the tests, ideally this
directory should not exist, but this is a temporary place to save
tools that don't have a real home somewhere else. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added test to see if dimensions of the ballstick load correctly.
[Werner Van Geit]
- Commented out path to green function python file on viz cluster.
[Werner Van Geit]
- Ballstick is now part of the unit test suite. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added a check in the unit tests to see if the diameters / lengths of
soma,basal and apical are loaded correctly. [Werner Van Geit]
- Regenerated examples. [Werner Van Geit]
- Working version of ballstick, no analytic solution comparison yet.
[Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bbpgit.epfl.ch/sim/BGLibPy. [Werner Van
- Working on ballstick unit test, unfinished, temporarily disabled test.
[Werner Van Geit]
- Added a unit test that tests a two_cell simulation with replay, minis
and stimuli. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added a README for twocell_circuit. [Werner Van Geit]
- Syntactic changes in the out.dat parser in SSim In replay unit test,
now add dummy spike because BGLib cannot handle an empty out.dat.
[Werner Van Geit]
- Added unit tests for two cell circuit with minis. [Werner Van Geit]
- Cleaned up the output to stdout. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bbpgit.epfl.ch/sim/BGLibPy. [Werner Van
- Move synapseconfigure block in add_replay_synapse to a place after
setting the Use and Dep etc, otherwise the values get overwritten.
[Werner Van Geit]
- Added finitialize to the initialization of a Cell. Solved a bug in
which the diameters of the morphologies were not set correctly
WARNING: this change will mess up replays when more than one cell is
loaded. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/merge-vangeit' [Werner Van Geit]
- Small change in README. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added a unit test for the two cell circuit ssim with replay. [Werner
Van Geit]
- Changed instantiate_gids call to allow more specific control on which
level mechanism are loaded from the large simulation. [Werner Van
- Added noisestim unit test to ssim. [Werner Van Geit]
- Updating the naming of sim_twocell. [Werner Van Geit]
- Fixed small bug where print was still used in ssim. [Werner Van Geit]
- Fixed syntactic error in test_ssim. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added two files that were missing from the previous commit. [Werner
Van Geit]
- First unit test that compares ssim with real bglib now working.
[Werner Van Geit]
- SSim now uses printv / printv_err to print messages based on verbose
level. [Werner Van Geit]
- Fixed bug in run of ssim, tstop and dt should be cast to a float when
reading from the BlueConfig. [Werner Van Geit]
- SSim run now default to the tstop and dt from the BlueConfig. [Werner
Van Geit]
- Added a verbose level function. Use printv(message, verbose_level) to
print depending on the verbose level. [Werner Van Geit]
- Fixing the script to create twocell_empty unit test sim. [Werner Van
- Added unit test for deprecation warning. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'ebmuller' [Werner Van Geit]
- Fix to the deprecation decorator to support python 2.6. [Eilif Muller]
- Moved example files for unit tests to 'example' directory Started
building a script to create a test simulation. [Werner Van Geit]
- Brought the test_ssimm into nosetest format. [Werner Van Geit]
- Moved more scripts to create_extracted. [Werner Van Geit]
- Changes to scripts to test extracting circuits. [Werner Van Geit]
- Add script to make test circuit. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added test circuit with two cells. [Werner Van Geit]
- Syntactic changes to test_cell. [Werner Van Geit]
- Read BaseSeed instead of baseSeed from BlueConfig Works now if
BlueConfig contains SynapseReplay (just ignores it) [Werner Van Geit]
- Added support for steps_per_ms run() [Werner Van Geit]
- Removed again the 'epsilon' trick with the dt proposed by M. Hines,
since this trick is not used in BGLib. [Werner Van Geit]
- Changes in my testextractor script. Preparing to move everything to
unittest dir. [Werner Van Geit]
- Updates to the testextractor. [Werner Van Geit]
- Renamed the function simulate() to run() in ssim. [Werner Van Geit]
- First working version of testextractor. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added a check to only add synapses to a cell when there is at least
one presynaptic cell The BaseSeed gets now correctly parsed to an int
from an integer after it's read from the BlueConfig. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added checks to see if out.dat exists, and if a gid exists when it's
instantiated. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added a script to test the bluepy extractor, and run a small circuit
with BGLibPy. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bbpgit.epfl.ch/sim/BGLibPy. [Werner Van
- Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bbpgit.epfl.ch/sim/BGLibPy. [Werner Van
- Commented out numpy in my testreplay.py. [Werner Van Geit]
- Moved werner tests in separate directories Added a message that shows
where BluePy is loaded from. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added comments to explain some unit tests. [Werner Van Geit]
- Nosetests now stop after first error. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'ebmuller' [Werner Van Geit]
- Changes to use bluepy circuit extractor. Not yet tested because
blocked by a bglib module bug on viz cluster. [Eilif Muller]
- Small changes to my own replay tests. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bbpgit.epfl.ch/sim/BGLibPy. [Werner Van
- Moved import of matplotlib into the appropriate function call. [Werner
Van Geit]
- Added a flag DBBPSANTIAGO=ON to define the location of nrn on the BBP
Redhat Santiago test machine. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added BBPQUANTAL as configure option in cmake. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added some extra tests for the Cell class. [Werner Van Geit]
- Changed a call to addRecording to add_recording. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added some comment in the cell.py code. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added some verbose messages. [Werner Van Geit]
- Commented out a debug message that showed the seeds used for the
minis. [Werner Van Geit]
- Updated my personal test scripts. Changes made to test full replays of
BGLib. [Werner Van Geit]
- Changed the way the Simulation object runs a simulation. This is now
done by calling neuron.h.run() for the full period of time. This is at
the moment the only way to get a near perfect replay of the original
BGLIB. Breaks all code that depends on python stepping out of Neuron
every timestep (like live plotting) [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bbpgit.epfl.ch/sim/BGLibPy. [Werner Van
- Revert "Publishing updated achievement" [Werner Van Geit]
This reverts commit e78d5aa8dda1e9a00cdba0e4a91afd5b7105cf0b.
- Publishing updated achievement. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added a shebang to the shell scripts. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added headers to all the python files. [Werner Van Geit]
- Started adding documentation. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bbpgit.epfl.ch/sim/BGLibPy. [Werner Van
- Solved a bug in which paths.config was not closed after opening.
[Werner Van Geit]
- Removed warning when no presynaptic spikes. [Werner Van Geit]
- Prevented crash when no SynpaseConfigure block was present More
verbose when adding minis. [Werner Van Geit]
- Small syntactic change in reading out.dat. [Werner Van Geit]
- Update way blueconfig file is load in the Pure BGLib test script.
[Werner Van Geit]
- Fixed some calls to old deprecated functions in cell and plotwindow.
[Werner Van Geit]
- Ignoring coverage reports in git. [Werner Van Geit]
- Renamed test dir test_cell to cell_example1, because it confused
nosetests. [Werner Van Geit]
- Importer now load SerializedSections instead of SerializedCell, this
is now an official file in BlueBrain. [Werner Van Geit]
- Simulation.run uses step again, live updating of plots supported
again. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bbpgit.epfl.ch/sim/BGLibPy. [Werner Van
- Temporarily added Eilif's soma2h5.py to my test dir. [Werner Van Geit]
- Fixed some bugs in cell.py: persistent.objects is supposed to be
replaced with persistent Now code checks if gethypamp and getthreshold
in a template before assigning the properties. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added example Blueconfig to run BGLib as temporary test. [Werner Van
- Create get_time and get_soma_voltage, deprecated old version Fixed a
bug where get_target was called on circuit instead of simulation.
[Werner Van Geit]
- Changed the way the 'run' function works, it now gives complete
control to neuron until tstop Live plotting WON'T work anymore for the
time being Also wernertests directory with temporary tests. [Werner
Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bbpgit.epfl.ch/sim/BGLibPy. [Werner Van
- Moved charging of synapses into Cell. [Werner Van Geit]
- Fixed bugs in synlocation_to_segx, now almost contains the same code
as locationToPoint of BGLib. But there is still an discrepancy, in the
sense that when distance = -1 (when a synapse is tried to be placed on
the axon), BGLibPy will put the synapse at location 0, while BGLib
will NOT place the synapse. [Werner Van Geit]
- Renamed syn_description to connection_parameters. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'btn' [Werner Van Geit]
- Panic? Maybe it works now...? [Werner Van Geit]
- No real change, just to resolve a conflict while merging with
3dd85917e52b2f81cdc328bd512bb00b1e282388. [Werner Van Geit]
- Small refactoring of some variables in Cell. [Werner Van Geit]
- Moved the mini creation to cell.py. [Werner Van Geit]
- Moved ssim noisestim in cell Now using TStim for hyamp stimulus.
[Werner Van Geit]
- Replaced the out.dat reader with a much smaller version. [Werner Van
- Small code fixing, persistent is now object, not class. [Werner Van
- Resolved an import warning in __init__.py. [Werner Van Geit]
- Code cleanup and detailed code checking. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bbpgit.epfl.ch/sim/BGLibPy. [Werner Van
- Fixed a bug in ssim add_replay_noise. The variance was not divided by
100, like in tstim.noise( $4, $5, threshold*$2/100, threshold*$3/100 )
[Werner Van Geit]
- Removed mechanisms from cell. [Werner Van Geit]
- Fixed a bug concerning distance that was not initialize in
location_to_point. [Werner Van Geit]
- Add import SSim from ssim to __init__.py. [Werner Van Geit]
- Removed some whitespaces. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'btn' [Werner Van Geit]
- Ssim now able replay as before with atomized function calls.
_add_replat_stimuli has to be changed to use BluePy in the near
future. [Ben Torben-Nielsen]
- Nose test for the replay functionality in bglibpy.ssim.SSim. [Ben
- Deprecated some more functions. [Werner Van Geit]
- Ignore .bglib* files. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added ignore for .bglib files. [Werner Van Geit]
- The importer now adds NRNPYTHONPATH to sys.path. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'master' of ssh://bbpgit.epfl.ch/sim/BGLibPy. [Werner Van
- Imported pylab only at moments when it's necessary, to be able to run
the code without a display variable set. [Werner Van Geit]
- Renamed add_synapse to add_replay_synapse in cell.py. [Werner Van
- Added a shell script to execute the test (after install) [Werner Van
- Removed syns from ssim and put it into cell. [Werner Van Geit]
- Removed --processes from nosetests, not supported on vizcluster Added
-v to nosetests. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ebmuller' into separate_files.
[Werner Van Geit]
- Added validation of Ben's PSP amplitude code against bglib. Added
.gitignore. [Eilif Muller]
- Cosmetic changes to test_ssim.py. [Eilif Muller]
- Moved deprecated functions to the back. [Werner Van Geit]
- Changed header of location_to_point. [Werner Van Geit]
- Moved some cell functionality from ssim to cell (add_synapse,
get_section, ...) [Werner Van Geit]
- Fixed the test_ssim, to work with Ben's new version of ssim. [Werner
Van Geit]
- Fixed celsius=-34 arg, and lack of use of it in run function. [Eilif
- Changed the ssim, simulation and cell classes, so that they can handle
templates with stochastic channels The gid is now passed to the cell
object, and re_init_rng is called that sets the random seed of the
stochastic channels dependent on the gid of the cell. [Werner Van
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/btn' into separate_files. [Werner
Van Geit]
- _evaluate_connection_parameters was prohibitively slow due to many
bluepy...get_target calls. Solved. [Ben Torben-Nielsen]
- Nose tests for the ball-and-stick model. Part I: comparison of B&S
models with ExpSyn (requires Willems code for some tests) [Ben Torben-
- Added import neuron to tools.py, was bug. [Werner Van Geit]
- Removed check for pythonlibs in CMakeLists.txt, not really necessary.
[Werner Alfons Hilda Van Geit]
- Disabled the progressbar when loading the gids. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added ctest -VV to build.sh.example. [Werner Van Geit]
- Made it possible to run make test to run the nosetests. [Werner Van
- Merge btn and ebmuller in separate files branch. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'ebmuller' into separate_files. [Werner Van Geit]
- Forgot to add these files to the last commit. [Eilif Muller]
- Fixed problem with ProbAMPANMDA_EMS (needs gsyn in nS not uS, so
scaled gsyn by 1000). Comparisons in btn_bs_nogreen.py now agree to
within .05 mv. Added comparison with Ben's ssim psp, and some
differing dt, code ssim psp infrastructure and bglib agree to a much
better margin. [Eilif Muller]
- Merge remote branch 'origin/btn' into ebmuller. [Eilif Muller]
- Refresh of soma.h5 from bglib. [Eilif Muller]
- Merge branch 'btn' into separate_files. [Werner Van Geit]
- Current script to compare BGLIB vs. BGLibPy. [Ben Torben-Nielsen]
- Updated soma.h5 voltage trace with nseg=200 change in ballstick.hoc
template. [Eilif Muller]
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/ebmuller' into btn. [Ben Torben-
- Adding ballstick test circuit and sim, and output using bglib. [Eilif
- Merge remote branch 'origin/master' into ebmuller. [Eilif Muller]
- Work in progress on comparison bglibpy / analytic / bglib. [Ben
- Merge branch 'btn' into separate_files. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into btn. [Ben Torben-
- Add a script to convert ballstick.asc to ballstick.h5. [Werner Van
- Added h5 version of ballstick.asc. [Werner Van Geit]
- Update the ballstick morphology so that it doesn't contain an axon.
[Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'ebmuller' [Werner Van Geit]
- Added ball-and-stick model test. [Werner Van Geit]
- Put the SerializedCell.hoc back, loading TargetManager.hoc instead
generates a neuron seg fault. [Werner Van Geit]
- Removed dependency from SerializedCell.hoc, TargetManager.hoc gets
load now instead. [Werner Van Geit]
- Started adding some tests. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added a new proposal for Connection block parsing, and test cases.
[Eilif Muller]
- Fixed bug, targets are fetched from simulation object (which includes
start.target and user.target), error is raised if target not found.
[Eilif Muller]
- Started adding some tests. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'master' into separate_files. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added newline to make a line shorter in cmakelists.txt. [Werner Van
- Changed prefix behaviour to use distutils prefix computer. [Eilif
- Made morph path code remove /h5 if present in the blueConfig, fixed a
typo: basSeed->baseSeed. [Eilif Muller]
- Trying to solve the issue with 'import neuron' [Werner Van Geit]
- Replace PYTHON_BINARY by 'python' when executing python to find python
install path. [Werner Van Geit]
- Put all the classes in separate files. [Werner Van Geit]
- The CMakeLists now detects the pythonxxx/site-packages directory from
the python install. [Werner Van Geit]
- Ran pyflakes, pylint, and pep8 on the code. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'btn' [Werner Van Geit]
- Some more functionality for SSIm. [Ben Torben-Nielsen]
- Some of the SSIM (unclean) [Ben Torben-Nielsen]
- Start of the Small-number simulator an extension of bglibpy to add
powerful replay functionality. [Ben Torben-Nielsen]
- Merge branch 'btn' of ssh://bbpgit.epfl.ch/sim/BGLibPy into btn. [ben]
- Nothing to report. [ben]
- Merged with master. [ben]
- Some changes to make bglibpy run on Linsrv2. [Werner Van Geit]
- Fixed string in CMakeLists.txt. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'btn' into btn-merge Installing bglibpy in subdirectory
of site-packages. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/btn' into btn. [Werner Van Geit]
- Final before other repository. [ben]
- Cleaned bglibpy + moved static methods to tools.py. [ben]
- Creating BTN branch. [ben]
- Added bluepy location for CMake. [Werner Van Geit]
- Removed the 'rm' command from the build.sh.example. [Werner Van Geit]
- Changed the CMakefile so that the mod files only compile when they
have been changed. [Werner Van Geit]
- Finalized the merge, got code into correct style. [Werner Van Geit]
- Merge branch 'btn' of bbplinsrv2:../torben/bglibpy into btn. [Werner
Van Geit]
- Chap. [Benjamin Torben-Nielsen]
- Modifications to get Ben started. [Benjamin Torben-Nielsen]
- Cleaned up the code. [Werner Van Geit]
- Changed cmake install, so that you now have to specify the
NRNPYTHONPATH. [Werner Van Geit]
- Reworked the installation system, now uses cmake. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added function to show the dendrite section number that come out of
the soma. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added setup.py script, reorganized structure. [Werner Van Geit]
- Added function to find apical trunk. [vangeit]
git-svn-id: https://bbpteam.epfl.ch/svn/user/vangeit/bglibpy/trunk4731 3947adc2-bc01-0410-925f-c2a438adfcc0
- Before changing the way synaptic attenuations are calculated (i.e. no
synapses on apical shaft anymore) [vangeit]
git-svn-id: https://bbpteam.epfl.ch/svn/user/vangeit/bglibpy/trunk4411 3947adc2-bc01-0410-925f-c2a438adfcc0
- Removed some obsolete comments. [vangeit]
git-svn-id: https://bbpteam.epfl.ch/svn/user/vangeit/bglibpy/trunk4410 3947adc2-bc01-0410-925f-c2a438adfcc0
- Big update of bglibpy, added ability to show different dendrogram,
moved modlib into bglibpy, calculating synapse atten. [vangeit]
git-svn-id: https://bbpteam.epfl.ch/svn/user/vangeit/bglibpy/trunk3924 3947adc2-bc01-0410-925f-c2a438adfcc0
- Added test script. [vangeit]
git-svn-id: https://bbpteam.epfl.ch/svn/user/vangeit/bglibpy/trunk3285 3947adc2-bc01-0410-925f-c2a438adfcc0
- Faster figure update. [vangeit]
git-svn-id: https://bbpteam.epfl.ch/svn/user/vangeit/bglibpy/trunk3280 3947adc2-bc01-0410-925f-c2a438adfcc0
- Added files. [vangeit]
git-svn-id: https://bbpteam.epfl.ch/svn/user/vangeit/bglibpy/trunk3273 3947adc2-bc01-0410-925f-c2a438adfcc0
- Started. [vangeit]
git-svn-id: https://bbpteam.epfl.ch/svn/user/vangeit/bglibpy/trunk3272 3947adc2-bc01-0410-925f-c2a438adfcc0