New Features
- Added ``ww3`` command line interface to download WaveWatch III data by date,
region and quantity (significant wave height, wind speed, etc.). (`1 <https://github.com/csdms/bmi-wavewatch3/issues/1>`_)
- Added ``WaveWatch3`` class, which is the main access point for users of this package.
This class downloads WaveWatch III data files (if not already cached) and provides a
view of the data as an xarray Dataset. Users can then advance through the data
month-by-month, downloading additional data as necessary. (`3 <https://github.com/csdms/bmi-wavewatch3/issues/3>`_)
- Added the ``ww3 clean`` subcommand that removes cached data files. (`4 <https://github.com/csdms/bmi-wavewatch3/issues/4>`_)
- Added ``BMIWaveWatch3`` class to provide a Basic Model Interface for the
*wavewatch3* package. (`5 <https://github.com/csdms/bmi-wavewatch3/issues/5>`_)
- Added additional WaveWatch III data sources from which users can fraw data
from. (`6 <https://github.com/csdms/bmi-wavewatch3/issues/6>`_)
- Added ``fetch`` method to WaveWatch3 to mimic the command line program
``ww3 fetch``. (`7 <https://github.com/csdms/bmi-wavewatch3/issues/7>`_)
- Added additional data sources from which to retreive data from. Available
data sources now include: Phase 1, Phase 2, Multigrid, Multigrid-extended,
and Multigrid-thredds. (`7 <https://github.com/csdms/bmi-wavewatch3/issues/7>`_)
- Added ``ww3 info`` command to print information (e.g. available grids, quantities,
etc.) about data sources. (`7 <https://github.com/csdms/bmi-wavewatch3/issues/7>`_)
- Added a ``step`` property to ``WaveWatch3`` to track the current time slice
of the data cube. This property is also settable so that a user can use it to
advance throught the data (additional data are downloaded in the background as
needed). (`8 <https://github.com/csdms/bmi-wavewatch3/issues/8>`_)
- Dates can now be specified as iso-formatted date/time strings. For example,
"1944-06-06T06:30". (`8 <https://github.com/csdms/bmi-wavewatch3/issues/8>`_)
- Rename package to ``bmi_wavewatch3``. This follows the convention used by other
CSDMS data components. (`9 <https://github.com/csdms/bmi-wavewatch3/issues/9>`_)
Documentation Enhancements
- Added package description, installation, usage, and an example to the
documentation. (`8 <https://github.com/csdms/bmi-wavewatch3/issues/8>`_)
Other Changes and Additions
- Set up continuous integration using GitHub actions. This includes tests to
ensure that the code is styled according to *black*, is free of lint, and
passes all unit tests. (`2 <https://github.com/csdms/bmi-wavewatch3/issues/2>`_)
- Added more unit tests, particularly for data sources. (`7 <https://github.com/csdms/bmi-wavewatch3/issues/7>`_)
- Added a GitHub action to build the sphinx-based documentation as part of the
continuous integration. (`8 <https://github.com/csdms/bmi-wavewatch3/issues/8>`_)
- Better error reporting for the command line interface for HTTP errors when
retreiving data as well as input validation. (`8 <https://github.com/csdms/bmi-wavewatch3/issues/8>`_)
- Set up GitHub Action to create a source distribution and push it to
*TestPyPI*. This action is only run if the version tag is a prerelease version
(i.e. the version string ends with ``[ab][0-9]+``). (`10 <https://github.com/csdms/bmi-wavewatch3/issues/10>`_)