- Quote version strings in YAML. See: https://github.com/travis-ci/docs-travis-ci-com/issues/1540
- Use default Travis notifications.
Until now only the creator of the package would get a notification, instead of the committer.
Fixes `issue 208 <https://github.com/plone/bobtemplates.plone/issues/208>`_.
- Fix coveralls for packages created with addon and theme_package by converting the pickle output of createcoverage in .coverage to json.
- Fixes 235: Different roles in tests for install and uninstall.
Use Manager role in uninstall test.
Then both install and uninstall are executed with role Manager.
- fix linting problems and error in theme_package tests
- Update setuptools and zc.buildout versions.
- Improve docs by fixing some reST, typos and grammar
- Update link to docs.plone.org in README
- Imporve docs template for valid reST generation
- use bobtemplate.cfg to store meta data for sub-templates 245
- fix naming of vocabularies
- fix buildout template and add some docs about the used buildout.plonetest configuration
- add behavior sub-template to create Plone behaviors