* Update Needle version * Run tests in parallel * Improvement in speed and network usage with Firefox default settings * Add the ability to save the Firefox log
* Add support for programmatic customization of the Firefox profile preferences * edX best practices - Update doc theme; add yaml file for OEP2 compliance tracking * Improve linting and test execution
* Support Python 3 * Use pytest to run tests * Save browser page source on failure * Allow configuration of the firefox profile * Upgrade dependencies, improve test coverage
* Remove browsermobproxy and HAR capture feature * Add ability to save browser page source to disk * Update from pep8 to pycodestyle * Clean up requirements and setup.py, start using tox * Build and distribute wheels
* Updated the a11y-custom-rules output to include the severity of the a11y failure * Added Chris Rodriguez to AUTHORS file
* Support Opera browser * Improve browser instantiation logic to include retries