
Latest version: v0.6.2

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* Extraction of HU values is now via nodes, and then interpolated to the integration points via the element shape function, rather than directly extracting the HU values to the integration points.
* Abaqus example job files added for a shoulder model, including user subroutine
* Updated readme to render correctly on PyPi


* Extraction of HU values is now via nodes, and then interpolated to the integration points via the element shape function, rather than directly extracting the HU values to the integration points.
* Abaqus example job files added for a shoulder model, including user subroutine


Updated for ABAQUS version >= 2021


Bug fix preventing plug-in from being loaded into ABAQUS


- Upgrading of GUI to include
- Automatic populating of combo boxes for bone region model and set
- Now accepts an entire part instance, rather than requiring a set
- Updating of GUI input checking
- No longer need the model opened in the current viewport
- Creates an element set within the odb output - required for use with pyvXRAY
- Modified loading of CT slices. Now only opens the CT slices that are required, not the entire stack
- Breaking down functions in according to function


- Added to enable easy setting of version (to various places)
- Updated GUI to check if part instance / assembly set contains elements

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