* We did an architectural change and switched to a biencoder model. This changes our task flow and dataprep. This new model uses less CPU storage and uses the standard BERT architecture. Our entity encoder now takes a textual input of an entity that contains its title, description, KG relationships, and types.
* To support larger files for dumping predictions over, we support adding an ``entity_emb_file`` to the model (extracted from ``extract_all_entities.py``. This will make evaluation faster. Further, we added ``dump_preds_num_data_splits`` to split a file before dumping. As each file pass gets a new dataload object, this can mitiage any torch dataloader memory issues that happens over large files.
* Renamed ``eval_accumulation_steps`` to ``dump_preds_accumulation_steps``.
* Removed option to ``dump_embs``. Users should use ``dump_preds`` instead. The output file will have ``entity_ids`` attribute that will index into the extracted entity embeddings.
* Restructured our ``entity_db`` data for faster loading. It uses Tries rather than jsons to store the data for read only mode. The KG relations are not backwards compatible.
* Moved to character spans for input data. Added utils.preprocessing.convert_to_char_spans as a helper function to convert from word offsets to character offsets.
* ``BOOTLEG_STRIP`` and ``BOOTLEG_LOWER`` environment variables for ``get_lnrm``.
* ``extract_all_entities.py`` as a way to extract all entity embeddings. These entity embeddings can be used in eval and be used downstream. Uses can use ``get_eid`` from the ``EntityProfile`` to extract the row id for a specific entity.