Fixes: * get_all_groups() was paginated. Bump to max_records=100 until issue is permanently addressed.
Fixes: * Fix KMS key retrieval
Features: * Automatically remove default users
Fixes: * Fix log path in salt_utils script * Configure salt to log to stdout and it's normal log file * In tags_to_grains don't *require* a 'aws:cloudformation:stack-name' tag outside cloudformation
* Fix bug in `upload_salt` fab task that where you would get an OSError if you had created any files in your projects ./salt/_grain folder.
* Change how we produce the "salt.tar" so that it is both simpler and platform agnostic * Place a salt minion config file so that we look for files in /srv/salt and /srv/salt-formulas
* Provide a wrapped `cfn_delete` task that will remove the managed salt.tar.gpg so that when we make the DeleteStack API call it doesn't error saying the bucket is not empty.