With this release, `borb` is one step closer to being able to write a PDF/A-1b document.
We still need to create an `\OutputIntents` Dictionary in the document to be fully compliant.
This is planned for the next release.
This release features:
- Minor bugfix to estimating width of a space character
- Useful in text extraction
- Bugfix in `TrueTypeFont` to build a proper `\Widths` array and `cmap`
- Fixes in `XMPDocumentInfo` class
- Title
- Author
- Creator
- CreatorTool
- Separate logic that writes `\Info` `Dictionary`
- This class now also writes the `XMP` `\Metadata` when needed
- Enables PDF/A-1b
- Added tests for PDF/A-1b (preservation of metadata)