* Added new method to `SoundTouchClient`: GetAudioSpeakerAttributeAndSetting - allows speaker attribute and settings to be retrieved (Rear, SubWoofer01, SubWoofer02).
* Added new method to `SoundTouchClient`: GetAudioProductLevelControls - allows speaker levels to be retrieved (FrontCenterSpeakerLevel, RearSurroundSpeakersLevel).
* Added new method to `SoundTouchClient`: SetAudioProductLevelControls - allows speaker levels to be adjusted (FrontCenterSpeakerLevel, RearSurroundSpeakersLevel).
* Added new method to `SoundTouchClient`: SetAudioDspControls - allows audio dsp controls to be adjusted (AudioMode, VideoSyncAudioDelay, SupportedAudioModes).
* Removed method from `SoundTouchClient`: SetAudioDspControlsAudioMode - replaced this with the more robust SetAudioDspControls method.
* Added class `SoundTouchHdmiCecModes` to define HDMI CEC Mode values.
* Added class `SoundTouchAudioModes` to define Audio Mode values.
* Updated documentation for various classes and sample code snippets.