random_line, some 3.6 passes * FEATURES * Add random_line function, and expose that. * Add send_with_one_media to send text and one image. * Expose set_up_logging to callers.
* DEV * Use python3.6 format strings, everywhere.
catch rate limit errors * BUGFIXES: * Tweepy throws RateLimitErrors separate from TweepErrors. Catch both separately in API calls.
secrets_dir bugfixes * BUGFIXES: * SECRETS_DIR was not specified correctly - it ended up wherever the library was on disk. Update so it must be provided to the skeleton. This allows caller to put it wherever they want, useful for when you're using bots in production.
initial bugfixes * BUGFIXES: * Added \_\_init\_\_.py in botskeleton so bots can import it correctly. * Fixed class name for proper new-style class. * Fixed name in setup.py and specified python_requires correctly.
Initial release * Features * Basic bot library ripped from shared code from NaBoMaMo 2016 bots. * basic repo stuff like LICENSE, setup.py