
Latest version: v0.13.2

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.. rubric:: Whats new?

* A brand new plugin-API. See :doc:`plugins/index` and :doc:`plugins/dev` for details.
* The :func:`route` decorator got a lot of new features. See :meth:`Bottle.route` for details.
* New server adapters for `gevent <>`_, `meinheld <>`_ and `bjoern <>`_.
* Support for SimpleTAL templates.
* Better runtime exception handling for mako templates in debug mode.
* Lots of documentation, fixes and small improvements.
* A new :data:`Request.urlparts <BaseRequest.urlparts>` property.

.. rubric:: Performance improvements

* The :class:`Router` now special-cases ``wsgi.run_once`` environments to speed up CGI.
* Reduced module load time by ~30% and optimized template parser. See `8ccb2d </commit/8ccb2d>`_, `f72a7c </commit/f72a7c>`_ and `b14b9a </commit/b14b9a>`_ for details.
* Support for "App Caching" on Google App Engine. See `af93ec </commit/af93ec>`_.
* Some of the rarely used or deprecated features are now plugins that avoid overhead if the feature is not used.

.. rubric:: API changes

This release is mostly backward compatible, but some APIs are marked deprecated now and will be removed for the next release. Most noteworthy:

* The ``static`` route parameter is deprecated. You can escape wild-cards with a backslash.
* Type-based output filters are deprecated. They can easily be replaced with plugins.



.. rubric:: API changes

These changes may break compatibility with previous versions.

* The built-in Key/Value database is not available anymore. It is marked deprecated since 0.6.4
* The Route syntax and behaviour changed.

* Regular expressions must be encapsulated with `. In 0.6 all non-alphanumeric characters not present in the regular expression were allowed.
* Regular expressions not part of a route wildcard are escaped automatically. You don't have to escape dots or other regular control characters anymore. In 0.6 the whole URL was interpreted as a regular expression. You can use anonymous wildcards (``/index:(\.html)?``) to achieve a similar behaviour.

* The ``BreakTheBottle`` exception is gone. Use :class:`HTTPResponse` instead.
* The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine escapes HTML special characters in ``{{bad_html}}`` expressions automatically. Use the new ``{{!good_html}}`` syntax to get old behaviour (no escaping).
* The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine returns unicode strings instead of lists of byte strings.
* ``bottle.optimize()`` and the automatic route optimization is obsolete.
* Some functions and attributes were renamed:

* :attr:`Request._environ <BaseRequest._environ>` is now :attr:`Request.environ <BaseRequest.environ>`
* :attr:`Response.header <BaseResponse.header>` is now :attr:`Response.headers <BaseResponse.headers>`
* :func:`default_app` is obsolete. Use :func:`app` instead.

* The default :func:`redirect` code changed from 307 to 303.
* Removed support for ``default``. Use ``error(404)`` instead.

.. rubric:: New features

This is an incomplete list of new features and improved functionality.

* The :class:`Request` object got new properties: :attr:`Request.body <BaseRequest.body>`, :attr:`Request.auth <BaseRequest.auth>`, :attr:`Request.url <BaseRequest.url>`, :attr:`Request.header <BaseRequest.header>`, :attr:`Request.forms <BaseRequest.forms>`, :attr:`Request.files <BaseRequest.files>`.
* The :meth:`Response.set_cookie <BaseResponse.set_cookie>` and :meth:`Request.get_cookie <BaseRequest.get_cookie>` methods are now able to encode and decode python objects. This is called a *secure cookie* because the encoded values are signed and protected from changes on client side. All pickle-able data structures are allowed.
* The new :class:`Router` class drastically improves performance for setups with lots of dynamic routes and supports named routes (named route + dict = URL string).
* It is now possible (and recommended) to return :exc:`HTTPError` and :exc:`HTTPResponse` instances or other exception objects instead of raising them.
* The new function :func:`static_file` equals :func:`send_file` but returns a :exc:`HTTPResponse` or :exc:`HTTPError` instead of raising it. :func:`send_file` is deprecated.
* New :func:`get`, :func:`post`, :func:`put` and :func:`delete` decorators.
* The :class:`SimpleTemplate` engine got full unicode support.
* Lots of non-critical bugfixes.

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