- Addition of a `ChromBPNet` model
- Addition of an explicit, shared, `Logger` class
- "Peak" semantics have been switched to "locus" semantics
- Newly added.
- This file contains the `ChromBPNet` class, which is a wrapper that
takes in two BPNet objects: a pre-trained bias model, and an untrained
accessibility model, and specifies the training procedure for training
the accessibility model.
- The semantics of "peaks", e.g. `extract_peaks`, has been changed to loci,
e.g. `extract_loci`, and the associated keywords (now `loci` from `peaks`)
can take in a list or tuple of files to interleave them. This means you
can now train on peaks and background regions.
- Newly added.
- This file contains the `Logger` class which is a simple way to record
and display statistics during training.