* Fixed: units_to_bytes returning 0 if input value <10 and in bits * Added: Testing for some functions and classes * Added: net_iface variable to set startup network interface, by raTmole * Added: use_fstab variable to get the disk list from /etc/fstab, by BrHal * Added: Categories in Options menu and only_physical option for disks
* Fixed: Disks usage and free meters not updating unless resized * Changed: All boxes are now toggeable with key 1-4, start argument -b/--boxes and config variable shown_boxes. * Changed: Moved testing from Travis CI to Github workflow
* Fixed: Added nullfs filesystem to auto exclude from disks list * Fixed: Process box not updating on window resize
* Added: Process update multiplier (only update processes every X times) to reduce cpu usage (set to 2 by default) * Changed: Patch for faster loading of config file, by rohithill * Added: Network interface list now updates automatically, by UmarJ * Notice: Bumped minimum python version to 3.7 because of unicode issues in 3.6 * Added: pylint disable=unsubscriptable-object because of python 3.9 issue * Changed: Default theme now has a black background * Fixed: Crash if bpytop.conf exists but don't have update_ms variable set
* Fixed: Removed "/sys/class/power_supply" check for FreeBSD and OsX
* Fixed: Text argument in subprocess not working on python 3.6 * Changed: Disks filtering now uses full mountpoint path for better accuracy * Fixed: Disable battery detection if /sys/class/power_supply is missing to avoid exception is psutil * Fixed: Catch faulty temperature readings instead of crashing * Changed: psutil update to 5.8.0 in pypi package (fixes errors on apple silicon cpus)