We have moved to a beta phase. Bracord is almost ready to be finished based on the intial plan.
What's Changed
- Added docs by MrFellox a1f3627b873c0bc1d3625a94dcc1c340b3907697
- Fixed errors in boilerplate code by MrFellox 2a468f6655fc901e9da243ea797bcf4b3cb4ac7c
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/MrFellox/bracord/compare/v0.3.1-planning...v0.3.2-beta
What's Changed
* Release v0.3.1-planning by MrFellox in https://github.com/MrFellox/bracord/pull/2
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/MrFellox/bracord/compare/v0.3.0-planning...v0.3.1-planning
What's Changed
- Added `cog` command.
- This will create a new cog, and add it to the `cogs` folder.
- It will also set the extension to load on your `__init__.py` file.
- `verify` command now needs the `.env` file to be in the current directory.
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/MrFellox/bracord/compare/v0.2.0-planning...v0.3.0-planning
What's new
- Added `init` command.
- Starts a setup that initialized a bracord project.
- It contains a `.env` file with some special keys, the bot's folder that includes all the bot's code and a `bot.py` file that starts the bot.
- Add cog setup functionality
- Add database support (?)
- commands to create simple, and quick common commands.
- Like `kick`, `mute` and so on.
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/MrFellox/bracord/commits/v0.2.0-planning