**August 2021**
A major, and long waited, update since the previous release.
This is the first version effectively validated against FLAT index results.
It would take a lot of time to reconstruct everything that has changed from the first release so we'll just give a brief overview of the changes made in this new shiny version.
*Major changes*
* Morph object Indices are now tuples (gid, section, segment)
* New High level API/CLI for loading nodes and edges
* Initial IndexGrid and bindings, for future very large circuits
* Added support for Section IDs
* Added support for Synapses Indexer
* Now supports CLI for indexing circuits
* Easier installation and interoperability with Sonata
* Gids, Section and Segment IDs are now ensured to be compliant with FLAT (0/1-based)
* Lots of validation fixes
* Improved installation experience
* Introduced IndexGrid/MultiIndex
* Refactoring internal index intities, less inheritance
* Extensive validation against FLAT
* Many fixes for robustness and stability