List of changes:
- methods perform_bandpass and perform_bandstop now use start_freq and stop_freq instead center_freq and band_width
- add method get_custom_band_powers, it works as get_avg_band_powers but you can define bands by yourself
- method predict from MLModel now returns array of doubles instead single value
- add ONNX classifier, now you can use your own models from brainflow api
- removed and renamed old classifiers and metrics, the idea is to replace them by ONNX models
- BrainFlowModelParams has two new optional fields output_name and max_array_size, they may be needed for onnx
- java: add method overloading for enums in addition to ints. e.g: BoardIds board_id = BoardIds.SYNTHETIC_BOARD, before it had to be int board_id = BoardIds.SYNTHETIC_BOARD.get_code()
- cpp: methods for fft now return size
- perform_wavelet_denoising now has more arguments to tune, wavelet is changed from string to enum