
Latest version: v0.3.0

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- initial version based on pyQGIS
- added exclusion of circles
- more efficient merge/union-logical
- removed resulting group layer (to prevent crashing of QGIS) - extra research needed
- add logic for openbaar domein (od_strategy)
- intermediate layers added as an advanced parameter
- Native processes as child_algorithms
- Process NonThreaded to fix QGIS from crashing
- Added advanced parameter for processing input-multipolygons as single polygon
- rewriting to use Aligner (shapely-python)
- cleanup and added docs to Aligner
- Resulting output made available for further QGIS-modelling
- added enum - parameter to download actual GRB (adp-gbg-knw)
- added enum - parameter for od-strategy
- changes implemented for refactored brdr


! Not Backwards compatable !

- Refactoring:
- refactor the structure of the (internal) dicts: dict_series, dict_predicted. More logical and faster [57]
- refactoring of 'formula-function': more generic [59]
- removed deprecated loaders from codebase [77]
- simplify the core-functionalities of Aligner: process, predict, compare [89]
- cleanup unused functions [81]

- Functionalities:
- Add brdr-version to formula [66]
- predict: filter duplicate predictions [70]
- Predictor: add a attribute (nr_calculations) that states how many predictions are found, so it can used in the
output [69]
- Added GRB-function"update_to_actual_version", to be used in brdrQ [64]
- Added GRBSpecificDateLoader: Alignment on GRB (parcels) on specific date [63]
- Added OnroerendErfgoedLoader, to load OnroerendErfgoed-data [65]
- Bugfixing:
- adding a safe_equals-function to catch GEOsException bug [71]


- fixed last_version_date in aligner.get_formula()
- fixed logic of evaluate() in
- added function to transform geojson to consistent geometry-type (MultiPolygon)


- add GRB update detection functions and logic
- refactor loader code and other non generic
parts ([17](, ([#7](
- add functionality to set a maximum feature size for input
features (([50](
- fix bug reulting from overlapping features in thematic
layer ([46](


- Initial version



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