What's Changed
* split up main function by shimwell in https://github.com/fusion-energy/brep_to_h5m/pull/26
* added .__version__ number to package by shimwell in https://github.com/fusion-energy/brep_to_h5m/pull/28
* Adding package version and mini refactor by shimwell in https://github.com/fusion-energy/brep_to_h5m/pull/30
* updating branch by shimwell in https://github.com/fusion-energy/brep_to_h5m/pull/31
* added code space dev env by shimwell in https://github.com/fusion-energy/brep_to_h5m/pull/32
* added dev env by shimwell in https://github.com/fusion-energy/brep_to_h5m/pull/33
* updating dev fork by shimwell in https://github.com/fusion-energy/brep_to_h5m/pull/34
* added standard citation file by shimwell in https://github.com/fusion-energy/brep_to_h5m/pull/35
* Adding h5m in memory method by shimwell in https://github.com/fusion-energy/brep_to_h5m/pull/29
* Adding h5m in memory method by shimwell in https://github.com/fusion-energy/brep_to_h5m/pull/37
* adding in memory method by shimwell in https://github.com/fusion-energy/brep_to_h5m/pull/38
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/fusion-energy/brep_to_h5m/compare/0.3.1...0.4.0