* Briefcase is more resilient to file download failures by discarding partially downloaded files. (753)
* All warnings from the App and its dependencies are now shown when running `briefcase dev` by invoking Python in [development mode](<https://docs.python.org/3/library/devmode.html>). (#806)
* The Dockerfile used to build AppImages can now include user-provided container setup instructions. (886)
* It is no longer necessary to specify a device when building an iOS project. (953)
* Briefcase apps can now provide a test suite. `briefcase run` and `briefcase dev` both provide a `--test` option to start the test suite. (962)
* Initial support for Python 3.12 was added. (965)
* Frameworks contained added to a macOS app bundle are now automatically code signed. (971)
* The `build.gradle` file used to build Android apps can now include arbitrary additional settings. (973)
* The run and build commands now have full control over the update of app requirements resources. (983)
* Resources that require variants will now use the variant name as part of the filename by default. (989)
* `briefcase open linux appimage` now starts a shell session in the Docker context, rather than opening the project folder. (991)
* Web project configuration has been updated to reflect recent changes to PyScript. (1004)
* Console output of Windows apps is now captured in the Briefcase log. (787)
* Android emulators configured with `_no_skin` will no longer generate a warning. (882)
* Briefcase now exits normally when CTRL-C is sent while tailing logs for the App when using `briefcase run`. (904)
* Backslashes and double quotes are now safe to be used for formal name and description (905)
* The console output for Windows batch scripts in now captured in the Briefcase log. (917)
* When using the Windows Store version of Python, Briefcase now ensures the cache directory is created in `%LOCALAPPDATA%` instead of the sandboxed location enforced for Windows Store apps. (922)
* An Android application that successfully starts, but fails quickly, no longer stalls the launch process. (936)
* The required Visual Studio Code components are now included in verification errors for Visual Studio Apps. (939)
* It is now possible to specify app configurations for macOS Xcode and Windows VisualStudio projects. Previously, these sections of configuration files would be ignored due to a case discrepancy. (952)
* Development mode now starts apps in PEP540 UTF-8 mode, for consistency with the stub apps. (985)
* Local file references in requirements no longer break AppImage builds. (992)
* On macOS, Rosetta is now installed automatically if needed. (1000)
* The way dependency versions are specified has been modified to make Briefcase as accomodating as possible with end-user environments, but as stable as possible for development environments. (1041)
* To prevent console corruption, dynamic console elements (such as the Wait Bar) are temporarily removed when output streaming is disabled for a command. (1055)
Improved Documentation
* Release history now contains links to GitHub issues. (1022)
* 906, 907, 918, 923, 924, 925, 926, 929, 931, 951, 959, 960, 964, 967, 969, 972, 981, 984, 987, 994, 995, 996, 997, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1012, 1013, 1020, 1021, 1023, 1028, 1038, 1042, 1043, 1044, 1045, 1046, 1047, 1048, 1049, 1051, 1052, 1057, 1059, 1061, 1068, 1069, 1071