Breaking changes
Python 2 compatibility removed
Removing the Python 2 compatibility layer allows for much cleaner and more compact code, and the use of some components from the in-development Brightway version 3 libraries.
All internal paths are now `pathlib.Path` objects
This allows for cleaner and more consistent code. Includes things like `projects.dir`.
`SingleFile` and `JSON` backends removed
These backends were implemented many years ago, and most of the current code already assumes the SQLite backend.
SQLite backend code refactored
The `peewee` directory is removed, and most of the code now lives in `bw2data.backends`. `LCIBackend` is removed, and now `SQLiteBackend` directly subclasses `ProcessedDataStore`.
Other changes
Use of `bw_processing`
We now use [bw_processing]( to create processed arrays. Processed arrays are compressed directories (because there is a metadata file as well, and possibly multiple array files). All databases, methods, etc. will need to be reprocessed, but this happens automatically via a data migration.
`bw_processing` has a completely different API, and LCA objects no longer have a single set of parameters (like `tech_params`) for each matrix - instead, they have data resources, which offer more flexibility, but also more complexity. See the `bw_processing`, `matrix_utils`, and `bw2calc` documentation.
Database IDs for activities preferred
Using integer IDs is the preferred way to identify activities and products in Brightway 3. You can now easily get the integer id of an activity:
>>> a = bw2data.Database("something").random()
And use the integer ID in the `get` functions:
>>> bw2data.get_activity(19014)
'treatment of aluminium in car shredder residue, municipal incineration' (kilogram, RoW, None)
>>> bw2data.Database("something").get(19014)
'treatment of aluminium in car shredder residue, municipal incineration' (kilogram, RoW, None)
You can also call `get_id` on activity keys:
>>> bw2data.get_id(a)
>>> bw2data.get_id(a.key)
`mapping` no longer used, though compatibility layer added
You can still import `mapping`, but this will just look up the IDs from the SQLite database. There is no longer a separate file.
This change means that you **can no longer add exchanges or characterization factors which reference activities that don't (yet) exist**.
Smaller changes
* `IOTableBackend.write` arguments have changed to `(products, prod_exchanges, tech_exchanges, bio_exchanges)`.
* `bw2data.utils.safe_filename` was moved to `bw_processing`
* `Database.get` is removed (though `Database('foo').get()` still works). Use `get_activity` instead.