
Latest version: v2.24.0

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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__What's New:__

* Support for tag membership rules.


* Allow the creation of external tags (tags associated with an identity provider) using a non-SCIM identity.

__Bug Fixes:__

* None


* None


* None


__What's New:__

* Workload API coverage (create workload federation identity providers and map to service identities) `workload`
* System Policies coverage `system.policies`
* System Roles coverage `system.roles`
* System Permissions coverage `system.permissions`


* Add custom attribute coverage to users and service identities

__Bug Fixes:__

* None


* For dev/test removed the pin on `pytest` which was causing issues with newer versions of python


* None



This python file only holds one method `build`. The remainder of the system policy logic has been created
in `system.policies` so as not to cause confusion with secrets manager and profile policies.

In the next major release, `` will be retired. As of release `2.17.0` the `` method
simply calls ``.


__What's New:__

* Natively support Azure Managed Identity OIDC authentication for workload federation.


* None

__Bug Fixes:__

* None


* None


* None


__What's New:__

* None


* None

__Bug Fixes:__

* Added missing API call `profiles.get_scopes()`


* None


* None


__What's New:__

* Added two new APIs for managing single environment scope changes for a profile
* `profiles.add_single_environment_scope()`
* `profiles.remove_single_environment_scope()`


* None

__Bug Fixes:__

* None


* None


* None


__What's New:__

* None


* None

__Bug Fixes:__

* In `` properly handle when lists are empty


* None


* None

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