- Resolved a bug where ``decompress()`` would return an empty bytestring instead of erroring if the provided bytestring was small enough. - Added the ``finish()`` method to the streaming decompressor.
- Update to v0.5.2 of the Brotli library. - Add new exception type (``Error``). - Add compatibility with C++ brotli library by aliasing ``Error`` to ``error``. - Extra error checking of input parameters to the compressor.
- Update to v0.5.0 of the Brotli library. - Extend one-shot compression API to include all control parameters. - Added streaming/incremental compression API. - Added flags to control compression mode.
Update to v0.4.0 of the Brotli library.
Update to v0.3.0 of the Brotli library.
Fix broken ``brotli.compress`` support on Windows.