- New features
- new option `tags_to_mark: Literal["all", "default_html"]` for all BrowserGym environments 129
When set to `"all"`, all page elements get marked and receive a BID.
When set to `"default_html"`, only [standard HTML tags](https://www.w3schools.com/TAGS/default.asp) get marked and receive a BID (default behaviour).
- Improvements
- the bid of `div` and `span` elements will now be available in the AXTree as well as the DOM 119
The `aria-description` field is now used in addition to the `aria-roledescription` as a fallback. This allows us to recover the bid of elements with `generic` role (`div`, `span`) for which `aria-roledescription` [is not supported in the AXTree](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Attributes/aria-roledescription#associated_roles). Thanks MurtyShikhar for noticing 110
- New features
- The output of `pip list` and `pip freeze` is now logged when an experiment is ran 130