What's Changed
New Features
* Feature: Add PNG image file as tiny type by jakob-bagterp in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/121
* Refactor: Minor correction of naming for "expectation" in tiny type test sets by jakob-bagterp in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/123
* Optimisation: Apply async to complete page screenshot method for subtasks that can run concurrently by jakob-bagterp in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/124
* Refactor representation test of tiny types for FilePNG, URL, XPath by jakob-bagterp in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/129
* Refactor bypass test of tiny types for FilePNG, URL, XPath by jakob-bagterp in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/128
* Feature: Refactor input type for timeout from int to float so we can use fractions of seconds by jakob-bagterp in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/131
* Feature: Add ValueError if expected handles input is less than 0 in wait_until_number_of_window_handles_is method by jakob-bagterp in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/133
* Optimisation: Apply async to complete page screenshot method for subtasks that can run concurrently (part 2) by jakob-bagterp in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/134
* Refactor: Wrap check_if_is_image_loaded() method in try/except clause, including remove timeout and wait_for_element() from method by jakob-bagterp in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/135
* Feature: Add check if contains any text method by jakob-bagterp in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/136
* Feature: Add wait until contains any text method by jakob-bagterp in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/137
* Feature: Add wait until is clickable method by jakob-bagterp in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/138
* Feature: Refactor and optimise check if contains text method by jakob-bagterp in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/139
* Feature: Refactor and optimise check if is image loaded method by jakob-bagterp in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/140
* Fix missing input for expected_handles in wait_until_number_of_window_handles_is method by jakob-bagterp in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/132
* Minor fix of missing return values in expectation test methods by jakob-bagterp in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/130
Updated Dependencies
* Bump flake8 from 4.0.1 to 5.0.1 by dependabot in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/125
* Bump flake8 from 5.0.1 to 5.0.3 by dependabot in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/126
* Bump flake8 from 5.0.3 to 5.0.4 by dependabot in https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/pull/127
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/jakob-bagterp/browserist/compare/v0.16.0...v0.17.0