Correcting import error and adding tests.
Significant enhancements accompany this release:
New Functionality
- Specific username and password values can be "prioritized", i.e. guessed before others, to place emphasis on high-value targets.
**Username Deactivation**
- If a username is found to be invalid during an attack, it can be "deactivated" -- removing it from additional guesses.
- The username is still maintained in the database to ensure that it is not put back into the line of fire due to subsequent imports to the database.
**Blackout Window**
- A window of time where no guesses should occur can now be configured.
- This allows operators to configure attacks to occur during set testing hours, such as `17:00:00-09:00:00`.
- Only a single blackout period can be set currently.
**Timezone Support**
- Specific timezones can now be applied.
- This assists in situations where the target environment resides in a distinct timezone and an operator would like to ensure that timing configurations like a blackout window aren't botched by mistake.
- **Warning:** Do not change timezones between attacks. Logic to shift between zones has not been implemented.
Schema/SQL Query Enhancements
**Faster Imports**
- I'm bad at SQL.
- Forced myself to sit down and look at queries to make imports more efficient.
- Imports of large files consisting of 25,000 values now occurs quickly.
- Drawing associations between large imports such as the one described above now happens within seconds instead of minutes.
**Faster Queries**
- Additional database tables have been implemented in an effort to speed up queries.
- In reality, _nearly_ all queries have been restructured to conform to the latest SQLAlchemy stuffs.