
Latest version: v4.5.0

Safety actively analyzes 665909 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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:sparkles: New Features
- [`f234265`]( - add conventional commits and auto release *(PR #864 by drodarie)*
- :arrow_lower_right: *addresses issue 860 opened by Helveg*

:bug: Bug Fixes
- [`32799b4`]( - use github app to bypass the main branch protections. *(PR #872 by drodarie)*
- :arrow_lower_right: *fixes issue 870 opened by drodarie*


* Introduction of a pool caching system
* Fix run iteration values in core
* Add FixedOutdegree


* Created geometric shape connection strategies
* Added support for multiple shapes for each cell type
* Written docs for geometric shapes
* fix typing and casting of post connectivity hooks
* fix readthedocs conflicts with furo package
* Add test to check if Allen API is down and skip related tests


* Fix reference of file_ref during configuration parsing when importing nodes.
* Use a more strict rule for Jobs enqueuing.
* Use certifi to fix ssl certificate issues.


* Added `ParsesReferences` mixin from bsb-json to allow reference and import in configuration files.
This includes also a recursive parsing of the configuration files.
* Added `swap_axes` function in morphologies
* Added API test in pre-commit config and fix duplicate entries.
* Fix `PackageRequirement`, `ConfigurationListAttribute`, and `ConfigurationDictAttribute`
inverse functions
* Refactor `CodeDependencyNode` module attribute to be either a module like string or a path string
* Fix of assert_same_len
* Fix of test_particle_vd

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